Will Longer Growing Seasons Cause Food Shortages? . . .

Started by redcliffsw, December 03, 2015, 08:36:57 AM

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King Obama thinks so.  He declared yesterday that global warming will somehow cause a "food crisis" that will "require" military intervention to solve.  Unless of course we tax gasoline at $20/gallon, then all will be peachy.
-Thomas DiLorenzo




Jane, I have said on the Forum several times that the King of Saudi Arabia has said oil is going down, and it has. Whatever the King wants when it comes to Oil he will get. January Futures are at $39,94, down $1.91 on the day, Phillips WTI Posting is at $36.56, WTS is at $32.97. Their June Postings were WTI, $57.88, their June WTS Posting for Sour crude was $55.88. I think it could be leveling out in the near future, US and Canadian Drilling has slowed way down, That is what OPEC and the King wanted to accomplish.


Jane, after I posted today about the Crude Oil Prices, I thought about the Energy Prices over my lifetime. As a young boy growing up in Howard, my first car was a 49 Dodge, I lived with Garisons  and Earl got it in on a Trade, I told him I wanted it, he said I could have it for a $100.0, I asked him how much I would have to pay each month, he said"I am not going to Loan you the Money, you have to borrow it. I was shocked. I didn't know anything about borrowing Money. He said go to the Bank and talk to Ralph Perkins, I was scared but I went, Ralph told me he would loan me the $100, I could pay it back by paying $10.00 a month for 11 months. I paid it off and it was a great lesson. I bought that Car when I was 16, it was 1956, I would stop at Henry's Cities Service Station and buy a whopping 50 Cents worth of Gas at 17 Cents a Gallon. It is unbelievable the Oil prices I have seen in my Lifetime. When I started with Phillips in 1970, crude oil was $2.77 a Barrel, when I went to Midland in 1980 it was Sky High at $39.00 a Barrel. Then the Best President in my Lifetime took office,  Ronald Reagan, by 1986 he had oil back to $9.00 a Barrel. Since then I have seen it as high as a $150.00 a barrel and back to where it is now at $36.65 a Barrel. Who knows where it is going in the Future. I worry about my Children and Grandchildren, I think they will Face some real Serious Energy Shortages in their Lifetime. Well I have rambled enough, Rex, give my Favorite Jane a big Hug for me. You know you two are always welcome in our house.


$900 dollars a barrel ? I must of slept through  them times. What was the price of gas ? :angel:


Sorry Jar, I goofed, it was supposed to be $9.00 a barrel. I would bet if anyone would catch it, it would be you. Thanks



Ronald Reagan was the absolute best President in my lifetime. I wish we had him back today, in fact I would even take Jimmy Carter back,  as bad as he was.

Dee Gee

Well what is it $900.00 , or $90.00, or $9.00 per barrel?
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


Dale I t is $9.00, I apologize for the error.

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