First Frost in Prosper, TX

Started by frawin, December 02, 2015, 08:38:37 AM

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We had our First frost this morning. It was 30 Degrees when we got up at 5:00 . I have never really been ready for Fall and Cold weather. I hated going to the Barn to Milk at 5 every Morning. It was cold and I didn't have as Warm of Clothes as there is available now. We don't control the Weather and I am Thankful for that. if OBUMA controlled the Weather he would Freeze all of us Right Wing Conservatives to Death. Fortunately the Weather is Vontrooled by the Man Upstairs. Would someone Post your Weather there this Morning.

Diane Amberg

We still have gentle rain continuing from yesterday, and it's about 55. The veggies finally gave up from a heavy frost a few days ago, but I still have a few roses, geraniums and begonias blooming in sheltered areas.  We just came off an extremely warm November for us. If not a record breaker, it was close. The gas bill sure liked it. El Nino is supposed to give us a much warmer winter than usual. We get moderated somewhat because of the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean anyway. We'll see what we say when January arrives.


We are clear and cold.  I am not sure what the temperature was this morning but it has been below freezing every morning for more than a week.  My flowers are almost all gone now.  I haven't really looked at them, but the little pansies are still blooming and the snapdragons are trying to straighten up from the ice and cold.

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