Any body know????

Started by Jane, November 26, 2015, 09:01:56 PM

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Rex says, George Gardner lived in the house after Loren Fear.


Jane, I don't remember him, I remember  well when Buford and Lillian McKinney lived there, Myrna and I stopped there often to visit with them, sometimes Russel Carl was there and we had a great time talking about Howard and Elk County in the old days, Buford was an Early Day Pioneer and he loved to Reminice about the Good Old Days, it was always interesting. Lots of changes in that area, across the Street was Henry's Cities Serivice Station, my Brother Bob , worked there. Just South of the Station was a Small Motel that Henry's Owned or at least operated, Today there is a Restaurant there. Behind Henry's Station was Wylers Packinghouse, Ed Wyler owned it, his Brother Harry worked there as did Arkie Ritter and my Brother Bob. All that is gone now. Kind of sad to see all that gone and that many of the people have passed away.As I have said many times"This getting old sure ain't for Sissies.

W. Gray

Someone started tearing that packing house down in the last few years. It took them a while. A good part of it has been hauled off.

I have not been to Howard since June 2014 and Google aerial image of June 2014 still shows a mess there from the debris.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

W. Gray

Whoever he left it to--it just sits there. The car, an Oldsmobile I think, may or may not be gone. I cannot see it via Google or Bing. When the car was there sitting in the driveway, it looked like someone was always home.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Jim and Debbie Stange own that property. He ran a gas station there when we first moved to town (1990). When rules changed for underground storage tanks, he closed the gas station but still did mechanics and sold tires. For awhile Debbie ran a restaurant on the north end of the building. Excellent cook! Jim also had an ice house at the back of the property and sold bulk ice to most of the stores. There was also a car wash back there, which he ran until Crigers built theirs on the highway.


Waldo, it was my understanding that everything went to Paul's 2 Nieces, Francis' Girls, I doubt if they were every in Elk County, or at least  not since their Grandmother passed Way, and  maybe not then.


If I remember right Paul's green car was a Ford LTD. As a pup growing up in Elk Falls I think Paul either lived there or sure stayed there a lot. I think he was a reporter for the Independence reporter then later wrote articles for the Kansas Wildlife magazine.
Frank , I think the place you are talking about in Elk Falls was inherited by Paul but not known as the Bocquin place but rather the Keefe Homestead---or something like that. I used to pick up groceries for Ms Keefe at Fox Grocery and deliver them to her. I didn't know her name but the mailbox said "W. E. Keefe "so in my young mind I thought her name was "We ". Any idea how Paul was related to "We"?


The first Staion there was a Mobil Station, the First Person to operate it was Russell Gilbert, then my Brother Bob took over. That land belong to Earl Garison, I was living with them at the time it was Built. Right South of where the Station was he had the Builder, I think it was Barger and Sons, run the footing for a Restaurant. At the time there was already 4 eating places in Town, the last I remember the  Footing was still there. I was surprised that Mobil wanted to put a Station in there as there were already two in the immediate area, John Parker had the 66 Station just to the North, and Ed Henry had the Cities Service Station to the South , at the time there was or Had been 6 or maybe 7 Stations in the Down Town area. There was the one at the South end of Main Street, it was Sinclair, Adrian Hebb ran it, in Later years he bought the Pontiac Dealership from San Hug and his Show room was in the Front Part of the station. There was one at the North end of The Main Street, it was a ?Sinclair Station and Carl Lauffer ran it. There was a Soverign Service Station On the North end of Main Street, the Wucherfnigs Ran it, in later years, Shave Cox had it, I don't remember if it is still there or not. The Sinclair Station on the NW corner that Carl Kauffer had was later Dr Markeleys Vet practice . On the corner NW across from the Courthouse was Jim Hawkins Mobil Station, in later years Jim Carter ran it. A block South on the Corner on the Eastside, there had been a Station, but it was gone before my day, I don't know what brand it was or who had it. The last one I remember was several Blocks South from the Westside of the  Courthouse, Across the street to the NW across from where Kay and Kathryn Mitchell lived, it was Vacant when I first remember, I never knew who ran it or what brand it was. In the Early 50s, Frank Simon tore down the old Station Building and built a nice home there, Frank may have lived in it awhile, my best memories of that House was when Willis and Ruth Osborne Lived there, they were good Friends of my Family and I used go visit with them, I was pretty young and we could visit for hours. That s what I remembered. My wife says I need to stop Posting for awhile, that I am Hogging the forum and people are going to get tired of my Rambling.


Jar, Mrs Keefe  was Paul's Grandmother, she was his Mother's Mother. I knew it was the Keefe House, Just referred to as the Boquin House because Her married name was Bocquin and so was Paul's,, my Mistake. Paul was living there when we lived in Bartlesville. Most of Myrna's Mothers Family is Buried in the Elk Falls Cemetery, so every year we Decorated the Graves there. When we went thru we would always stop and see Paul, he was always Happy to see us, I don't think he had many visitors at all. He was always elated to see us, he would ask about my 2 sisters that he went to School with in Howard.


Frank, I think Rex's Grandfather Tarwater, owned the filling station across from the Cox building on the corner. I could be wrong but I think that is what he said.

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