Any body know????

Started by Jane, November 26, 2015, 09:01:56 PM

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We were told today, that where Loren Fear lived there will be a Dollar General going in. I have heard this rumor before and was wondering, if anybody in Howard heard about this.


I think it's a Dollar General, yes. They've already torn down the house, clearing the land.

W. Gray

Which side of the highway and near what other business?

Some information on the web says that Dollar General was founded in 1939 and now has 11,700 stores, but that is limited to 40 states. There are 197 stores in Kansas.

It is headquartered in Goodlettsville in northern Tennessee, which had 13,000 people in 2010.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


East side of the highway and not near any other businesses.  Maybe two blocks north of Elk Street.


Went out and took pictures today, so here are two photos. One is of the cleared land. Just south of it (on the right side of the photo) is Nungessor's. The other photo is taken from the driveway of the cleared land and shows the west side of the street.

W. Gray

Thank you for posting those photos.

Below is the "before."

From Washington Street south, Nungesser's and one other residence are the only ones left on the east side of K-99. The other house has been sitting unoccupied for a number of years with a car outside that has been sitting there for the same number of years.

Does someone know the story behind that unoccupied house? I spoke to that individual a couple of times before he passed on but cannot recall his name. He apparently left his furnished home and car to either the city or county and they cannot do anything with it?

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Waldo, I should know who lived there, I delivered Papers all along there. I can close my eyes and see every House along the East Side of 99, but I can't place that one. I can remember everyone that lived along there but, not this House or who lived in it.Starting from the North going South, the First Place was the John Garison place, next was Earl Garisons then the Emil Bocquin House, next was Art Zollman, then Loren Fear, then his Father Seth Fear. From their to the Lake Road there were no Houses. I delivered Newspapers along there and I am closing my eyes and thinking and I can not visualize that house 60 years ago. Waldo, Iam almost positive that was Seth Fears Place, he was Loren Fears Father, a really nice old Gentleman, he lived there alone, his Wife passed away, long before my time. It is either that or Art Zollmans home, if I was there and could see where is sets, I could tell you who lived there from around 1950 to 1980.

W. Gray

Here is the house I was thinking about.

After the house was torn down for the Dollar General, that leaves only two houses on the east side of K-99, Nungessers and this one. It has been sitting there vacant for a number of years and either the county or the city owns it by bequeath.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


That is the house that Paul Boquin lived in until his passing. He left most of his estate to the Catholics from what I understood at the time, though I don't know for a fact that the house was left to the church.Paul was a confirmed bachelor.
The house has been vacant for a number of years.


I should have recognized that House, as I lived next to it for along time when I lived with Garisons. Many times I listened  to Mrs  Bocquin Hollering at Poor old Emil, she would be Hollering so Loud I could hear here very well, and they lived a good distance from Garisons, she most of the time she would start out saying" you Hump backed SOB shut up when I am talking to you, poor old Emil wouldn't say a word". Paul was a really nice person, he was in one of my sisters Grades in School, I think it was Velda's, Paul was a very different type Person, he was always very friendly, but really stiff, astute, I really felt sorry for him. He stayed there in Howard and took care of his Mother until she died. Her name was Ruth, she was just as mean to Poor old Paul as she was to her Husband, he stayed there and cared for her until she Died. They bought a new Dodge from Garisons around 1953, Paul was her Chauffer he drove her everywhere,  Bocquins owned a large Block of Land East of Howard, and they rented it out to different Ranchers, she make Paul Drive out to see the pastures and make the renters did not have to many Cattle on it, they Drove that new Dodge, that was the only Vehicle they had. Well one day while they were driving around counting the Cattle , Paul hit a Big Rock and knocked a Big Hole in the Oil Pan, Speck Hull and I took Garisons Wrecker out to get them, when we got there she was madder than and old Wet Hen, she was still Cussing Pool old Paul when we got there. There was was not room in the Wrecker for Both of them, so we had to go to a nearby Ranchhouse and call back to Howard to get someone to come get them when they got there to pick them up, Poor Paul said "Iam riding back with you in the Wrecker". Emil had been Married d before he Married Ruth, he had a Son from the First Marriage, his name was Francis, he was Grown and out of College long before I was old enough to know him, he left Howard and Moved back East somewhere" The only time I ever remember him coming back was when Ruth passed away. The land that they had was from Emils side of the House, I heard when she died she left everything to Paul and nothing to Emils son Francis. Paul Lived alone in the House , there on the Highway until he Died. After Ruth died , Paul would have Openhouse at the old Bocquin House , every year at the Outhouse Festival. When Paul Died I heard he left everything to his Half Brother, Francis. Ruth probably was cussing him from her Grave, enough of my Rambling, it is just that the picture of that House brought back lots of Memories.

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