I need HELP!

Started by Teresa, February 01, 2007, 10:45:36 PM

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Moth balls are like the pyramids, they are eternal. Enjoy the smell it makes a great story. My suggestion is to read the box, it may give you some ideal as to how long they last.
Army Mom


I have had moth balls in a box, wrapped in plastic for 20 years and they can still be smelled.  Janet wants to know what that smell is everytime she goes into the utility room.  I don't notice them anymore.  Maybe you will just get used to it after awhile.


As my dear old Uncle Fred would say:'You s--t in your nest"
Get used to the smell of Grandma's closet. You snooped around in there enough, it shouldn't be too difficult.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Quote from: Sarge on February 02, 2007, 08:45:22 PM
As my dear old Uncle Fred would say:'You s--t in your nest"
Get used to the smell of Grandma's closet. You snooped around in there enough, it shouldn't be too difficult.

*GASP*** :o
Snooped around in grandma's closet??
Why why.. ahhh ... sputtering.. ...

ha ha ha  :D ;D :D ;D ... Yep..I did..
And it was kind of creepy to me ( I was only a little girl remember) and I think it was one of those things where we weren't supposed to be in there , so it kind of made you want to be in there to see why. I never saw anyting that was interesting. I actually loved the pantry. THAT really was my favorite room in the house. And I'm sure you did your share of "snooping" too.  ;)

Granddads "Old House" was the best place to hang out in ..wasn't it? But nothing out there to snoop. I just liked being in there.

And, my dear cousin....your "Uncle Fred" just  happens to be "my daddy".. sooooooooooo.. I am well aware of the old saying of 'you s--t in your nest and now you have to set in it' lecture..  :-\

I have had several phone calls and some e-mail on what might work.. but for the most part , everyone pretty much agrees that moth balls are a forever kind of thing..
and I can say for a fact that  I WON'T get used to the smell.

We ( actually Kjell said HE would try ) so the "we " is a bit weak...
He said he would try to somehow.. get back in there (the dirt mounds will have to be leveled out so you can crawl under there..) and just lay on his belly and drag a rake or something until we can get those damn moth stink balls gathered up and out.

If we can't do that, I will have to go to Plan 2. And I don't know what that will be yet.. but you can bet your sweet hind-end that there will be a story to write about it..  :P :D

Thanks for all the suggestions and I am glad that my antics made you smile..  ;)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Thanks.. but I only rent this little house so maybe I shouldn't get that crazy.. lol
And I am glad that someone else goes around on all 4's with their nose to the floor or walls or whatever.

reminds me of another story.. hahahahahaha
But I will save it for another time.. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Thanks.. but I only rent this little house so maybe I shouldn't get that crazy.. lol
And I am glad that someone else goes around on all 4's with their nose to the floor or walls or whatever.

reminds me of another story.. hahahahahaha
But I will save it for another time.. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on February 03, 2007, 01:42:33 AM
Thanks.. but I only rent this little house

Thats even better The landlord can pay for the new basement and or walls :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Teresa, is this the celebration  that you had planned for Kjell's birthday, by having him crawl under the house amongst all that cat s--t, raking up the mothballs, meanwhile, he's freezing his bones off?  That sounds more like an initiation. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:  (Poor guy!  I feel sorry for him.  :( :( :'( :'( :'()



For what it's worth, Terrell and I did some "Googling" and found suggestions that vinegar and/or deactivated (or activated, whatever!) charcoal might help with the odor. The bad news is you have to get those pesky "stink balls" out of there. Good luck with that!

Now I know moths can cause a lot of damage, but why does the remedy have to be as bad as the problem itself?

Janet Harrington

Ms. T,

If you can get a shop vac with a very very long hose, Kjell could pull those mothballs from underneath the house with the shop vac.  Isn't that a cool idea or what?

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