Started by frawin, November 24, 2015, 06:01:26 AM

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I see on Facebook this Morning that Putin thinks OBUMA is helping ISIS. It says that our Military has Proof  that he is. I hope I don't. Offend any of you by this Post. I goofed Bad Yesterday with a post and don't want yo do that again. I grew up in Elk County and I still know a lot of people their and I am sure there are not many Obuma lovers there. Some that I am sure are not Obuma Lovers are, Wilma, Teresa and Kjell, Jarhead for sure, my Brother Bob, and Many others. You all have a great day.


Obama and the Republicans are the promoters and supporters of the New World Order. 

The goals of the liberals and the neocons are parallel.  They might disagree with one another but their destination is the same.


Red you have your opinions and I have mine. In my opinion you are totally off base. I would like to say something worse but do not want to Violate Teressa and Kjells rules. You need to stay out of Elk County because there are people there that would take you to the Woodshed and give you a darn good Whipping.


If I remember right, in Obama's first win, something like 43% of Elk county voters cast their vote for him so must be some that believed his lies but it sure is hard to get them to admit voting for him now ---now it's the old,"oh hell, no, not me, huh uh !! "


Jar, in my Early Days in Elk County,all my Family and it seems like all my Friends were Hardworking,  Farmers that were Born and  raised in Elk County , and they were Republicans and Conservatives. I just assumed it was still that way. I should have known better because when we Drive around in the Rural Areas many of the old Homesteads and Houses are  gone. It is sad to see some old the old Barns and Houses , that were so neat and  well kept, now many are in Rack and Ruin. I am sure Wilma feels the same way. She was an Elk County, Country Girl, I started to say she was an Old Country girl, caught my self, she is Young at Heart. In those Early Days an Idiot like Obuma could not have been Elected Dogcatcher, and sadly he is our President.
I remember when my Folks had the Cafe, there was a Lady that worked for them, she and Her Husband a several Children. I think they paying her $45.00 or so a Month. She came in one day and said she was Quitting, my Mom said why, She said that They were paying her $45 a month and she could get that in Welfare, and she said so why should I work for you. My Dad heard her and as he was a Workaholic, he about had a Stroke. My Parents were the Hardest Working People I have ever known, they Opened the Cafe every Morning at 5AM and worked none stop all day until 8 or 9 in the Evening. I have Rambled enough, have a good day.


Republicans are the first and greatest promoters of the huge and all powerfull central government.  To say that Republicans are conservative is like saying that Obama is conservative. 

Obamacare is becoming just as popular as the Republican's government schools.  When and if the Fed's break their government, Obamacare and government schooling will be out of business.


Red, each to his own. You are always Ranting that Republicans are Liberals. My wife and I are Both Registered Republicans and Conservatives. All of my Family and my Wife's Family are Republicans and Hardworking People. None of our Families have ever asked the Government for anything. My Parents  ran a Cafe in Howard for Years, they opened it at 5 AM and Closed it Late in the evening. I am 75 Years Old and Still Market Oil and Gas in West Texas, I don't need the Money but, I enjoy it and the Operators are Good Friends. You Have a right to your Opinion and I have a right to mine. I think yours Stinks. I showed my Wife your Posts and she says you are TOTAlLY FULL Of CRAP.


There's many Republicans accepting government money who call themselves conservatives.

The lady in your parent's cafe is no different than any big-dog Republicans in Elk County or New York.

W. Gray

Winn's Cafe may have been the first eating place I ever went to. I was with my mother's three brothers and they treated me to a hamburger and coke after a ride around the county in a new 1949 Pontiac convertible.

The only recollection I have of the cafe is the overhead fans and the barrel shaped, bottom fluted drinking glasses.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Waldo, do you remember the Big Soda Fountain, there was a High Counter at the Fountain. They made all kinds of Soft Drinks, including Coke and Root Beer Floats. There was a big Juke Boxin the Front, you got 6 Plays for a Quarter, which is unheard of Today. In The Front, , just to the Left of where you came in , was a Long well lit Electric Bowling Game,You slid the Puck down the Alley and it Knocked the Pins up. If you were real Good you could get all ten pins at a time. If not you got another try to get the Remaining Pins, I haven't seen one like that in 40 Years. I think it cost 10Cents to play. Next to the Bowling Alley was a Pinball Machine, it Costs a Nickel to play and of you Got the score High Enough it Registered Free games, I remember Guys playing it and Running up 30to40 Free Games. They would go off and leave the Free Games and I got to play some of them. The Company that Furnished the Machines came Down and Periodicaly emptied the Money out of them. It was what in those Days was a lot of Money, now days it would be Nothing. It probably amounted to $30to40$, depending on how often they Came. They Split the Money with my parents, it helped them a lot. The Company that had the Machines was owned By Pete Hubble and Lee Shell, they were out of Eureka. Probably some of you remember those "Good Old Days. Enough of my Rambling, Waldo I always Enjoy your Posts. I remember both your Parents and Grandparents on Both sides. they were Great People, Your Parents lived just, North of my Brother Dwight, if I saw them out I always tried to go over and say Hi at least.

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