Kool Aid Kings and Queens of the Pentagon . . .

Started by redcliffsw, November 16, 2015, 06:32:14 AM

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General Joe Dunford is the last hope for the country and the US military. Thank God a Marine is the Chairman of the JCS. Maybe Dunford can save the military. Maybe Dunford will make the Marines's final stand against females being shoved into the combat arms. Maybe Dunford will stop it all. Maybe, maybe, maybe...

At least having a Marine in charge gives you hope. The Navy, the Air Force and finally, the Army have cut off their testicles and placed them in mason jars at the bottom of a 10,000 foot mine shaft.

The perfumed princes and princesses at the Pentagon have forgotten that the military exists for one sole reason, TO WAGE WAR on sea, on land and in the air. It is not, nor has it ever been a repository for every crackpot cultural Marxist scheme cooked up in the twisted confines of a Berkeley coffee house.

Saying nothing and playing along may seem like the best decision for your career and your retirement benefits, but unless you are insane, which I know you're not, you must know that the decisions you are making and the horse dung and hay you're espousing are hurting the military and your country every day. The policies you help implement are not progressive, but rather suicidal for the nation and its defense.

History will judge you one day ladies and gentlemen and the judgment won't be a favorable one. You will one day be viewed as the people who betrayed America's national security for the greater glory of yourselves.

Until that day comes, Kool Aid is available on tap at the Pentagon.
-Ray Starmann

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