Why The Pledge of Allegiance Should Be Removed . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, November 10, 2015, 06:46:28 AM

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Why The Pledge of Allegiance Should Be Removed From the Schools

It is sad and utterly pathetic that we employ such nonsense on our children. Bastiat and Jefferson alike warned of this, and yet modern society in all its wisdom continues to ignore such warnings. They never tell the kids about them – and blithely continue on to inflict one social evil upon another in the name of their more 'enlightened' teachings. As a result, many people haven't the faintest clue on why the economy is getting hammered, why we have ongoing wars in nearly every corner of the globe, and why poverty at home continues to rise with the price of everyday goods. In addition it is almost impossible to argue such points, for the masses have been indoctrinated since they learned to read, and can't bear the idea that there is more out there then what they are told. Indeed, many argue that the old antiquated ideas of those like Spooner, Jefferson, or Bastiat are just that, and that the new way is far more enlightened and rosy.
-David Shirk

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