Better Fill Ip Today

Started by frawin, November 07, 2015, 06:55:29 PM

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Quote from: jarhead on December 21, 2015, 05:34:25 PM
Cheapest gas price in the nation is $1.31 in Garden City, Ks

Was in Garden City yesterday and gas was $1.39 at Dillons.  That was the best price that I noticed.

W. Gray

This morning's gas prices

P&J, Howard, 1.74

Severy, 1.59

El Dorado, 1.51

Denver lowest 1.56

Garden City, Dillons, 1.58
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Waldo, I am sure the reason Eldorado is the Cheapest is because it is a Refining Center. In my Crude Oil Trading Days we traded a lot of Crude to Texaco for their Eldorado Refinery. There were several Refinerie in Eldorado in those days, I don't know what is left there as I haven't been in Eldorado for years. We filled up here Yesterday for $1.53 a Gallon. Waldo, I can remember buying Gasoline for 17 cents a Gallon at Henry's Cities Service on 99 Highway. That was in the Good Old Days, it was around 1954 or 1955. Eventually Oil will go back up, Oil has fluctuated up and down since it became a Major Source of  Fuel , that was a longtime ago, I don't remember when that was, I could look it up in my Library but I know it was sometime in the Late 1800s. When I started work at Phillips in 1970, Oil was $2.70 a Barrel. When I went to Midland, Texas in 1980 as Crude Oil Supply Director it was $39..00 a Barrel. Ronald Reagan was elected President that Year and by 1986  Oil was down to $9.00 a Barrel. In my 45 years in the Oil Industry I have seen Oil as High as $150.00 a Barrel and as low as $2.70. One thing that has helped Fuel Consumption in Gasoline and Diesel Engines is improved engines, lighter Material in the Vehicles and other improvements that I can't think of right now . The Material that Vehicles are made of now Days is far Lighter than it was 30,40, or 50 Years ago. There are more and more Electric-Battery Powered Vehicles going into service everyday, that trend will continue.


I filled up yesterday, at the Station that accepts Market Street Points, the Price at another Station Close to us is $1.59, the Price after using the Market Street Points was $1.38 , that is a 20 cent a gallon savings , over a years time that is a BIG savings. My son in Tulsa told me that Regular gas in Tulsa is 1.24 a Gallon, that is a lot less than any place here in Prosper. Having spent my entire Career in the Oil business,I thought about the big difference. The Big difference is all of the Refineries in Tulsa, Plus all of the Oil Produced in Osage County on Osage Indian Lands, the Osage Tribe has the Oil Royalty under almost all, if not all of Osage County. When Frank Phillips came to Oklahoma from Iowa in 1903 he was a Barber, he and his Brother got interested in the Osage Tribe  having all of the Oil Royalties in Osage County. They both went to Pawhuska, to the Osage Headquarters, by the way that is still the Osage Headquarters, they just have recently built a new really nice Building. Myrna and I have visited it, there is a lot of Osage Memorabilia, including Pictures of one of the Osage Chiefs with Frank Phillips, Mr Phillips Indian name was Way-Shah-She, , meaning Eagle Chief,  " Uncle Frank", was the firs White Man, EVER to attain this Honor. He died August 23, 1950. Mrs Phillips, affectionately known as "Aunt Jane" precede d if in Death by over 2 years, about 18 Months after their 50th Wedding Anniversary. The article I have says "Frank Phillips will be Long remembered for his Great Personal Achievements and his unselfish interest in the Welfare of People. This Article was handed out at his Funeral, with the Following forward. "The death of Frank Phillips is a great Loss to all of us who knew him and Worked with him. It means the loss of a warm Personal Friend.His life exemplifies the Best American Traditions. By his own initiative he founded Phillips Petroleum Company and became a great leader in American History. He had  the Gift of acquiring: the Wisfom of giving. In his Privatev Life he was known for his humanitarianism and his Dee of understanding and warm appreciation of People. Frank Phillips' life is an inspiration for all of us.
K.S. Adams
President, Phillips Petroeum Company, August 2950
Adams was known as K.S. "Boots" Adams
When I was President of the Little League in Bartlesville, Frank's Nephew, I think his Name was Lee or LE. Donated a lot of Money to the Little League. One year our High Junor Girls Softball team had areally good team, in fact they were Undefeated. They were picked to go to Indiana and play in the National Finals. It was going to be an expensive trip. I went to see Mr Phillips, as he had been our biggest Supporter, giving Lots of Money all year long. I told him about the Trip and that it was going to cost a lot of Money. He said" bring me a ?Softball signed by everyone on the Team, including the Coaches and I will give a Donation. I got the Ball, it was signed per his request. When I took it back to him he gave me a check for $1,000.00 , in 1974 or 75, that WAS ALOT of money.
When I started with Phillips, Sour Crude oil at the lease was $2.70 a barrel, when I went to Midland, Texas in 1980 it was $39.00 a barrel. Ronald Reagan took office and George H.W. Bush was his VP, took office that year, by 1986 Oil as down to $9.00 a barrel. In my 45 years being involved in Oil and Gas Marketing, I have seen oil from $2.70 all the up to $150.00'a barrel. This Morning it is in the low $30.00 range, in my Opinion it will be higher sooner or later. The one thing I am positive of, is that it will go up and down until the end of time, or until some other Viable fuel is  developed. I have rambled long enough, you all have a great day.


Where is everybody, it has been 6 or 7 hours since I posted what I thought was an interesting post on Gasoline prices and the Crude Oil Market. Has no one read it or are none of you interested in the Gasoline or Crude  oil Price. I am always interested in both, one because we have to drive quite a lot and because I market Crude Oil. My post or topic must not have been of interest to none or very few, if any of you. It is not a problem, I have plenty to do, and do not read that much on the Forum anyway. I have several people that I find there Posts very interesting, to name a few, Wilma, Waldo, Mom70X7, Jarhead, flintauqua, proelkco, to name a few. Whether or not you read the Forum or Post anything is your Business. Have a Great Day, or I guess I should say, Have a great night.


I did read your post as I always find it interesting how the price of gasoline goes up and down.  I just didn't have anything interesting to add to it.  I have had a quiet day organizing files.  Some of my geneaology files have become mixed up and I am trying to get them back where they belong.  I think I have about had it for today, though.  Besides the Shockers will be playing in about an hour and nothing will come between me and the TV.


Wima, as you know I came from a Big Family. I have Genealogy Files on Both my Mother and my Father . I have them back to the 1600s. My Mothers Maiden Name was Cox, as you know my Fathers was Winn. his Mothers last Name was Cox also. I told my Mother that could be a problem, although, I do not know of any that happened in our Family or at least that I could find in my Research. My Mother said they were not related, I found in my Research that they came over in the same Ship in the Early 1600s. I have all of my Genealogy Files on my Computer and I share them with anyone in the Family that wants them. Over the years I have shared literally Thousands of pages. One of my prize Genealogy items is My Great Grandmothers Collection her Diaries that she kept for many, many years. They are really interesting and Genealogy Grand Prize Finds I have copied the entire Group of Diaries Many, Many times to share with my Relatives. Another Family Treasure that I have is a Rocking Chair, it Came from Indiana, in 1881 in a Covered Wagon. The same Great Grandmother had it, she gave it to my Grandfather, when he died, it went to my Mother. When we had our First Baby, she gave it to us to rock him in. I still have it, when we are done with it, it goes to my Daughter. I forgot to mention that when my Grandfather had it, he painted it 2 or 3 coats of some ugly paint. When my Mother got it she had Irving Anderson refinish it,he sanded it to a smooth finish and coated it with a sealer. The finished wood was a really pretty medium Brown-Tan color.
It is one of my most prized Family Heir Looms. Well I have some things to do before Bedtime. Goodnight my Friend Wilma, have Sweet Dreams.

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