Good Morning From Texas

Started by frawin, October 30, 2015, 04:24:53 AM

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How come you are calling me out, it was frawin that was talking about this subject and I responded.
Shouldn't you be telling frawin not to start talking about something different?

Quote from: Jane on November 06, 2015, 12:44:30 PM
Ross, this is completely off what everyone is talking about. And it is the problem on the Forum. Please stay on the subject or do not bother to say anything.  :-X

No, no dear Jane, I was not completely off subject. Please note, I was responding to frawin's post and in a positive manner! I was agreeing with him.
He posted:

Quote from: frawin on November 06, 2015, 05:15:56 AM
Thanks Cat, unfortunately the Forum will never be the same to me. I think it will never be the same to a lot of people, sad but it takes all kinds to make the World turn. Personally I was ready for Teresa and Kjell to shut the Forum down, now I enjoy it because of people like you, Wilma and Waldo. I hope all of you will continue to keep participating in the Forum.

You see, not everyone was talking about what you thought they were talking about!
Now were they?
So I responded to frawin:

Quote from: ROSS on November 06, 2015, 07:46:05 AM
I agree with you frawin all the ugliness you and your little clique pushed on this forum was simply disgraceful and what was even worse was when your nastiness was returned in kind you didn't appreciate it.

With your clique every one else is to blame, aren't they?

But I see all those threats of leaving the forum have failed to come to Fruition. And I am glad they didn't come to Fruition.

Because, then who could I count on to harass me and throw nasty words and actions at me?

It looks like a beautiful day outside is developing, so I am heading out there to enjoy it

Bye-bye for now.

So may I suggest you direct your complaint to frawin if you really feel you have one.
And by the way,
                          by trying to call me out,
                                                                                   yourself appear to be off topic.

Sorry the truth hurts. 

Enjoy your weekend and don't call me out if you don't want to hear from me.


Jane, please ignore him, I was not directing anything to you or anyone else direct. I don't know where Ross got that. I think it was really rude of him to say what he said. It is 4:12 here and I am getting ready to go to the Hospital here, my Son-Law just Texted us that he has my Daughter at the Hospital and my 5th grandchild is on the way. The Mother is my Daughter , she is our only Daughter and the youngest of our Children and her Momma says we are going now. Wishing everyone on the Forum a great day.


Well We made it to the Hospial now the waiting begins.I hurt for my Son-in- Law, I have been there and it is no looks like everything is going great. I have been thru this with my Myrna 3 times and the waiting seems like an eternity. When, I feel bad for me, I think of my poor Father, he went thru this 15 times, the big difference is all
15 times he was at home. Lavinia Rarick delivered most of us. Lavinia told me that Dr. Depew told my Dad, " Lester this has to be the  the last one, this Woman can not have anymore Babies".


Quote from: frawin on November 07, 2015, 04:16:34 AM
Jane, please ignore him, I was not directing anything to you or anyone else direct. I don't know where Ross got that. I think it was really rude of him to say what he said. It is 4:12 here and I am getting ready to go to the Hospital here, my Son-Law just Texted us that he has my Daughter at the Hospital and my 5th grandchild is on the way. The Mother is my Daughter , she is our only Daughter and the youngest of our Children and her Momma says we are going now. Wishing everyone on the Forum a great day.

See Jane, frawin is off subject again, how rude of him! HUH?
Quote from: frawin on November 07, 2015, 04:16:34 AM
Jane, please ignore him, I was not directing anything to you or anyone else direct. I don't know where Ross got that. I think it was really rude of him to say what he said.

That's right Jane he thinks indirect is okay! His first indirect post on this thread is what started this round, see how indirect!
Quote from: frawin on November 06, 2015, 05:15:56 AM
Thanks Cat, unfortunately the Forum will never be the same to me. I think it will never be the same to a lot of people, sad but it takes all kinds to make the World turn. Personally I was ready for Teresa and Kjell to shut the Forum down, now I enjoy it because of people like you, Wilma and Waldo. I hope all of you will continue to keep participating in the Forum.

What I think he really means is he can not control the forum.

And I doubt Teresa and Kjell ever even considered closing the forum down. It is just one of frawins of trying toprovide a threat of sorts. Because he can not control the thread. I openly posted in the Political Thread and other threads, if Teresa wants to block me from the forum, I would understand and not be upset with her.
This action is what I think they would perform before considering shytting down the Forum. Don't ya reckon. But Frawin keeps refering to the possibility past or present or future possibility of shutting down the forum. Go figure!

Frawin knows where this came from and that is his continual knocking other people on this forum in the political and other threads. Try reading this thread and learn quite a bit!
Quote from: ROSS on April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM
Topic: Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25  (Read 296545 times),11780.6720.html

I hope you don't fall for that line of his, "I don't know where Ross got that."

For instance try reading this thread about our local political business and some remarks by frawin and his cronies which were not exactly nice!  I concede, I occasionally responded in kind. I tried and tried to be nice but it was to no avail. So his tactics changed to knocking the way the forum is ran and attmpts to put fear out there that Teresa and Kjell might shut down the forum because of certain people. I think he should perhaps tahe a good hard look in a mirror.

I got it from you, frawin, you and your clique do your rude kind of trolling all the time!
And then wonder why you get honest replies in kind.

You are always putting someone down and even now while you write about you grandson's hospitalization and for some reason you will think a response is rude. Go figure!

Direct or indirect I will try to respond in kind or maybe not as rudely or sneakily.

So, if you don't wish a response, if you don't want politics in the Coffee Shop, be direct and do it in the Political Section.

Frawin, I hope all goes well for your grandson in the hospital. I just brought my wife home from a week and a day in the hospital and her treatment is being completed here at home. I have to infuse her with a large dose of a very strong anti-biotic daily for 12 more days. She has a bacterial blood infection and they are pretty hard to clear up. 

Please do ignore me and politics in the Coffee Shop and stay on topic --- like Jane said.

I hope every one has a great weekend.

Diane Amberg

F. Congratulations on the arrival of number 5, whenever she or she arrives. I'll be thinking about you all.
I just can't imagine going through labor 15 times! That deserved a medal.I know large families were common, but oh my! :-*   There must have been lots of love to share in your family.


Quote from: frawin on November 07, 2015, 04:16:34 AM
Jane, please ignore him, I was not directing anything to you or anyone else direct. I don't know where Ross got that. I think it was really rude of him to say what he said. It is 4:12 here and I am getting ready to go to the Hospital here, my Son-Law just Texted us that he has my Daughter at the Hospital and my 5th grandchild is on the way. The Mother is my Daughter , she is our only Daughter and the youngest of our Children and her Momma says we are going now. Wishing everyone on the Forum a great day.

See Jane, frawin is off subject again, how rude of him! HUH?

He knows where it came from and that is his continual knocking other people on this forum in the political and other threads.

I hope you don't fall for that line of his, "I don't know where Ross got that."

For instance try reading this thread about our local political business, some remarks by frawin and his cronies were not exactly nice and I concour I occassionally responded in kind.

I got it from you frawin, you and your clique do your rude kind of trolling all the time!
And then wonder why you get honest replies in kind.

You are always putting someone down even while you write about you grandson's hospitalization and for some reason you will think a response is rude. Go figure!


Jane, whenever I think about you and Rex, I think way back, 58 years ago, Rex's Mother was my English teacher, and a good one. Also I remember Rex's dad and that Pet Coyote, it would set in the front seat of the car  and ride down the Road looking at everything and everybody.


     I have spoken to Teresa personally, and she is serious about the possibility of shutting down the forum, for those who doubt it.

     I like getting information about local government, Ross, but you need to quit getting personal and stop thinking you are being attacked. It takes two to tango. Just stick to what you do well in providing information about the goings on with the county. Pretty please.

     I see Bob is back to getting around more, Frank. Had Heath chauffeuring him around for a while. Saw him at the Moline turkey dinner and the other day at Mills Feed. He is a good man. Didn't know he was your brother. Or that you were that old  ;D. Grandma had 11 kids. Only one left now. We were in a room with another woman in labor when my first was born. She was all alone and having a tough time. That was not a pleasant experience.  :P


Thanks for a informational post.

Diane Amberg

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