Good Morning From Texas

Started by frawin, October 30, 2015, 04:24:53 AM

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Happy Halloween to you and you family Pro.


Happy Halloween Wilma, don't let those spooks get you. I hear they are bad tonite.


Happy Halloween Dale, I am guessing there are some spooks around the lake. We are the only house in our block and we haven't had many Trick or Treaters.

Dee Gee

The spooks and goblins stay at the lake, so we don't have any bother us.
HAPPY NEEWOLLAH to you and Myrna.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself


Those spooks were terrible.  They said "Please" and "Thank You" and "Have a good day".  I don't know what this world is coming to.  Two of the youngsters just had to go down my ramp.

It is too late to say "Happy Halloween" now because I just woke up from my pre-bedtime nap, but I can say "Good Morning", then I am off to beddy-by.


Dale, Myrna said Happy Halloween to you. I don't know what she is thinking, every time We mention you she always says "he is a good Kid". I tell her He is not a kid, she says he was when I first knew him. My how time flys.


Good morning Frank and Mryna. We have no little ones now so I send candy to the town children I know via my granddaughter.


We are getting more Rain today, we have had 7 inches of Rain since this past Friday night.  We are ready for some Sunshine and Sunny dry weather.  Wishing the best yo all my friends back home in good old Elk County. I need to get up there to see my brother Bob. It would be nice just to be in Howard around  some of the people I have Known all my life. Howard and Elk county will always be special to me,  it is those people that shaped my life, I was born there and Raised there. The finest people in the world lived there when I was growin up, the people that shaped my live the 2nd most were the Garisons, the one that shaped it the most and the one I owe whatever level of success I achieved is my lifelong partner, Myrna. Enough of my rambling, have a great day.

Diane Amberg

Hope you dry out soon.I guess some areas had some serious flooding.


Could you perhaps tip Texas to the north and give us some of the runoff?  We had about an inch and a half, but not nearly enough.

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