Commissioner's statements EMT & health department

Started by David Evans, October 18, 2015, 10:29:15 PM

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QuoteThe geographical center of the county is less than 1 mile south and east of Howard.

Out of curiosity - where is the population center of Elk County?


Quote from: proelkco on October 23, 2015, 08:42:55 AM
Ross no I am not Liz's father. I do not see Elk Konnected as you do.

Sorry, Pat my error.

It's well understood that the Perkins do not see Elk Kon-nected as I do.
And that is okay with me!

But now, perhaps we have the childish ridicule out of the way, we can we discuss the issue of this thread.

Do you and Elk Kon-nected really believe the  brand new EMS building even needs to be built?

Or wouldn't it be better to be a bit conservative and build on to the building the county already owns?
And do the people  in the north east and north west county really rate being told they have to wait longer because the rodeo grounds are 8 minutes closer to Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Shari Kaminska[/b] mothers home? This really does not show compassion for others of this county, now does it.

How about considering the actual dangers of having an EMS sign located at the cross roads of two highwaysand the word rapidly spreading through out the region druggies, that there is an unprotected EMS with narcotics for easy pickins?  Think of the safety of the employees spending the night out there. Why put in a safe room if there is no possible problem where two highways intersect?

Oh, Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Shari Kaminska says she is concerned for the   
safety of our employees out there, but does she care enough to keep them in Howard, inside of the community, basically hidden from the rest of the world. She cares enough about their safety to consider my neighbors suggestion of a safe room.  But what happens if, they can not get to the safe room in time?
I think this is a question that needs an awful lot ocf consideration!

I heard that the Konnected Kounty Kommissionersdon't want to buy new property because the property, would then be removed from the tax rolls.
So they want to go to the rodeo grounds with the new building, why?
How much of that land out there is tax free?
Is the airport taxfree as well? If so why?
Perhaps that needs to be looked into?

NOTICE:  13 October, 2015
Regarding the Elk County 
EMS/Health Facility

Click here for details

Of course they didn't expect you to show up and probably prefered that  you didn't show up.
With the exception of one County Commissioner and that would be Mr. Hebb.

If you had a majority of the Commissioners that wanted you to show up they would have held this meeting in the evening. You understand --- the way Elk Kon-nected held their so called Kommunity Konversations --- so people could show up.  Don't ya  reckon?

(like a wild fire across the prarie)



Jumping off the subject on threat's is normal for the people that use this all the time. This is why I do not get involved. How did this go from EMTs building to guns?


Quote from: Jane on October 23, 2015, 02:48:34 PM
Jumping off the subject on threat's is normal for the people that use this all the time. This is why I do not get involved. How did this go from EMTs building to guns?

The whole idea was an attempt by liberals to belittle me, which is humous, because they continually fail.

But on the subject I personally feel our EMS people are far safer in their present location and that an appropriate extension of ttheir present location would show some frugality on the part of the
Kon-nected Kounty Kommissioners. And many other people agreed at the meeting.

It is also Centrally located in the County and not 8 minutes closer to
Kon-nected Kounty Kommissioners  Kaminska mothers home over someone else's mothers home.

I wonder, will we ever have a conservative and frugal County Commissioners Board ?

P.S. I came back to add. The Kon-nected Kounty Kommissioners if they were to build on instead of a big fancy new building would probably not recognize a giant feather in their bonnet and no monument with their name on it. Would they! Pride can be a dangerous thing!

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