Commissioner's statements EMT & health department

Started by David Evans, October 18, 2015, 10:29:15 PM

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Quote from: Joesue23 on October 21, 2015, 07:25:27 PM
Toss as usual you missed the main point, I know a lot of people without Degrees that have no common sense.

Well, well, we were not talking about people without an education were we?
"And education does not necessarily qualify someone to make the proper decisions wisely."

Quote from: Joesue23 on October 21, 2015, 07:25:27 PM
My point was that people with an Education normally make better money, that stands to reason why.

So what? That does not necessarily qualify them to make wise decisions for other things out side of their education does it? It doesn't necessarily mean they have common sense and are able to put their wants aside and listen to other people and their needs as taxpayers does it?

Quote from: Joesue23 on October 21, 2015, 07:25:27 PM
Again you missed the whole point, thankfully due to Scholarships, Grants and other sources many people who could not otherwise afford it can get a good education.

No I did not miss any point. The point still stands there are no free educations in America! If there is please show me where?

Quote from: Joesue23 on October 21, 2015, 07:25:27 PM
I know some very prominent Doctors , Engineers and others that came from families that were far from wealthy and they got an education because other people give money for Scholarships and the like. As usual you try to find the dark side of everything. Good night all

As usual you can not accept the truth! It is not a dark side to ask where education in America is free?
But the jest and main points I made is that a college education does not necessarily make a leader or a leader that will put aside their personal wants and listen to the people they serve but instead ignores them.

You simply can not show me where education in America is free !
That is simply the talk of a liberal to talk of the dark side as an excuse in failing to communicate properly.

So good night to you too Joesue.


Quote from: Joesue23 on October 21, 2015, 07:25:27 PM

That is so cute. "Toss".

You see when I was stationed in Japan, the Japanese could not say the "R" in Ross.
So, I was known as Toss ! It never offended me then and does not offend me now!

You know why?
I have a lot of fond memories of Japan and they come back just reading "Toss".

Also I am not offended because I am not a thin skinned liberal socialist.

Have you every been to Japan?

Have you ever been outside of Kansas?

Have you ever been in the military service of our country?

It really is a super education and in my opinion far exceeds what some professor of liberal socialism can teach a person.

Oops, I forgot one of you two are an ex-marine. But did you ever get overseas and see other countries and  see and understand their cultures ?


Hey Joesue read what this liberal College Professor says about you.

Here is a clue:

While the decline of white, rural, less educated Americans is generally well known, less often recognized is what this means for gun legislation."


Aren't you thrilled how he categorizes you.

This educated liberal Professor Adam Winkler of UCLA School of Law is a recognized expert on gun ownership.

What do you think of that?


Blab on Toss nearly everyone that reads the Forum knows that you are an expert on everything, at least you think you are. Don't you see all the damage you have done to the Forum. It is obvious you don't care. My husband and my Family are bigger gun owners by far than you are or that you will ever be.


What does your gun ownership mean?  When the time comes, are you willing to surrender your guns to the Federals just because you're so community-minded?


Quote from: Joesue23 on October 22, 2015, 04:58:49 AM
Blab on Toss nearly everyone that reads the Forum knows that you are an expert on everything, at least you think you are. Don't you see all the damage you have done to the Forum. It is obvious you don't care. My husband and my Family are bigger gun owners by far than you are or that you will ever be.

Why don't you Go back to school and acquire some communication skills.
How many guns you own does not impress me nor how many your family owns impresses me.

As I have tried to communicate and you fail to comprehend is I am not an expert on anything.
I am simply knowledgeable enough to  use the keys on my computer to enter questions I require answered into the browser on my computer screen to acquire needed information.

You should try it. If you can get past the juvenile think of "Blab" and "my family has more than your family".
If you can do that it would show major progress on your part!

Since you and your family claim long time residency of Elk County are you capable of explaining to Proelkco who and what the "the old guard" is?  Proelkco asked what the devil is "the old guard"?

Because i am not an expert on anything I refereed  Proelkco  concerning "the old guard"  to Liz Hendricks of
Elk Kon-nected who referenced them in an open letter to Elk County citizens on the internet.

So tell us what exactly you and your massive family know about  "the old guard". We anxiously your amazing intellectual response.

Quote from: Joesue23 on October 22, 2015, 04:58:49 AM
Don't you see all the damage you have done to the Forum.

No! But I can readily see how obnoxious you are with your false claims and you lack of knowledge of Elk County politics current events.

Good luck coming up with an answer to the above question proelkco is asking about concerning the old guard.
Are you up to the challenge?


Ross, they'll be the first to surrender their guns so they won't have any.

Then I suppose they'll raise the U S flag and tell us how patriotic they are.

Afterall, their families are early Elk County settlors.  Oh well . . . .


Red, you are as full of crap as Ross is. My husband is an exMarine and served his time defending the Flag and fhis country. My husband is prepared to use those guns to Protect his family and this country. He has lots of Ammo and weapons and is really good at using them. My guess is you will be among the first cowards to run and hide or give up.


Again Ross what is the "old guard"? I am not asking Liz, I am asking you. Yes I support and respect all service men and women but I do not put them above non-service people just as they do not.


Quote from: proelkco on October 22, 2015, 09:40:21 AM
Again Ross what is the "old guard"? I am not asking Liz, I am asking you. Yes I support and respect all service men and women but I do not put them above non-service people just as they do not.

Strange that you should ask me, when the college educated person that used the term is above being asked!

I will venture to say based on the way that Liz Hendricks and her organization Elk Kon-nected used the phrase,  old guard is a negative alluding to certain people who have controlled Elk County from behind the scenes over the many years. And were still attempting to do so and to continue to by signing up with Elk Kon-nected. So she claimed to weed out the  old guard . Why wouldn't she be civic minded enough to disclose/out these particular people by name, if she felt they were bad for Elk County? Didn't she have a civic duty to disclose undesirables rather than just bad mouth them?

I quote her and her Elk Kon-nected to wit:

"Without going into a lot of history of Elk County, finding engaged citizens who were not the "same old guard" from all of the communities was a challenge."

She did this Under the organization Public Squares, Inc. while developing "Elk Kon-nected" and while dissing two Elk County Communities in the process.

What I don't understand is the difficulty of weeding out of the old guard" . How many of the  old guard were/are there, she was talking about?

Aren't you Liz Hendricks dad? Don't you understand what she is talking about?

Do you approve of an organization or LLC as it is now, advertising world wide that they are doing something great when in reality doing nothing for Elk County, Kansas? Except for dissing a couple of Elk County, Kansas communities!

Now a response in kind would be appreciated with answers to my questions in this post!

Thank you for engaging me as Elk Konnected , a term Elk Konnected often utilized. LOL

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