Commissioner's statements EMT & health department

Started by David Evans, October 18, 2015, 10:29:15 PM

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David Evans

Mickey Wunderlich asked me to post the following as his computer is down.

At the September 28th commissioner meeting commissioner Kaminska said how happy she was the the ambulance was going to be 8 minutes closer to her mother.  When I asked about my mother she said "she'll just have to wait 8 minutes.  This is not just about my mother but people that live in the northeast and northwest part of Elk county.  The geographical center of the county is less than 1 mile south and east of Howard.  I submit that this move is not professional nor pratical but personal and political. Commissioner Liebau during this same meeting stated that "We're going to run this county the way we want to until the voters vote us out."  I don't think these positions and statements are being made to improve our county. 

Shouldn't we try to live within our means?  In regards to the EMS and Health Department building $819,000 for the building seems to me to be excessive.  The huge initial cost is just the beginning.  What about the furnishings, personnel, insurance(not being located in town), security(same thing), and other costs not included in the building price.  The $400,000 grant is being more than 100% matched by the county.  Are the architect and grant writer fees covered by the $819,000 or will we have to come up with more money to cover these.  These things had all been brought up in previous meetings but have the commissioners listened? Mileage across the entire county needs to be addressed, not just the distance to the commissioner's mother's house.  Why can't we spend less money. Why is the rodeo grounds the only option? Why just one building?

Just remember if you live in the northern half of the county don't worry.  Just wait.

Citizens of Elk county and America wake up before it's too late.  Maybe it already is.

These are my opinions and I'm willing to discuss any of them with you.  Face to face please, I'm not on the forum.

Thank you


Very good post. When will the people in the two districts than voted for the big move wake up and vote these people OUT.


Quote from: hhjacobs on October 20, 2015, 11:52:09 AM
Very good post. When will the people in the two districts than voted for the big move wake up and vote these people OUT.

We need people to start talking about just that prior to the next election.

For instance having a college degree or owning a business does not make you intelligent in every facet of life.
Nor does it make you smart or wise.

How many business owner take care of all of their business, the business of book keeping, the business of taxes for the business, the business of  re-ordering their needed supplies ? Very few if any, they farm it ou or hire someone to do the job.

Also owning a business does not make a person a leader,i.e. Elk Kon-nected, LLC I believe is a prime example? What are they accomplishing?

I'd like to see a good old redneck farmer that knows where  money comes from because they worked hard to earn it. And because they are conservative instead of liberal. Some one that is not obligated to follow the
"Old Guard".


Just what the devil is "the old guard"? Having a college degree and owning a business does not someone stupid either.


Right on Pro, if some people don't make the effort and spend the money to get an education, we wouldn't have Teachers, Doctors, Engineers or College Professors. For ten years I traveled all over the world for Phillips Petroleum and I saw what happens when people don't have an education or at least some Education, the results are high crime, starvation and death due to no Medical care.


Education in America is free and in most cases the best there is. There are other countries that have great education systems as well. I went to College and got my degree at age 30, my wife and I had no help and we didn't owe any money after I graduated. The opportunity to get an education is available in this great nation of ours, you just have to want it enough and go for it. Lots of the countries I worked in around the world did not provide any educational opportunities at all, especially not to the lower class. I pay high taxes and I don't mind it at all as it allows people in my area to get an education.


Quote from: proelkco link=topic=17200.msg22684
0#msg226840 date=1445456307

Just what the devil is "the old guard"?

Ask Liz Hendricks !
She wrote an open letter to the public saying she was making sure the  "the old guard" was kept out of
Elk Kon-nected!

Don't you know who she is talking about?
Aren't you a native of Elk County?

I never got an answer on who the  "the old guard" is!

Surely you can tell us!

Is it possible  "the old guard" is a  "new guard" in a dress?

Quote from: proelkco on October 21, 2015, 01:38:27 PM
Having a college degree and owning a business does not someone stupid either.

I did not say that did  I ?
Now did I ?


Quote from: frawin on October 21, 2015, 03:54:49 PM
Education in America is free and in most cases the best there is.

Ya'all missed the whole point!
And education does not necessarily qualify someone to make the proper decisions wisely.
Like this one right here, "Education in America is free" !

Exactly where in America is Education free ?

I have know several people that were friends of mine with major degrees and mensa IQ's and only one had any common sense.

So tell us where Education in America is free, pretty please.

Quote from: frawin on October 21, 2015, 03:54:49 PM
There are other countries that have great education systems as well. I went to College and got my degree at age 30, my wife and I had no help and we didn't owe any money after I graduated. The opportunity to get an education is available in this great nation of ours, you just have to want it enough and go for it. Lots of the countries I worked in around the world did not provide any educational opportunities at all, especially not to the lower class. I pay high taxes and I don't mind it at all as it allows people in my area to get an education.

And if you don't realize it not all Lawyers, Dentists, Priest, Teachers, Doctors, Engineers or College Professors or other so-called college educated  professionals are good at what they are educated in.

Now that is indisputable !


Toss as usual you missed the main point, I know a lot of people without Degrees that have no common sense. My point was that people with an Education normally make better money, that stands to reason why. Again you missed the whole point, thankfully due to Scholarships, Grants and other sources many people who could not otherwise afford it can get a good education. I know some very prominent Doctors , Engineers and others that came from families that were far from wealthy and they got an education because other people give money for Scholarships and the like. As usual you try to find the dark side of everything. Good night all

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