The Jesuits’ Favorite Sons . . .

Started by redcliffsw, September 27, 2015, 06:26:47 AM

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The Castro brothers were educated by the Jesuits in Cuba who, like the current pope, espoused an unmitigated, ignorant hatred of free markets ("the dung of the devil" according to the pope), condemning them as the worst of sins and the source of all the world's problems. (The current pope even blames the invasion of Europe by Muslim peasants on too much economic freedom in Syria).

With this educational background, the Castro brothers went on to become thugs, murderers, terrorists, and ultimately, totalitarian communist dictators.  So it was no surprise at all to me to read in the Wall Street Journal last week that Raoul Castro declared that he really, really likes what the pope has been saying about capitalism, so much so that he might "start praying again" and rejoin the church.  This love affair between the Castro brothers and the Argentinian Marxist in the Vatican will be repeated this week when he meets with fellow commies Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the rest of the squalid D.C. establishment.
-Thomas DiLorenzo

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