E. A. Chaffin, of Moline--Indicted and Arrested

Started by genealogynut, January 29, 2007, 01:15:29 PM

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Howard Courant
October 27, 1927

E. A. Chaffin, Resident and Manager of the Moline National Bank, Has Been Indicted and Arrested

The press dispatches have told of the arrest of Ashby Chaffin, and of his being held for a bond of $10,000.  Mr. Chaffin left Moline some weeks ago and had engaged in real estate business at Alpine, Texas.  It is understood that the Federal grand jury at Wichita recently returned a true bill against Chaffin and some other parties in connection with the affairs of the Moline Natinal Bank which was closed a year ago.  The charge against Chaffin is that he made false representations to the Federal Reserve Bank and procured the advance of $40,000, some time before the bank closed.  Mr. Chaffin was in Howard Monday, so we have heard.  We have also heard that he has arranged for his bond.  The trial will come before the U. S. District Court at Fort Scott.

Janet Harrington

What I find interesting about this is that there was a federal court in Fort Scott.  I wonder if it was at the courthouse or if there was a federal building there?  The federal courts in Kansas are in Topeka and Wichita.  I'm not aware of any others.

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