Want Your Children Well Educated? . . .

Started by redcliffsw, September 06, 2015, 07:14:20 AM

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Stanford University political scientist Rob Reich has called for tighter regulation of home schooling to ensure that "children are exposed to and engaged with ideas, values, and beliefs that are different from those of the parents." My question to Reich is: Whose ideas and values should children be exposed to? Georgetown University law professor Robin L. West worries that home-schooled children grow up to become right-wing political "soldiers" eager to "undermine, limit, or destroy state functions." West would like to see home schooling more highly regulated and home-schoolers subjected to mandatory testing and periodic home visits in order "to give the state a window into the quality of home life, and a way to monitor signs of abuse."

Home-schoolers have a defense against this sort of meddling. The Home School Legal Defense Association is a nonprofit organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children. The National Home Education Research Institute provides educational resources and research for home-schooling parents. Its founder, Dr. Brian D. Ray, recently published "African American Homeschool Parents' Motivations for Homeschooling and Their Black Children's Academic Achievement." His findings are proof that home schooling is effective for not only white youngsters but black youngsters, as well.
Dr. Walter E. Williams

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Diane Amberg

There is not a thing wrong with home schooling, as I have said many, many times, if a parent is up to it.They can't very well teach something they never had themselves, like a particular language or advanced math. BUT, I can understand why some people in some areas might worry about radical parents bringing up radical children. You know, the ones who want to shoot first, as they have been taught, before they find out what is really going on, after they have killed someone. It's very hard to "take back" dead.Thank goodness there isn't much of that.
Much too much of that winds up in the court of TV land, long before truth is found, evidence is gathered and personal opinions are filtered out.

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