Secession For The North! . . .

Started by redcliffsw, August 25, 2015, 07:51:25 AM

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Jefferson said in his First Inaugural Address in 1801 that if anyone should pursue secession, it was the duty of all Americans to recognize the error of the message but to peacefully let them go if necessary.  The Union was a voluntary compact of States.  Every American, North and South, recognized that fact.

In April 1865 it became compulsory.

Some modern leftists have insisted that the South should go.  "We are better off without them," they say.  It is always suggested, however, that it is the South that should leave the dance.  They tried that once and now their symbols of self-determination are being furled and their heroes vilified.  Maybe it is time for the North to take the lead.  Most Southerners would agree that we would be better off without Lois Lerner, Nancy Peloisi, the Kennedys, Obama, Barbara Boxer, Bernie Sanders, et, al.

Let's dust off the "Bear Flag Republic."  Secession For The North and Lois Lerner for President!

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