Eighty Years of Socialism

Started by redcliffsw, August 20, 2015, 06:01:51 AM

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Eighty years of socialism is long enough. It is long past time that the truth be told about Social Security. It is an intergenerational, social-engineering, income-transfer, wealth-redistribution welfare program. It doesn't need to be reformed, redesigned, or replaced. It needs to be abolished.
-Laurence Vance

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Diane Amberg

That is a really sad attitude. Today people pay into it. It's not all a handout.
Long ago, during very hard times, some people needed it to keep their heads above water. It's a shame the history of it is being lost. I wonder if any of his own people benefited from it?This country should not allow it's people to starve to death in order to keep a certain group from screaming "socialism." This isn't Calcutta! Mother Teresa doesn't work here.
So Jesus was a socialist too? He didn't want the sick, hungry and needy to be ignored and disguarded.
What are the disabled, mentally deficient, the sick and under aged orphans supposed to do?  Beg? Let them die? I guess I'll be a Christian Jesus socialist then.   Shall I quote the Bible?
So what is your answer, just look the other way? How many of those older folks in trouble are vets?
Groups scream anti abortion, yet care less abut what happens after they are born!  Not everyone can afford to take orphans in as my husband's family once did.
  So what should replace SS?
What about those who truly can't work? Ever. I know some seriously mentally disabled people here who wouldn't know the difference between slavery and freedom.They live in a sheltered building called the Mary Campbell Center. All the suggestions given were for normal working people.
People here have the freedom to spend and not save a single penny...or help their own family members. When they suddenly can't work due do unexpected catastrophic accident or illness ..then what? Is homelessness an acceptable state ?
Let's try some Christian open hearted answers please.I don't care if I do look sappy. :angel:

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