Political Opinions from the East Coast

Started by Diane Amberg, August 14, 2015, 09:47:11 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 23, 2016, 03:37:50 PM
Sorry, if my points were so buried.  ;D  I just don't know what to think.

Education does not stop with a degree. Things change constantly.

Perhaps, if you paid attention to other than the mainstream media you would have an idea of what is going on in the world. The mainstream media has been proven to be biased and untrustworthy. But who can we trust, really? The president lies through his teeth as do the politicians.

So, we must be able to think for ourselves while weighing as many sources as possible.
The internet has search engines of many flavors and all a person has to do is ask a question and then start thinking.

Here is one source that might help you understand some of what is going on:

I hope it helps you figure out what you want to know, bu remember you can ask the internet any question you may have. This is terrific technology, just type your question in the space provided on your browser, which is commonly refereed to as the address bar or choose whatever search engine you desire to use.

There are also a couple of threads right here on the forum under politics that are loaded with information.

I wish you a good evening.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 23, 2016, 01:28:55 PM
So, I see the educational twists and turns are going strong.
What happened to helping older kids learn to think and make decisions on their own? Put those kids heads in a vise and nothing but sterilized information ever gets in?  No thinking, pondering, or wondering, or weighing the good vs the evil? Which is which?
Why must some teach hate?
I had "The Worlds Great Religions in 10th grade. It was a really good class and explained differences without "indoctrinating" anyone to or from any of them.
Let's keep those kids ignorant about the big world around them, of which Christians are a very small part... and there are many kinds of those. How about it?
  Is only one kind "right?" Are Mormons heathens? How about Quakers? Catholics, Unitarians and Agnostics? Amish? Church of England? How about Hindus VS Muslims...or are they all just primitive towel heads?.
Lock up your kids .."it" might be contagious. How sad and un- American. Perhaps the Statue of Liberty should dip her torch in the Hudson River and extinguish it.
Good Friday and Easter are a few days away. I haven't heard one dissenting remark from any of the local religions here, including Shinto,Tao and others. Are we really just "Ugly Americans"?
   Once again, I'm waiting to hear just how the candidates are going to wave their magic wands and accomplish all the grand and glorious things they are promising. Notice D. Trump never tells HOW he is going to do all the things that he promises? His own national party seems to be turning on him. When Push Comes to Shove, what will the Electoral College do in November?
Shucks, I can hardly figure out the various ways those who are running will actually get their delegated votes, it's not clear and clear cut at all. The states and the parties are all so different.

Diane, which religions are right? 

Are you committed to any particular religion?

Just asking . . . . . .

Diane Amberg

Nope, sorry didn't read 'em. I'm sure they were nothin' but snide remarks and patronizing put downs.Who needs it? I didn't get any PMs this time so it must just be more on how I should fix myself. HA!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 24, 2016, 08:27:23 AM
Nope, sorry didn't read 'em. I'm sure they were nothin' but snide remarks and patronizing put downs.Who needs it? I didn't get any PMs this time so it must just be more on how I should fix myself. HA!

Ignorance Is Bliss !

Degree or not  !

Diane Amberg

I got an interesting PM. I don't know how you good folks can stand the constant insults to the general population of Elk County. I don't understand how someone would want to live in a place that one considers so stupid and backward. Bless your hearts, maybe you have certain ones on ignore, as I do, and they are just wasting their time. I surely hope so.
Our monthly fire company meeting is this evening... some hot topics to discuss.  Here's hoping that your fires are out and won't return.
The general feeling here is that, while entertaining to watch, Trump is too narrow minded and strong egoed to make a good president for all Americans. I can't imagine what the Republican party will do when it finally comes down to choosing a candidate. Trump can't buy and sue his way to the White House...or can he?

Diane Amberg

Who said these "famous" words...3376-(9/2/15) "I only stepped up to the plate as a leader in the community."


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 08, 2016, 02:54:22 PM
I got an interesting PM. I don't know how you good folks can stand the constant insults to the general population of Elk County. I don't understand how someone would want to live in a place that one considers so stupid and backward. Bless your hearts, maybe you have certain ones on ignore, as I do, and they are just wasting their time. I surely hope so.

You have no clue because you fail at reading the posts or are lying 1nd that is being polite, considering I am talking to an outsider in Delaware.

An outsider who does sneaky things like continuing the preactice shooting her mouth off on a different thread and trying to hide it.

Well you fail at that as well.

A grade for teacher in communications

The Truth Hurts Doesn't it?

Diane Amberg

Nope,didn't read it. I'm sure it has no productive value. I will respond to something Waldo said. Sometime back Ross did write a lenghty letter to The Prarie Star.It was rejected, not because of content  so much, but because of length. Ross wanted it to be printed for free.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 11, 2016, 03:31:08 PM
Nope,didn't read it. I'm sure it has no productive value. I will respond to something Waldo said. Sometime back Ross did write a lenghty letter to The Prarie Star.It was rejected, not because of content  so much, but because of length. Ross wanted it to be printed for free.

She failed to  mention the very same Kon nected Editor has printed much lengthier letters to the editor.
She fails to mention the Kon nected bias of the editor.
And she often fails to stay on subject.

She fails all the time.

But she never fails to read everything I post.
I think she is infatuated with me. LOL

Diane Amberg

Again, I didn't waste my time reading this go round of "Diane put downs." If I'm wrong and he said something nice, someone will have to tell me.
We just came back from voting for our district councilman. It's chilly and a bit rainy, which always hurts the turn out. I caught one contestant driving up the road ahead of us talking on her cell phone, which is illegal here.HA! I should turn her in. ;D ;D ;D ;D. We'll get the results about 8:30 this evening.
I've been doing some interesting reading on passive- agressive personalities and people who have to be right all the time. They are very rude and verbally agressive to anyone who has a difference of opinion. Most are annoying but harmless, and are usually an embarassment to those around them.They are very quick to accuse others of behaviors they themselves are guilty of, and always have to have the last word. They have very few real friends because they can't be trusted.
I'm getting hungry and have a nice salad waiting for me. Later all.

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