Political Opinions from the East Coast

Started by Diane Amberg, August 14, 2015, 09:47:11 AM

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Diane Amberg

I guess since Ross has decided what is political and what is not ,I'll start a new thread about my east coast opinions. I don't consider everything political that he does, but since he thinks he knows about all things political, I'll go along with it. For some reason he thinks he has to follow me where ever I go. Be warned this might not be pretty!.
  Now where was I . 8)  Oh, yes, Ross ridiculed me again on my/the  east coast site when he pretended he didn't know what I was talking about. He said some weird thing about "four face book."sic. He does get so agitated sometimes, perhaps he really doesn't remember what he writes...so the easy way out it is to deny it and call me a liar. Here it is.
He was complaining about Elk Konnected AGAIN and ridiculing me over it.
#599... "You also had the members log into four personal face book." Sic  Would any of you know what that meant? I sure didn't. He never did understand what EK was trying to do and resented it/them from the beginning. Is any of this important today? I don't think so, but even after all this time, he's still stuck on it.
  When I have more time I will look up those posts of his from 'way back again and put them on here. He doesn't think I'll actually do it, but why should I protect him? Let him stew for a change. Maybe we should pick them all apart word by word and make up critiques of every detail that might be wrong with them. No? Nah, I didn't think so either.
  I have never gone so low as to let him have it as rudely as I could have. My Kansas upbringing and my
Christianity won't let me do that. He has handed me opportunities on platters many times, but I won't take advantage of them, as my friends out there know that I wouldn't.
It gets old doesn't it? I think so too.  Enough for now. We'll see what happens next. Friday used to always be complaint day, so I've even done this the correct day! HA!
This "independent- centrist- leaning- toward -libertarian," (or so say all those fun political label quizzes) signing off. Chuckle,chuckle. If squabbling politics isn't your thing, perhaps this isn't what you want to read.


quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=17068.msg225995#msg225995 date=1439567231]
I guess since Ross has decided what is political and what is not ,I'll start a new thread about my east coast opinions. I don't consider everything political that he does, but since he thinks he knows about all things political, I'll go along with it. For some reason he thinks he had to follow me where ever I go. [/quote]

You are like a snake slithering through the grass, only you do it in life, you have got the twisties so bad in everything you post it is just pathetic.

I never thought, I had to follow you.
You called out my name, requesting my presence just as you have with this thread. The very 4th word of your very first post in this new thread is Ross. Do you comprehend, it is all about your infatuation of me.

You dear Diane, do the political stuff and then try to claim it is not political, that just simply does not fly.
Perhaps you should look up the definition of Politics? The definition covers many, many things and one is simply the practice and theory of influencing other people. Consequently anything can be considered political in nature.

And most every time, I have responded to your posts, it was to correct your lies and your back-stabbing ways and/or your name calling.

That is what you did in your coffee shop thread, you ran there with your lies and political back-stabbing and name calling .

Do you really have an education?
Do you really even possess a high school diploma?

quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=17068.msg225995#msg225995 date=1439567231
  Now where was I . 8) Oh,yes, Ross ridiculed me again on my east coast site when he pretended he didn't know what I was talking about.He said some weird thing about "four face book."sic. He does get so agitated sometimes, perhaps he really doesn't remember what he writes...so the easy way out it is to deny it and call me a liar. Here it is. [/quote]

You are easily ridiculed if that is what you think I was doing!

And I did not call you a liar about your "four face book." remark. Why do you feel the need to say or imply such a thing?

Your education, if you have an education, sure would have come in handy with that, or maybe just a little common sense would have helped or throw in some comprehension.

Of course, you were reading a simple typographical error. And I was not calling you a liar about this simple typographical error, which would be beyond stupid. That is some piss poor comprehension on your part.

quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=17068.msg225995#msg225995 date=1439567231
#599 "You also had the members log into four personal face book." Sic

Your remark:
Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 13, 2015, 06:32:22 AM

Four different face books? I have no idea what that means. (Yawn)

And my response:
Quote from: ROSS on August 13, 2015, 09:06:19 PM

What about four different facebooks?
What are you talking about?
Are you seeing double, twice?
You need help in a bad way!

Where do you see the word liar in that response, pray tell.

Had you made that remark, "You also had the members log into four personal face book." It is easy to see, it is a typographical error. And if you recall, it was in the context of your Elk Konnected friends logging on to your personal facebook. And I quote mself:

Here is that point, quoted:
Quote from: ROSS on August 12, 2015, 10:36:07 AM

You supported every move Elk Konnected and opposed any one who said other wise. You also had the members log into four personal facebook. You even chose to stop calling the Elk Konnected and calling them EK which is a bit more personal in nature.

Your communications skills are really lacking, and you want to blame me for that!
That is, the way of a good extreme left liberal, they blame someone else for their shortcomings.

You have earned my pity and sympathy and that is partly, because you felt you had to start this thread in order to attempt to poke me in the eye.

What a terrible ruse.

But still you are so much fun and entertaining!
So it has been my pleasure to try to commuicate with you.
I am not the least bit offendeed by your liberalism.

Diane Amberg

 Already he's here?  :P
Nope, doesn't fly.. not a simple typo. I never "had" anyone sign on any face book, let alone four of them.
  As for the "rules" for me, the ones he says he doesn't have. (Why does he follow me?) If I mention his name he must, according to him, appear like the dumb Jinn in the bottle did, and we all know what happened to him.
Other "rules"...suggestions, orders, demands, commands, for me. I must type better, ;) I must never post anything HE considers political (on my own thread) in all his wisdom. I'm supposed to get after others who have at him. Why? I love it when others go after him too. Keeps me from being lonely. ;)  HA!
I suppose I'm expected to submit anything I wish to post for his approval first. Nope, not gonna happen. I didn't expect him to chase me down until tomorrow. It's a disease.
  I'm expecting verbal spit wads now since he seems to have run out of anemic worn down, used up, repeated ad nauseam attempts at insults.
I'm done and ready to go talk local politics and crack crabs.

Diane Amberg

School taxes here where I live can't be raised without a referendum.They are very expensive to have and the last two failed.Now to hear it, you'd think they were going to have to close down schools.Yet Newark Charter thrives without nearly the money Christina School District spends on extra administrators and "out of classroom" expenses.
The charter schools get accused of stealing the top students.That can't happen if the parents don't apply.Perhaps the regular public schools should find out WHY the parents take their kids out of some of the public schools and fix the problems. It will be interesting to watch the petition there.I wonder how many signatures he will get? If he writes with the same attitude he speaks he might get punched.
   I saw something on face book yesterday that really made me laugh. (This is not quite a quote.) A person can be insulted and attacked until they have had enough and fight back.Then THEY are the bad guy. ;D ;D ;D ;D


You are not a liar and I enjoy your posts.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 14, 2015, 02:33:42 PM
Already he's here?  :P
Nope, doesn't fly.. not a simple typo. I never "had" anyone sign on any face book, let alone four of them.
  As for the "rules" for me, the ones he says he doesn't have. (Why does he follow me?) If I mention his name he must, according to him, appear like the dumb Jinn in the bottle did, and we all know what happened to him. Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.

I do not follow you. You call for me as explained fully on your other thread. It is you infatuation with my superior intellect.

Oh yes, you had and probably still do have Elk Konnected folks signed on to your facebook. They could not be on your friends list with out your acceptance. And no one said anythng about four, so why lie?

Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.                Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.                  Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.                Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 14, 2015, 02:33:42 PM
Other "rules"...suggestions, orders, demands, commands, for me. I must type better, ;) I must never post anything HE considers political (on my own thread) in all his wisdom. I'm supposed to get after others who have at him. Why? I love it when others go after him too. Keeps me from being lonely. ;)  HA!
I suppose I'm expected to submit anything I wish to post for his approval first. Nope, not gonna happen. I didn't expect him to chase me down until tomorrow. It's a disease.

Boy what a load of crap. The fact is you got after someone else for their attacks but refused to say anything about your friend joesue and her numerous attacks on several people, not just myself. You have a real problem dealing with the truth. Much like most left wing liberals. Them left wing liberals get caught with their drawers down they immediately start lying. And it was you that was busy trying to correct other peoples spelling and punctuation because you were a teacher. Thank God , you use to be a teacher. Why? Because of all you bullying on this forum.

Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.                Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.                  Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.                Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 14, 2015, 02:33:42 PM
  I'm expecting verbal spit wads now since he seems to have run out of anemic worn down, used up, repeated ad nauseam attempts at insults.
I'm done and ready to go talk local politics and crack crabs.

You sure think you are smart with Putting out such garbage, don't you?
Remember the remarks you made when I used the figure of speech, "Throwing spit wads at the teacher."
You took it literally instead of figuratively and now you choose, to use the term spit wad on me. Not very original, Diane. But I guess originality does not come with that diploma ya got, does it.

In the Navy the method of dealing with crabs was to tell the green kids ya shave one side, set the other side on fire and stab them little crabs as they run out of the fire. LOL

You will never be done with your attempts at putting someone, anyone down. And your infatuation with me will probably never end. You will continue to call whether by name or something else. And I seriously enjoy responding, because I know it makes your day.

Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.                Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.                  Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.                Yuk,Yuk,Yuk.

I am assuming the Yuk,Yuk,Yuk shows the depth of your intellect so I thought I'd enhance it for you.
I hope you appreciate my effort to spread you intellect a little more across the page, it's because I care.

Now go and bask in all the great knowledge I have shared with you.
And have a good night.

If you don't want to hear from me, control your infatuation and stop calling me back. Okay, OK!

Diane Amberg

I can't believe you actually don't remember your own post! "You also had the members log on to four different face book." That's a complete quote.  # 599 in the other thread. That's four..your words.F-O-U-R. Now should I call YOU a liar for denying it? Nah, not worth the effort.
Also I have ONE Facebook page with lots of friends from all over. I could care less if they are EK connected or not, are now or ever were .That's not what we talk about.
Off to do other things.

Diane Amberg

Once again it has been proven that Elk County has many delightful people,some who were wise enough to bail out of the forum, and some really,really odd ones still on it who have to have the last word on any subject and make anything anyone says mean what they want it to, and in the process aggrandize themselves. 
  I have been very entertained recently by The Donald. Being an old bush wacker from 'way back, he knows just how to appeal to a big segment of people, who don't understand how complicated world politics really are. Everything is connected and one can't untangle that overnight.
So now I'm being accused of being a "mouthpiece"...for whom I do not know. In what context? Who cares, I sure don't. I won't be interacting with Him anyway .As of tomorrow I won't have time. My summer fun time is over.
He can rant and rave and try to insult me, but it bounces right back on him, as any decent person knows. I  won't be seeing any of it, and I don't care if he believes it or not.
   It will be interesting to see how his petition turns out. I suspect something will show up in the paper.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2015, 10:28:36 AM

. So nowI'm being accused of being a "mouthpiece"...for whom I do not know.In what context? Who cares,I sure don't. I won't be interacting with Him anyway .

Unlike a person who does a lot of back-stabbing, I am straight forward. I don't go around starting politics in the coffee shop and then start a new thread hoping to get away with the back-stabbing.

You said many, many times you have people here in Elk County, Kansas feeding you information in Delaware. Consequently making you their mouth-piece. Not a fabrication but a fact.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 31, 2015, 10:28:36 AM

   It will be interesting to see how his petetion turns out. I suspect something will show up in the paper.

This is a petition of the people, for the people and by the people in one Elk County school district.
With out the people it would simply be just a piece of paper.

There really shouldn't be much that happens. The petition simply disallows the school board from running their end play around the voters. If they want an 8 mill 5 year property tax hike they will have to justify it to the voters and property owners.

It simply means they can not behave like the Federal Government that keeps demanding the debt ceiling, only here it is the property tax ceiling. No real difference.

It simply means they come to the people who own the school and the people they work for.

It is all very simple.

If we can not keep our elected officials in line on the local level we sure can't on the Federal level, now can we Diane? 

Bye-bye Diane time for me to head to the County Commissioners meeting?

When was the last time you attended a County Commissioners Meeting or School Board Meeting?


Nice to hear from you Diane. I am proud of you for standing up for yourself and asking questions. HE is the one that cannot comprehend. Typos are excusable for HIM but no one else.

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