Political Opinions from the East Coast

Started by Diane Amberg, August 14, 2015, 09:47:11 AM

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Fly the Confederate flag - Resist tyranny.




Pray for Frosty

Diane Amberg

So now that the political cat and dog fights are in full swing, I'm trying to figure out who to vote for of the people who might be left and actually get the nominations.
Donald Trump scares me because of his "this is fun" attitudes. He will want to buy his way into and out of whatever he wants and is used to being in total control. He may make congress his enemy very quickly. Being a successful business man isn't enough with no military or political experience. He doesn't say HOW he is going to accomplish anything. Who will he have surrounding him? Perhaps he doesn't think he would need a cabinet and may not even live in the White House....too shabby for him. HA! What kind of a first lady would his wife make?
As far as I'm concerned, Cruz doesn't qualify to run, I don't care who his mother is, period.
Hillary has tons of experience, but many people don't trust her.
I still can't figure out Bernie Sanders. I guess I'll have to keep watching.
Our local politics is just as bad, in fact one our our "say it like it is" radio commentators was just fired for being very critical of the Wilmington Police Dept. at least we think that's why he was let go. I haven't heard anything certain. There is a bad area that is having very serious gun, drug and gang activity with almost a shooting a day now, with many innocent people being harmed. I just never go into the city anymore. I'll stay here in Newark.

Diane Amberg

Nothing but Red today?....What a shame. By the way, the news coverage of the KKK rally in which some were roughed up, I saw mostly American flags, but sure enough there were some Confederate flags mixed in. I saw them myself.


I personally don't like Trump and haven't liked him for many years.

However, I appreciate that he shook up the RNC Establishment and the Republican party as a whole and the Politically Correct.

I find that not a one of the nominees are truthful ! They can not afford to be truthful.

I do believe the majority of American citizens are upset with the whole political Establishment and that is why people are looking towards Trump as anti-establishment.

Personally I have not made up my mind because there really isn't enough truthfulness to do so.

I think it will end up voting for the least of the bad contenders.

Diane Amberg

I broke my own rule and was so curious about Red's safety inspection thing that I read it.
It isn't even close to the way it is done here. New cars get a 4 year inspection sticker. Older cars like mine can get two years  at a time also.
We have special inspection stations, a couple in each county, that we drive through. The inspector does several quick safety checks... lights, wipers, exhaust pollution, horn, run-up- to- a  censor- and -slam- on- the- breaks- check. We don't even have to get out of the car, let alone leave it and come back for it later.
If we pass, we drive up to the pay window, pay, and they hand us the new sticker to attach ourselves. If something doesn't pass, we have a grace period to go where ever we wish to have it fixed and go back to have that one thing reinspected in a separate line. Not a big deal. Nobody scrapes stickers or plays with the lug nuts or anything else.


Diane that is the way it is here in Texas, It was that way in Oklahoma and Kansas as well. My antique Cars Do not have to be Inspected here in Texas. I have them Checked very Throughly and make sure the Tires and everything else is Safe and in Good shape.

Diane Amberg


We have never had out cars inspected here in Kansas. If they every did, it was before my time.

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