“The Hysterical Campaign to Suppress the [Confederate Battle] Flag . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 29, 2015, 06:26:41 AM

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. . . is actually a campaign to extinguish the South.  To get rid of people who are more traditional, conservative, and religious than it is now fashionable for Americans to be.  I believe Southerners are hated — and yes we are hated, and by people it would never occur to us to interfere with — because we are the last group of Americans who believe in freedom — who believe that not every sphere of life should be regulated by government.  The anti-flag campaign is nothing more than ethnic cleansing, which, as we know from history, often becomes oppression and then liquidation . . . .  If we are so bad, why have they never been willing to let us go?  Because they need their idea of us to keep up their self esteem in the American nightmare they have created."
-Dr. Clyde Wilson


Diane Amberg

Unless you can somehow change the poles, the south will remain right where it is. To suggest you are "hated" as a group is very inflammatory. Are you trying to create a self fulfilling prophecy?
That is very ignorant. Most people could care less about that flag one way or the other. For some and only some, it is a sensitive issue.  I respectively suggest that Dr. Wilson should go soak his head. Those bloggers will write anything to get attention.Where is the big picture?


It's no suprise to see your yankee comments.  The South was hated when the united States was formed.  Yankee socialism has been in place from the beginning - that's your people - your kind.  You think alike.  Your government schools indoctrinate the Lincolnian thinking.
Government schools are financed by taking money from citizens thereby forcing people to contribute to their Cause and their ways.  That doesn't say much for liberty and truth when we're forced to pay for your ways, your government favored ways. 

You're right, most people either care less, except they favor a huge central grovernment to care for them.  The Confederate Battle Flag stands in their way.  The Founding Fathers and the Confederates are not favorites of the Republicans or reconstructed Democrats.  Lincoln disconnected the USA from the Constitution - he changed this country.  Obama and the Republicans continue to debate which direction to continue the change.  They're not Constitutionally minded.  They're into socialism.  They're into telling others what to do by government force.  Liberty means nothing to them.  Government does.

Even if you do have ancestors who served the American Cause in the South, you don't show any connection to that Cause.

Where is the big picture for you?  It's the same big picture as seen by the Elk Konnected types.  It's world socialism also known as the The New World Order. 

Diane Amberg

That's so funny. I told you about my southern family before. They came from Scotland. Some were merchants and some were cotton farmers; no, they did not believe in making their living off the backs of slaves.They made it or not based on their own hard work. Eventually they made their way to Nebraska and then south to Kansas. My father's folks came from Germany. They made industrial machinery belts. Great Grandpa fought Union in the civil War and ended up in the Cavalry afterward.Yes, I had two brothers who fought on  opposite sides.That is very much a "big picture."
None of us ever had it in for the south in general and still don't. You have a very stiff and narrow way of looking at things. So be it.


Slavery was legal by the U S Constitution.

So if your ancestors did not believe in making their living off the backs of slaves, then why do you support a socialist organization like the Elk Konnected?  Why do you approve of such State sponsored organizations?

Could it be that you're not morally strong about standing for liberty as your ancestors were?

So your G-Gf took up arms against the Confederate States of America or shall we call them the Southern States?  Why?  Sounds to me like he had a reason or was he hornswoogled by Lincoln?

Diane Amberg

Nope...he needed work. Do you know about the New York draft riots? If one was drafted and had money (no surprise there) they would pay to have someone take their place. He took someone up on it, or so the family story goes. He didn't believe in slavery, legal or not, and took the Bible seriously. He was a fiesty guy and ended up in the 7th Cavalry when it was formed after the war. He was a liaison officer and didn't have anything good to say about Custer, even though Grandpa didn't care for Indians either.
He transferred out of the 7th to the 5th shortly before The Little Big Horn incident or I wouldn't be here to write this. HA!  Other than being interesting, it means nothing now.That was so long ago, things have changed a lot since then, some for the better, some not so much.


Sounds like that he was not a socialist.  Socialsim is a very popular thing nowadays and most of us have been indoctrinated in socialism in the government schools.  The socialists were active back then too you know however not nearly as much as they are now. 

Have you ever considered taking the Bible seriously?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 31, 2015, 07:28:20 AM
Other than being interesting, it means nothing now.That was so long ago, things have changed a lot since then, some for the better, some not so much.

Presentism  ˈprezenˌtizəm/
uncritical adherence to present-day attitudes, especially the tendency to interpret past events in terms of modern values and concepts.

Diane Amberg

Now you are opening a very dangerous door. This is all just my own true opinion,nothing more.
Much of the Bible is great ..but I know there were/are many ''interpretations.'' Unless you can read ancient Aramac, you are believing what someone long ago wanted you to believe for their own benefit. ( Can you read Greek?) Even today, versions are written for kids or people who want the language to be more understandable. But then what subtle changes are there?
I do believe there were a number of books that were found unsuitable and were left out. The scholars of ancient writings are still working on and debating the rest, and that is fine by me.
Many religious ideas were about at least history,health, safety, behavior, customs and above all, control.
No, I don't take all the stories literally, but I know they were accepted at the time they were written and why. They were used to explain to simple people things that happened around them.
Some really odd things did happen and have been explained over the years ...fascinating stuff.
Remember, you are dealing with an area where many people lived in tribes. We don't tend to understand that today in the detail that their lives were affected. Some customs were very strict and cruel by today's standards.
   I have had the occasion to hear Rabbis speak at services over the years and the sections they always do on Jewish customs, history and the Bible are always very informative...the connection between Jesus and his Jewish foundations are extremely interesting.
Do I take every single thing about the bible literally? No. But it can be a wonderful guide to life, if one wants it to be. Keep in mind, there are  now almost more off shoots to Christianity and various churches and denominations, than one could keep track of. Is there any one that is "right"and the others are wrong? To each their own choice.
I'm speaking as an American who lives in America. It is different in other countries and I'm afraid is soon to boil over.
As a self labeled modern confederate, which church should all "true" confederates  belong to? I'm expecting that to be announced at any time. ;)


Watching our Longton fair parade yesterday, hoping someone would throw me a Tootsie Roll, I saw a truck/ float that had a Confederate flag flying from both back corners of the PU bed. Sitting between the flags was a black guy, throwing candy to the kiddies. I thought,"I bet he doesn't know the history of the Confederate flag "---then on second thought " I bet he does know the history of the Confederate battle flag and knows it has nothing to do with racism."

Diane Amberg

Isn't it up to the individual to decide how they feel about it that flag?  People's  family histories are very different in regards to the flag.  Whether those feelings carry forward to now is up to them isn't it?
  Here, years ago when the Klan marched or gathered or protested something, they usually had that flag flying and it was very racially motivated.  They made it so. I hope that is different now, but it was true then.
I'm talking only about near here,(lower Delaware) and in part of nearby Maryland. Rising Sun was known as a hot bed of Klan activity for many, many years.
I'm also not sure why that flag in particular is the one that became connected with the Confederates.There were others.Why did they fade away and that one survived? I can understand here because Virginia is quite close ,but other southern states? Did you ever get your Tootsie Roll?

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