“The Hysterical Campaign to Suppress the [Confederate Battle] Flag . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 29, 2015, 06:26:41 AM

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Quote from: jarhead on August 02, 2015, 08:20:37 AM
Watching our Longton fair parade yesterday, hoping someone would throw me a Tootsie Roll, I saw a truck/ float that had a Confederate flag flying from both back corners of the PU bed. Sitting between the flags was a black guy, throwing candy to the kiddies. I thought,"I bet he doesn't know the history of the Confederate flag "---then on second thought " I bet he does know the history of the Confederate battle flag and knows it has nothing to do with racism."

Many blacks defended the Southern stand during the War For Southern Independence.  I'm thinking there's a black Confederate from Mississppi or Texas buried at Winfield, KS.

The flag of the KKK is the U. S. flag, not the Confederate flag.  The modern KKK has no Southern connection.  The people in the modern KKK have been government schooled and brainwashed just like everybody else, blacks too.  We're still living under the Federal government's Reconstruction.

Government schooling has been brainwashing the kids for more than 100 years and that's both the blacks and whites.

"When the South raised its sword against the Union's Flag, it was in defense of the Union's Constitution."
-Confederate General John B. Gordon


I think the flag means different things for different people.  I have no problem with people who recognize the flag as a symbol of history.  I myself am a descendant of Jefferson Davis, although that seems to be a popular thing to say these days.

I'm not sure the flag at the South Carolina state house was put up as a historical symbol.  It was raised in the 1960's I believe.  I've heard that they put the flag up in response to the civil rights movement.  I don't know whether thats true or not.  If it were true, it seems to me as though the flag was intended to be a symbol of repression, in which case, its not appropriate.  If it were to celebrate history, thats a different story.  But who really knows what intention those people had...
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

Red, I'm telling you..again..that here, especially during the late 40's and the 50's, when I was old enough to notice, the KKK gatherings and marches did include that battle flag. I don't know why, but they did carry it. I saw it myself. Perhaps it was a local thing here.
  As for the modern KKK, I know nothing.... but when a person on the forum said that the only blacks that were killed awhile back "needed killing" I was horrified!
Just as the German use of the swastika will always mean something despicable to certain groups, that confederate flag will mean something terrible in the histories of some families and groups. It is what it is.It's not my memory so I won't judge...except I will never accept people "owning" people, I don't care who did it or does it, even now


The Confederate flag is not about owning people.

The U S Flag is the flag of the KKK (and a lot of other groups too).  The KKK has no business using the Confederate flag.

You, the KKK guys, the NAACPer's, and a lot of other people have much of the same kind of thinking, from the same kind of education - government education. Surely, you don't believe that the government schools are training kids to historic conservative Americans do you?  You all think alike because you've been indoctrinated by and thru the government schools.

The Confederate flag is an international symbol against tyranny.  That's why Obama and the Republicans want the Confederate flag taken down.  Worms they are, as Jarhead calls 'em.  Tyrants.  They don't want the Confederate flag to be flown in public including on private lands. 




Diane Amberg

You used ME and the KKK in the same sentence? Wow.... ??? You must be running out of bad things to say about me. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Your highly educated thinking is parallel to the KKK thinking.  You're tracking the same as the KKK.  Just telling it like it is.

Diane Amberg

Like it is? HA! If you really feel that way,you must be a very sad and frustrated person, with high blood pressure and ulcers. :P  Does the sun ever shine where you live?



This morning the sun will be shining on my Confederate flag.

Have your changed your view of the Confederate flag?  Tell us again your stand on the Confederate flag.   

Diane Amberg

I told you this once.
I have no problem with flags or any kind of home decorations on personal property as long as it isn't pornographic and close enough to the road for kids to see.
Our Sussex County (Lower,slower Delaware) did just have a rally suporting that flag.Lots of trucks decorated.It didn't bother anyone.
Now flaunting it, as just happened when the flags were stuck in the ground in front of a black church is something else.That wasn't appropriate.IMHO


Diane,  Red just doesn't get it.  Best not to waste time arguing with someone who is incapable of understanding your point of view.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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