Confederate Monument - Salisbury, NC . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 09, 2015, 06:04:11 AM

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Here in Salisbury, NC (home of my father) there sits a beautiful Confederate statue called "Gloria Victus", or as most call "Fame." It is an angel with spread wings supporting a Confederate soldier holding a rifle. It sits in the middle of Innis Street at the intersection of Innis and Church. It was dedicated in 1909. Of the 4,000 who attended the dedication, most notable was Anna Jackson, widow of Stonewall Jackson, along with 162 Confederate Veterans. Here is an article printed last Thursday about Fame:

Today, as expected, there are those starting to chatter about getting rid of Fame.

I intend on speaking before the council to support our beloved Fame. 

One lady, Rev. Robin Tanner, a lead minister for the Piedmont Unitarian Universalist Church, said, "I think the end game is reconciliation." For those of you who know, Julia Ward Howe, author of that damnable Battle Hymn of the Republic, was also part of the Unitarian Church. In her memoirs, Howe stated that Jesus was no different than any other ordinary man who walked the earth. 

What this Christ-denying Tanner doesn't understand is that a lot of "reconciliation" occurred a hundred years ago. Because the South represented most of the men serving our country under US colors after Lincoln's war, the north and national government started the process. Former Confederates were given Cabinet posts under Wilson and FDR. Flags and other property were returned to the South. FDR sent the Presidents Own Marine Band to play for the only "out of South" United Confederate Veterans Reunion in Colorado. All this eventually led up to US Code 38, passed in 1958 by Congress and signed into law in 1959 by former General and President Eisenhower. US Code 38 effectively gave all Confederate Veterans the same rights and privileges as US Veterans. That was the real crown on reconciliation.

If these locusts succeed on removing Confederate property, they may as well have the service of ALL veterans descended from Confederates erased as well. Sanitation of one group of Veterans means a sanitation of many who followed. Much of the history of the armed forces will have to be erased as well, which by the way, is already occurring. My beloved Marine Corps has a huge chapter of Confederate heritage. Leading up to WWII, the Corps was known tongue-and-cheek as the "army of the Confederacy" and also as the "offspring of the Confederacy." This is due to the majority of Marines who were / are descended from Confederate Veterans.   

Let's get to the guts of this. What this so-called "Reverend" calls "reconciliation" will become a reckoning if these "flash mob" irascibles are bowed to. There will be a reckoning if she and those like her get their way.

And if true Southerners (especially those who proudly boast of their Confederate heritage organisation) won't stand up against this tsunami of Confederate cleansing, then I'm ashamed to call myself one. 


Jimmy Ward

P.S. - One name mentioned in the first link provided is Sue Curtis. She is a member of the local United Daughters of the Confederacy. Her reputation is, not so much for standing for Confederate history, but for her Salisbury symposium where she honors the dead yankee soldiers in the Salisbury Confederate prison. I'll bet she is just the pride of the UDC.

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