Tear Down That Monument! . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 09, 2015, 05:06:19 AM

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If today's "progressives" want to begin tearing down what they believe to be monuments to America's racist past, they should start with the Lincoln Memorial.
-Thomas DiLorenzo

He's right.  The Republican party has played the race game for 150 years and the modern reconstructed Democrats are right there to assist them.

Read on:

Diane Amberg

You call me a progressive, but I don't think tearing down monuments does any one any good at all. That includes the destruction of world art that is being destroyed by whomever is in power at the time.
I think the really repulsive ones have gone long ago, and I don't agree with the premise behind what went on involving slavery, but it is history and shouldn't be rewritten, even if it is done by the "winning" side, and has been for hundreds of years.
Using the old VA battle flag to rub some groups' noses in it to show they still support racism is just as wrong, and yes, it still happens.


Government education has dumbed down Americans including the racists.


Who has been lied to the most in government schools, blacks or whites?  All of 'em.

You want to raise your kids to be communists?  If so, then send them to a government school.

Diane Amberg

So, don't send them there .You have lots of options.Send them to a religious school.Then ask the teachers where they went to school to learn how to teach.
Maybe they can still teach that the earth is flat and the sun revolves around the earth... and horse hairs turn into snakes when it thunders. People truly believed that at one time too. uneducated people are much easier to control.The old churches knew that and were much worse than any Gov't you would complain about today.


Nowdays, people believe in many of the socialist ways just like you do.

Like teaching - indoctrination.  Not all, but many do.

Diane Amberg

Yup, that is how the encoding and decoding of language =reading and writing. 8) That is indeed indocturation, as kids can't learn it being exposed to it just once. It takes an ongoing step by step repetitive process. It's also called emmersion, as is often used in teaching other languages. Basic math is the same. Ya can't learn it by any method by just doing it once.
If you must call that socialism, more power to ya.
Apparently someone put up with you long enough to get the basics into your head...and no, I did not call you silly...unless you really do avoid zippers because the founding fathers didn't have them...and that really would be silly. ;) Are you really that antisocial or what? You must be dissapointed in everything and everyone around you. As the modern kids say,"it must suck to be you."


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 12, 2015, 07:50:29 AM
So, don't send them there .You have lots of options.Send them to a religious school.Then ask the teachers where they went to school to learn how to teach.
Maybe they can still teach that the earth is flat and the sun revolves around the earth... and horse hairs turn into snakes when it thunders. People truly believed that at one time too. uneducated people are much easier to control.The old churches knew that and were much worse than any Gov't you would complain about today.

He didn't tell us where he's sending his kids,  he wants to tell us where WE should send OUR kids.... hmmm  Tyranny and control!  a liberal plot to dictate how we educate our kids!!!!
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Why would I want to send my kids to a communist school?  You don't seem to have any problem with the communist schools and they'd love to have as many kids go to their schools as they can get - they use government to force their schooling upon citizens.

Government schools are tyranny and control and you know it.  Social forces.  Tyrants all.

Diane Amberg

Yup, force those kids to learn to read and write and do math.
If schools were really communistic, kids would have been shuttled into their class groups based on the parent's political connections, not the child's natural intellegence, abilites and interests. You think they choose their own career path?
  Parents have no choice. Kids who didn't have much intellegence were, and still are, sent off to other educational paths very early on. Even the second language kids here learn, like French or Spanish, is chosen for them.They don't get to choose. Our kids do, within the choices their school offers.
  Kids who go to college, and where, are seldom chosen by their parents, it's all political. I'm surprised you didn't know that.
It's somewhat better now than long ago, but it's still more controlled than parents here would ever put up with.You really think those parents could petition to have their kids opt out of testing? Are you kidding? They wouldn't dare.
Perhaps you should step over to the sunny side of the street for awhile and recognize what we do have here.

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