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Need some help

Started by Eddie Hopwood, January 27, 2007, 01:16:26 PM

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Eddie Hopwood

Hi everyone, I am looking for the obituaries of my grandparents. Clarence Garrett and Anna Garrett  Who lived in Howard.  If anyone can help it would be much appreciated


Eddie, would you by any chance, know their death dates and where they died?  I have checked the Social Security Death Index and cannot seem to find them listed, (to obtain their dates of death) and I have tried using different spellings, too.  I remember your grandparents, but am unsure if they were still living in Howard at the time of their deaths. 

I know where they used to live, and it seems to me that someone said the sheriff lives there now (if I'm not mistaken).  Anyway, they lived on Washington Street, in a white stucco house, about 1/2 block west of Hazel Moore, on the north side of the street.

Eddie Hopwood

My grandpa died in 1974 I think.  He was in a hospital in Wichita We moved to Howard shortly after he died My grandma died in 1999  she was in the Twilight Manor nursing home when she died Maybe I should ask my mother to get the exact dates .  I know they both are buried at the Grace Lawn cemetary in Howard
Yes that is where they lived. I have a lot of good memories of that house

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