Unusual Given Names

Started by genealogynut, January 27, 2007, 08:36:45 AM

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In researching things to say at Nellie Clark Bruner's funeral, I came across this website. It is fun to look up your own name in the year you were born to find out how popular it was.  http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/
Nellie was # 50 in 1907 and Kevin is #14 in 1962.
Check out my family history Website http://home.austin.rr.com/clarkdentongen/


Michael was the 7th most popular name in 1947. Jones, well, Jones is more "popular" than that (it is 4th in the country). So, with a name like Michael Jones (one of a veritable horde of Michael Joneses everywhere), you will begin to see why I like seeing rare and unusual names. It is a form of wishful thinking.


Diane Amberg

       Kevin, thanks for sharing that website, that's fun. I didn't make it for 1945 but Carol and I both made it in 1950.


Some of my Aunts and Uncles have pretty unusual names and/or spellings for thier generation.

My mom, Anettia (Anita) and her sister Tena (Tina)
My father's brothers, Jodie LaMar and LaDon

My cousin named her daughter Corbyn Jade. I'm waiting to see what they come up with for the baby they are expecting.


 oldest daughter Pamela, was #12 in 1959, daughter Kelly #45 in 1961, daughter Denise (went by Lynn) #30 in 1962.  Not very popular names - Couldn't even find mine, probably because of the spelling.  Couldn't have been very popular, tho.  But that was interesting - - - :'( went back in and ck'd my name by different spellings that I know of and wasn't even in the top 1000.  Does that make me an odd ball or "unique" ;D


Amber was #34 for 1977. It hasn't made the top 10 in the past 50 years.

Andrew was #7 for 1999. But I don't think many of them go by Andy. Of the other Andrews that are my son's age, their mothers frown on the nick name. Kinda funny.

Natalie was #23 for 2003.


Flo, you are definitely "unique."

As for me, I'm "eccentric" as opposed to "crazy."

But where do you suppose all this leaves Janet and Teresa?



Just as crazy as they have always been.

This one isn't unique, in fact it is usually the top male name.  My grandson's name is Michael.  This is what his teachers and everybody else except me and his grandpa called him all his growing up life.  We called him Mike, which is a good oldfashioned MAN'S name.  Somewhere in his highschool life, he started going by Mike and that was what was on his graduation roll and that is what he calls himself now.  Were Grandpa and I right or what?

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Wilma on July 08, 2007, 01:11:10 PM
Were Grandpa and I right or what?

I am not answering that.


Gosh, Wilma, first you tell me that Mike, rather than Michael, is a man's name. Then I find myself eating a vegetarian Kansas Quiche for dinner tonight, and you know what they say about men and quiche. I suppose that I should be getting a complex about now, but I don't think I will. I've gotten along this far being called Michael and eating quiche, and I guess it is way too late to stop either one.


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