Tidbits Extracted from Independence Reporter

Started by genealogynut, January 29, 2007, 03:02:23 PM

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Note:  From time-to -time I hope to be adding more extractions that will include other towns in Elk County.

These little tidbits were taken from the issue dated Monday, Apri 20, 1959 and written by Mrs. Fritz Weigand.

The ladies of the Presbyterian church sponsored a "Spring Taste Luncheon," at the Presbyterian Church basement Tuesday.  New recipes were sold at the "Recipe Bar," for a small charge.  A large crowd attended the luncheon.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bellar are constructing a new house at their farm west of town.

Mrs. Jennie Sliker returned to her home Monday from El Dorado, where she had been visiting.  She expects to leave soon to make her home with her daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bullington have sold their home at the west edge of town to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luke and the Bullingtons have purchased the Sam Luke residence located on the corner of Elk and Wabash and it will be known as the "Bullington Nursing home."

Mrs. Wayne Scobey of Grenola is assisting Mrs. Bullington at the home.  Both families plan to move Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jess Miller entertained the Miller families with a dinner Sunday.  The following attended: Mr. and Mrs. Willis Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miller and children, Stephen and Marilyn; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and daughter, Vicki, her friend Carolyn Ingle (I think that should be Karen, instead) and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clark and Rodney of Augusta and Mr. Frank Force who resides at the Miller home.  Mr. and Mrs. Willard Morss were afternoon visitors.

The following extractions are dated Friday, June 14, 1957, written by Helena Gors.

Mr. Leon Goss arrived in Howard Monday for a few days visit with his wife and daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Goss.  Leon is in the Navy.

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hastings and family arrived in Howard Sunday evening for two weeks vacation with her father.  Mr. Sam Luke and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hastings and other frinds and relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. John West and daughters and  Miss Evelyn Cooley, returned home Friday night from their vacation to the west coast.  The West girls contacted the measles so they cut their vacation short.  They traveled through 12 states and covered 4985 miles.

Mr. and Mrs. Cob Miller and Vicki went to Winfield Thursday evening to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miller and Stevie at the Newton Memorial hospital.  They found little Steve some improved and he will be able to return home soon.

Rev. and Mrs. Phonce Mitchell will leave this week for Garnett, where he has accepted pastorage.  Rev. Richard Williams of Marysville will come to Howard and Rev. Tilletson will be the District Supt.

Fred Rhodes caught a 4 1/2 pound drum and a 2 1/4 pound bass at the same time on Monday.  Fred was fishing with a line that had two hooks.

Thursday, May 23, 1957

Mr. Rex Armstrong went to Kansas City Tuesday and attended a Pontiac school and drove a new Pontiac home for the Hebb garage, Wednesday evening.

Mother's Day gathering at Cleland Wells Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John Wells, Mre. Nettie Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Armstrong, all of HOward; Mrs. C. D. Crumrine of Wichita; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry York and son, Mr.andMrs. Glenn Hasting and family of Wichita; Mr. and Mrs. Roland Vick and Johnnie of HOward.  Afternoon callers were Miss Neva Jean Wells of Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hillis and family of WInfield, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells and family of Piedmont.

Monday, June 5, 1967--written by Mrs. Floyd Ohler

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dilli and David of Pittsburg are visiting with Mrs. Dilli's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Gray and John, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dilli of rural Howard.  Dilli graduated from Vocational Technical Training at the Kansas State College, Pittsburg.  He was an outstanding student of cabinet and furniture plaque and a $75 gift certificate from Sears Roebuck Co.  Dilli started working for Cessna in Wichita this week where they will be making their home.

Ken Forsyth was the victim of a freak accident on Sunday, when he was overcome from fumes of chlorine used in the swimming pool.  He was rushed by ambulance to the Newton Memorial Hospital, Winfield, and was dismissed Monday evening.  His brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Don Forsyth brought him to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Forsyth or rural Howard.

Lynn Perkins will be one of the 75 senior law students to receive his degree from Washburn University on June 4.  He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perkins.  He, with his wife and three daughters live on a cattle ranch near Howard.

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