Southern Poverty Law Center And The Dept. Of Homeland Security

Started by redcliffsw, March 01, 2015, 07:44:47 AM

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Diane Amberg

Ross, if you take those angry, cockle burr attitudes of yours to the school board, you will likely see yourself in constant conflict.Not that I care.
1.Why does my education bother you so much? At 70 years old I have enough life experience to have meaningful opinions without any degree at all! I don't pick on you for not having a college degree. You are the one who calls yourself a hick, not me. I don't really care. Why so touchy? Some careers demand a degree, some don't. I'm even all for home schooling if that's what parents want to do.I've said that so many times!!! If you wanted to go to school and couldn't, that's your problem, don't try to make it mine.
You are insulting my Kansas born parents too. They both believed in providing the education we needed to be successful at whatever we chose to do They felt is was their responsibility. My sister didn't go to college. She went to art school which was the right thing for her. So why are you so stuck on it? You quote me back things I never said in the first place, comments that came from you and you put in my mouth.
2. I didn't call anybody any names in my post...and you know it. You are just hoping people will read your post and not mine, or they might notice what I really wrote.

3. My comment about rewriting history was a question, not a statement. It even has a question mark after it...ya know, one of those punctuation marks that has a curve in it? It would be nice if you'd stop dragging any and all subjects involving my comments back to your same old opinions.Frankly, every body who is left knows how you feel.BOOORING!
4. If I must, I will quote from the very article that you yourself provided. It proves my point. My state- ment was correct. Didn't you read it?
Now I must go beat up on some ice, and while I'm doing that, I'll laugh at certain people trying to get over on me. Very funny. I'll not comment any further on Tienanmen Square. I think we squeezed all the juice out of that subject.


I'd sure vote for Ross if I could.  He'll do just fine on the school board.

Diane Amberg

Of course he could. But, will he temper his natural cantankerous ways in order to get anything done but bicker and argue? He has already posted put downs on all the existing board members except one and has had much negative to say about the school superintendent. Several of those board member he criticized would still be there as he would only replace one of them.(Perhaps other seats are up too? I really don't know.) But, he could have already put himself in a bad position with some of them, if they know he has been openly critical of them. If they are anything like him, they won't forget anything he ever said against them and could make it very uncomfortable for him. Sorry Ross,I don't mean to talk about you as if you aren't here.I'm just expressing my opinion, having helped several people here run their campaigns.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 03, 2015, 07:18:24 PM
Ross, don't make a big deal of this. I could quote the article you provided.

I did provide a good reference didn't I?
Thanks for the copliment!

Quote from: ROSS on March 03, 2015, 08:24:26 PM
WOW !               Who made a big deal out of it?
You did!             You, who knows all because of a degree of some sort!
You did!             Accusing someone of re-writing history.
You did!             As in most of your posts.
You did!             by calling people names.
You did!             Without being to document your statements with the exception of a worn out degree in                                                       
something. Was that arrogant ignorance?

It's your attitude about having a degree.
It' your attitude about having been a teacher.
It's your attitude about being an EMS hero.
It's your attitude about everything.
You have a very bad attitude in my professional opinion.

Oh, a reminder my profession is retired, redneck ,hick at almost 70 years old that has traveled a great deal of the US, Asia and Germany. And damned proud of it. The best part of my profession is being a retired,redneck, hick at almost 70 years old. Oh, least, I forget, I love arrogant ignorance based on a useless diploma and organizational brainwashing.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 04, 2015, 08:25:10 AM
Ross, if you take those angry, cockle burr attitudes of yours to the school board, you will likely see yourself in constant conflict.Not that I care.

Wow! I am flattered you already have me elected! Thank you for you support but lets not start celebrating just yet.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 04, 2015, 08:25:10 AM
1.Why does my education bother you so much? At 70 years old I have enough life experience to have meaningful opinions without any degree at all! I don't pick on you for not having a college degree. You are the one who calls yourself a hick, not me. I don't really care. Why so touchy? Some careers demand a degree, some don't. I'm even all for home schooling if that's what parents want to do.I've said that so many times!!! If you wanted to go to school and couldn't, that's your problem, don't try to make it mine.

It is not your limited education that bothers me! It's all about attitude as explained above.
You have made it quite evident you think little of someone without a degree and that is why I make fun of myself. I love being a hick, that is smarter that a piece of paper. You see common sense does not come with a piece of paper (Degree).

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 04, 2015, 08:25:10 AM
You are insulting my Kansas born parents too. They both believed in providing the education we needed to be successful at whatever we chose to do They felt is was their responsibility. My sister didn't go to college. She went to art school which was the right thing for her. So why are you so stuck on it? You quote me back things I never said in the first place, comments that came from you and you put in my mouth.

As far as quoting you. Yes, I do! And every
time the quote is copied and pasted word for word as you posted it. This can be verified by anyone that clicks on the line directly above the quote, which will appear similar to, « Reply #1 on: March 01, 2015, 08:32:06 am » in much smaller letters.

No, no dearie, I am not insulting your Kansas grown parents. Is this an indication that you are not a native of Kansas? May I see your birth certificate asked an Obama Birther. Just kidding, we gotta have a tiny bit of humor in here.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 04, 2015, 08:25:10 AM
2. I didn't call anybody any names in my post...and you know it. You are just hoping people will read your post and not mine, or they might notice what I really wrote.

Oh you betcha, I hope they do read what I post, especially right now and I hope they are laughiing at me, no not you, me. I'se crazy but I'm not insane ---- yet.  They are coming to take me away. Ha, ha, he, he, ho, ho.

You don't think people notice what you write!                I'm not insane yet!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 04, 2015, 08:25:10 AM
3. My comment about rewriting history was a question, not a statement. It even has a question mark after it...ya know, one of those punctuation marks that has a curve in it? It would be nice if you'd stop dragging any and all subjects involving my comments back to your same old opinions.Frankly, every body who is left knows how you feel.BOOORING!

My goodness your diploma is showing again! Everyone out here in cyberspace is to dumb to understand that it has a question mark but that it is not really a question mark in the true sense, but we unedumacate understand the real and truthful meaning. And consequently understand the purpose of postin the statement about it.                                                I'm not insane yet! Bahhahaha.

4. If I must, I will quote from the very article that you yourself provided. It proves my point. My state- ment was correct. Didn't you read it?
Now I must go beat up on some ice, and while I'm doing that, I'll laugh at certain people trying to get over on me. Very funny. I'll not comment any further on Tienanmen Square. I think we squeezed all the juice out of that subject.

Good for you, take your frustration out on the ice!
This hasn't really been about Tienanmen Square as much as about you, your parents, you sister and your diploma. You got me beat on the age by one year ---- you got girl. You win!

A little joke before I go.

Do you know why some education is called training?
Because it is possible to train a long list of animals.

You just posted again. Oh boy another post to respond to.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 04, 2015, 09:56:47 AM
Of course he could. But, will he temper his natural cantankerous ways in order to get anything done but bicker and argue?

Are you insinuating I become a lame democrat?
Are you insisting I become a lame Liberal?
Are you insinuating I become as wasteful with taxpayer money as this board has been?
Are you insinuating I should agree that taxing the people till they bleed is the way to go.
Are you insinuating I become an Elk Konnected Follower?
Are you insinuating I should shun the truth?
And don't got there ---- I have never in my life been a kiss ass, organizational or otherwise. LOL
If these things are what you are insinuating then yes I will be as you say cantankerous.
I know you organizational trained people expect everyone else to fall into your trap, but I don't ever intend to.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 04, 2015, 09:56:47 AM
He has already posted put downs on all the existing board members except one and has had much negative to say about the school superintendent.

Now Diane it not nice to make false claims er lie. I have been very complimentary of Mr. Moore.
The man is extremely intelligent and he is very, very good verbally. Why I have never seen a man so easily and seeminglessly  manipulate and control so many people with out having stripes or brass on their uniform. I highly respect Mr. Moore. So play nice if you are going to play.

I didn't put them down, they did, with their very own actions.
When the school board president throws a coniption fit and hollers he doesn't care how many taxpayers he pisses off, he has just put himself down. All because his children will have to graduate high school with out having the experience of a brand new gym to play in. How educated of him! The poor, poor little man. He has earned my sympathy because all them nasty old taxpayers that voted against his strongest desire.

And I have complimented the only one on the board that tried to get communications going between board members during their meetings. Mr Bellar earned my respect as being an upright man and board member. To bad he won't be running again. The board is losing an excellent man.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 04, 2015, 09:56:47 AM
Several of those board member he criticized would still be there as he would only replace one of them.(Perhaps other seats are up too? I really don't know.) But, he could have already put himself in a bad position with some of them, if they know he has been openly critical of them. If they are anything like him, they won't forget anything he ever said against them and could make it very uncomfortable for him.

5 of the 7 seats are open and there are only three people that are new that are in the running.
I don't may be nobody else wants to serve along side the arrogantly ignorant Elk Konnected Followers, just my opinion.

Are you kidding, Diane!
I've dealt with a lot smarter and a lot tougher people.
And Diane we all have rules and regulations we have to live by.
We are also suppose to have some principles and ethics.
Tell me which School Board Member is not Elk Konnected besides Mr. Bellar?
Can you tell me that, Diane?
Because then you would be telling me something.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 04, 2015, 09:56:47 AM
Sorry Ross,I don't mean to talk about you as if you aren't here.I'm just expressing my opinion, having helped several people here run their campaigns.

I'm not offended Diane, I enjoy conversing with you. LOL
I'm not campaigning per say, I am who I am and if they like the truth, vote for me.
I may put a few 7"X11" homemade posters and word of mouth,  but that's it.
I make no campaign promises because I don't even make everyday promises because they are too easy to break.
So I am not looking for campaign advice Diane, but thanks anyway.
You failed to mention if any candidates you have helped got elected. LOL

I gotta take a break and fix lunch for me, my wife and my great, great little nephew.
I'm having a really good time taking care of him while his mamma is in the hospital.
Two years old and better behaved than me. LOL


Quote from: redcliffsw on March 04, 2015, 08:37:44 AM
I'd sure vote for Ross if I could.  He'll do just fine on the school board.

Thank you for the vote of confidence Red.


Our system of government is geared towards forcing compromise and reasonableness.  As we've seen in Congress the last 4-6 years, government doesn't function unless legislators can get along.  Anyone who can't fit that bill needs to step aside.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

I suspect I'll regret this later, but Ross you don't have conversations with me, you throw lines and lines of criticisms and try to play gotcha.
Yes, the article you posted was very good.
As far as saying you criticized the current school board, I said all but one, not all, all BUT ONE.

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