The Economy Is Not Recovering . . .

Started by redcliffsw, January 04, 2015, 08:41:24 AM

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The national debt created by the thieves in the Outlaw Congress and urged on by millions of Americans who now depend on all those government agencies to create unconstitutional, worthless jobs, is $18.4 TRILLION bux and climbing. That's awesome?

In 2008, thieves in the Outlaw Congress stole hundreds of billions of dollars from we the people- all borrowed with the debt slapped on our backs - to unconstitutionally bail out banks. No where in Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution does it authorize the bandits in the Outlaw Congress to steal from you and me to loan or give one penny to private banks or automobile manufacturers. Not a penny. But, the banks were "too big to fail". You, me, our children and grand children on the other hand aren't 'too big to fail'. We are being driven into poverty to pay this massive debt shoved down our throats and keep the banking cartels pumping worthless paper. And, voters were so pleased with it all, they just reelected most of the same incumbents who were in the Outlaw Congress in 2008 who voted to further impoverish them.
-Devvy Kidd

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