
Started by hhjacobs, January 22, 2007, 08:47:46 PM

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Did anyone read about the eagles in the Wichita Eagle? they say there are around 17 in the city along the river. Henry saw one out near our farm a few days age.

Janet Harrington

I saw the article.  It had great pictures and I think you can go to Kansas.com and view more pictures by that photographer.  Don't remember his name, though.

As for seeing eagles around here, I believe that there are a few that hang around Moline lake and I have seen one at the Howard Lake but that was several years ago.  People have seen young eagles around in the winter time.  They are truly a magnificant bird.  I saw them in Alaska about three years ago.  They are just huge.


Three or four years ago when everything was frozen over for some time, there were hundreds of bald eagles around the Winfield Lake.  I always have a small camera with me, but that day we were so astounded at the sight, it never entered my mind to try to get a picture.  We had never seen anything like it and probably never will again.


There was a pair of Eagles nesting out by Eureka last summer I saw one youngster when we stopped to view them from the roadside they had a huge nest in the top of a tree just behind someones house.


They have classes on the Eagles in Lawrence every year.They make their nest on the Riverfront where the mall is located,right at the north end of Mass street.  You can walk out and they will fly right over you. We try and make it over at least once a year to see them. They have a special event were an Indian Chief comes over in full dress and gives a talk. Of course I either forget my camera or the batteries are dead.
The picture in the Wichita Eagle is great. Even if I took a picture it would be off center or out of focus.
Army Mom

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