Old Piedmont school gone

Started by oldfart, November 18, 2014, 05:46:06 PM

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 Someone came in and tore down old school building , was told he did it for the bricks maybe we call see if would too have somemore. Good way get rid of our old eye sore!


I agree it was time, it had all fallen in. My wife had family that went to school there. Maybe Howard could get the old Grade School torn down as well. It is a terrible eyesore. Howard should contact the party that tore the
Piedmont school down and tell him he could have lots of bricks from the old Howard grade school.


I graduated from there and, believe me, I have no regrets.  It should have come down a long time ago.


I've got wood from that school that came down when the roof was blown off.  Awesome 100 year old yellow pine too!  Hard as a rock.   
But i think roland meisch did the tear down. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I believe the owner paid to have the school taken down plus the bricks.  The man was from Douglass, Ks.

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