A blond poll moment

Started by Teresa, March 09, 2005, 10:52:26 AM

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I was just setting down here between doing 100 other things today and realized that I didn't put on a new poll on Monday and here it is Wednesday.. and I promised 2 polls a week..

(((((Please except my most humble apologies Master... Doby is only here to please..
Please don't hit Doby.. Doby is sorry...))))

Sorry.. got carried away there . Thought I was in the land of Harry'ette Potter ;D

Anyway, back to whatever in the "who knows what" I was talking about.
Oh yeah, the poll..  ::) I will get one on right now.
And also.. I was looking all around and going back through posts and subjects, and you know?
We sure have had a whole lot of different topics and personality's in here.
I love it :). What a nice rounded out group we are so far.
Without your comments ,opinions, ideas, posts and thoughts on things.. we wouldn't have this.
    everyone for making it a nice place to stop in every day and visit.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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