Agenda 21 is Why Brownback Needs To Go

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What "voluntary easement" really means.

Kansas Republican Governor Brownback
shifts support from Perry
to Obama

January 24, 2012 by nolathe

"The America's Great Outdoors Initiative turns the conventional wisdom about the federal government's role in conservation on its head," Salazar said. "Rather than dictate policies or conservation strategies from Washington, it supports grassroots, locally driven initiatives."

Obama's Sustainability plan "America's Great Outdoors" viewed here  ago50statereport

One of Obama's Sustainability plans for Kansas is shown below:

Flint Hills Legacy Conservation Area

Rural Working Land Conservation Eastern Kansas

Project Description and Need: Only three percent of the native-prairie grasslands that once stretched from Canada to Texas remain today. Establishing a new easement based conservation area by working with key ranching community partners will protect up to 1.1 million acres of North America's last landscape-scale tallgrass prairie.

The Flint Hills area is also an important part of the conservation and recreation agenda of the State of Kansas. Rolling prairies provide ample hiking, biking, river, and equestrian trails. The state has partnered with a variety of government and private organizations to secure over 70,000 acres of voluntary conservation easements in addition to 11,000 square miles that wind energy developers have agreed to conserve.

The Flint Hills plan calls for construction of the Flint Hills Discovery Center in Manhattan, an education focused visitor center for the NPS Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve. The plan also calls for campsite and cabin improvements along the Flint Hills' trails, as well as development of a wetland-management plan to preserve crucial habitats. Kansas recognizes the importance of youth engagement and aims to create educational and interpretive opportunities throughout these facilities.

Potential Action: Establish a new easement-based conservation area; provide technical and financial assistance to the State of Kansas toward construction of the Flint Hills Discovery Center, Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Visitor Center, and campsite improvements.

Partners: FWS, NPS, USGS, State of Kansas, and agricultural, recreation, and conservation organizations.


The recent Republican National Delegate Convention passed unanimously an Anti-Agenda 21/Anti-ICLEI Agenda Resolution viewed here: NCResolutionExposingUnitedNationsAgenda21_1207112Final-1   And placing emphasis that this National Party Resolution originated in Kansas, it now appears that Kansas Republican Governor Brownback is the first high profile Republican to announce his continued support for Obama's Sustainability Plan, Agenda 21 and ICLEI in difiance of The Republican Party.

January 23, 2012

Second Governor's Flint Hills Summit Builds on the First

Gov. Brownback, stakeholders discuss ongoing efforts to bring vitality to the Flint Hills

Topeka – A collaborative effort to develop an ongoing strategy for the Kansas Flint Hills gained momentum last week with more than 150 people attending at the Second Governor's Flint Hills Visioning Summit at Maner Conference Center in Topeka

"We need to keep this going, to keep it real," said Governor Sam Brownback told the group. "We don't want to lose the authenticity of the Flint Hills experience."

The Governor's summit brought together stakeholders and community leaders representing a variety of interests including agriculture, ranching, tourism, natural resources, commerce, the arts and others.

Like the first summit held last May, this meeting focused on growing the Kansas economy and creating jobs. Governor Brownback said his administration and the stakeholders will use the additional input gathered at this summit to continue to strengthen local and regional relationships for the benefit of the Flint Hills region.

At the summit, regional stakeholders and policy makers made presentations to help participants understand the challenges and strategies. During breakout sessions, participants discussed specific issues and offered feedback, recommendations and direction for the future. The topics included rural business development, invasive plants threatening the tallgrass prairie, agricultural marketing, voluntary conservation easements, and successfully communicating with legislators.

Robin Jennison, Secretary of the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, opened the summit by encouraging participants to work together to build a long-term vision for the Flint Hills.

"The Governor and state agencies are happy to be a part of making the Flint Hills a vital part of the Kansas, but it will take commitment and cooperation from the people who live and work in the Flint Hills to achieve lasting success."

Secretary Jennison pointed to resounding success of the recent Inaugural Governors' Pheasant Hunt in western Kansas as an example of a people pulling together for the benefit of the region.

Linda Craghead, Assistant Secretary for Parks and Tourism for KDWPT, also emphasized the importance of collaboration.

"All of us who are passionate about the Flint Hills must put aside our differences," she said, "and focus on the areas where we agree to create a vision we can support and build. It is vital to understand that each of us has a role in the Flint Hills picture, like the pieces of a jig-saw puzzle, and each piece must be in place for the image to be complete."

Governor Brownback noted that more summits will be held in the future, "to be sure we're getting things accomplished and that we're doing the right things."

Anyone who wants to leave a comment or suggestion for growing the economy in the Kansas Flint Hills can fill out a short form at the Summit website at



What "voluntary easement" really means.

January 24, 2012 by nolathe

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