Started by Janet Harrington, January 15, 2007, 09:19:21 PM

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Janet Harrington

For those of you who did not know ---   good information


Just a word to the wise.  E-mail petitions are NOT acceptable to Congress or any other municipality.  To be acceptable petitions must have a signed signature and full address. Same with "prayer chains" -be wary.

Almost all e-mails that ask you to add your name and forward on to others are similar to that mass letter years ago that asked people to send business cards to the little kid in Florida who wanted to break the Guinness Book of Records for the most cards.  All it was, and all this type of e-mail is, is to get names and "cookie" tracking info for tele-marketers and spamm ers to validate active e-mail accounts for their own purposes.

Any time you see an e-mail that says forward this on to "10" of your friends, sign this petition, or you'll get good luck, or whatever, it has either an e-mail tracker program attached that tracks the cookies and e-mails of those folks you forward to, or the host sender is getting a copy each time it gets forwarded and then is able to get lists of "active" e-mails to use in spam e-mails, or sell to others that do.

Please forward this notice to others and you will be providing a good service to your friends, and will be rewarded by not getting 30,000 spam e-mails in the future.

(If you have been sending out the above kinds of email, now you know why you get so much spam!)

Check it out:


I don't know about that but the good luck fairy visited us after sending one of those. Last week a suprise settlement from Westar was sent to us.
Over $3000.00


That's a good reminder Janet. It's easy to get caught up in the stories the tell on those spam emails & chains.  I have a dear friend that sends me one at least once a week even though I've told her the same thing  you said. She's just too gullible, I guess, but I love her anyway.
Everyone should also beware as there are a lot of other money type scams going on through the mail and the internet. If anyone wants you to send money; or wants to give you money (and you don't know them) Please, check it out with your banker first. It's amazing how many folks in South East Kansas get taken in and loose money out of their bank accounts. The banks have seen most of the scams and can let you know how they usually play out. We don't hear much about it because there's really no recourse after you've let them in your bank accounts (especially if they are in Romania or Nigeria or somewhere); and most folks are embarrassed enough that they don't talk about it after they've been took.

Marjean, congratulations on the good luck visit.  Wish the wind had been blowing West, she could have stopped in here too! Ha! Ha! Ha!

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