Elected Officals

Started by DidIsaythat?, August 18, 2014, 04:03:47 PM

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Has anyone ever wondered why we have very FEW prosecuted cases here in Elk County? I know I have...
Amazing what a criminal can get by with. Once I asked myself this question, I started looking for plausible answers and it's NO WONDER they don't.



Elections are rolling around - thank heavens and we need to really take a hard look at not only on the federal level but also in our neck of the woods. I was totally appauled at finding this. After having talked to the man, I was even MORE shocked that we would allow him to set and take hard earned tax dollars for the "job" he does.


Perhaps he's doing a good job and saving money for the County too.   


That would be all well and good I imagine if my house had not been robbed and the issue at hand was the prosecution of the robber, whom I might add I caught red handed coming out of my house, high as a kite with a box of my belongings, and the back end of his truck loaded with my things.

It would be my guess that to be a prosecuting attorney you would need to know the difference between robbery, theft, and burglary which he did not. If you are unsure of those the definitions they can found at findlaw.com. It would also help to know the statute of limitations that is assigned to those acts. He had to look it up.

I think that the affore mentioned public censor speaks volumnes. I feel for him having mental issues but when you take a job defending public rights and tax payers, then you need to re-evalute the job you are and why you are in it. Not to mention pay your liscensure. IF your not willing to defend the citizens of Elk Co then you have no business being on the payroll of Elk Co. or any municipality, that you are not willing to defend. That is his job as PA. That and to monitor the Sheriff's Dept. HAHAHA!

What makes this all the more grievous is that there are not just 1 statement of witness there are many. Some of them elderly.

Let's go abit further shall we..... there's even been an incident of gun waving and was he arrested and charged?????? I doubt it. It was the coin machines fault right? So just HOW much can one person actually get away with in Elk County? Apparently ALOT!

Unless its going to line the pockets of the sheriff's department, or its not laid out cut and dried for the sheriff and the prosecutor they think Robbery is OK in Elk County. How much more laid out it needs to be I'm still not sure. I do know this, the next time I have issue in this county I will call the Highway patrol and then I will find my own attorney because the ineptness of the current PA is astounding! Should that issue raise its ugly head not only will I go after the robber but the county as well. I'm still tossing around the need to do that anyway, EVEN though my tax dollars are ones that pay for all this ineptness.

So far as I have seen, they question the robber ...ah sir did you rob so and so... Like the person is going to admit it. And they drop it like a hot potato. Mean while it continues to go on and on and on, as I am not the only person that has been robbed. I think I must be in the wrong line of work at this point.

Ever known this county to prosecute robbery? Unless maybe your one of the "good ole boys"? >:(


There is crime in Elk County?  This is the first I have heard of any in the nine years I have lived here.  There is definitely nothing in the news about any.

And I was thinking about what a nice quiet, safe county I have been living in.


The duty of the district attorney is to ensure that offenses committed against the public are rectified pursuant to the commencement of criminal prosecutions. He or she may exercise considerable discretion in ascertaining the manner in which the duty of district attorney should be performed. The prosecuting attorney, however, must be fair and unbiased, and refrain from conduct that would deprive the defendant of any constitutional or statutory right. The legislature may regulate his or her functions within statutory or constitutional limitations.


were that only so Wilma...


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