District 1, County Commission

Started by Gadsden1775, August 08, 2014, 03:41:33 PM

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Quote from: Joesue23 on October 06, 2014, 08:49:50 AM
I don't honk very many people are going to any attention to what you, Ross or hillbilly say . What have any of you 3 do e to help or benefit Elk County. If you have heard of the 3 Stooges, well you are the 3 idiots.

Well there you are poor child --- calling me an idiot again  --- what a terrific education you must possess ---
Would that be a 7th or 8th grade education? I feel complimented because that would surely put many, many levels above you. Would you care to elaborate on the title of your present level based on this standard? LOL

Perhaps that is exactly why people will consider the information provided to them and make their own decisions. Instead of listening to the little niece who  provides nothing tangible. 

Keep up the good work little Joesue.

I do believe the folks are capable of thinking for themselves.

But apparently you don't.


Government schools have been educating/indoctrinating them for years to be like Joesue.

His kind never thinks in terms of American liberty, they're takers and they use government to get what they can.

Does Elk County want two (2) commissioners thinking like Joesue?


Ross why is it you ask Joesue about the name but not red, patriot,kshillbilly or the many others?


Quote from: redcliffsw on October 07, 2014, 04:32:14 AM
Government schools have been educating/indoctrinating them for years to be like Joesue.

His kind never thinks in terms of American liberty, they're takers and they use government to get what they can.

Does Elk County want two (2) commissioners thinking like Joesue?
Why would anyone care what you think, you are totally unamerican, given the negative comments you have made about the American Flag, which is a symbol of this great Nation. It is used to honor all of the Men And Women that have given their lives to protect freedom around the world.


Quote from: Nancy on October 07, 2014, 07:21:47 AM
Ross why is it you ask Joesue about the name but not red, patriot,kshillbilly or the many others?

Namcy why is it "THE" name instead of his/hers or it's name?
That is jst plain weird ? Increasing the weirdness of the name even further !

There is a Simple answer for anyone with a high school eduction or lower.
These other folks have names that are self explanatory.
Why does it bother you that I ask?

A male and a female combined as one is really different and raised the question in my mind, what message she/he or it is trying to convey?

Why do you ask?
The answer is really very simple, why I asked, isn't it?
Am I touching a cord or something by asking and politely asking at that?
Is it a shameful question?
Is Joesue of Caney, Kansas ashamed to answer?
What's the problem?

Don't you have even a smidgen of curiosity to what message he/she or it is trying to convey?
The name begs to be questioned!

I suppose in the liberal progressive mindset it is okay for you people to question conservatives, but not the other way around, right ?

Perhaps that is why Joesue of Caney, Kansas      auntie       Kaminiski      didn't appreciate questions at the Longton Free Fair Political Forum?


Quote from: frawin on October 07, 2014, 08:20:24 AM
Why would anyone care what you think, you are totally unamerican, given the negative comments you have made about the American Flag, which is a symbol of this great Nation. It is used to honor all of the Men And Women that have given their lives to protect freedom around the world.

My, my oh my. The thought police have arrived.

Apparently the flag is the only way to express patriotism to you.

Our flag has been severly soiled by many lying politicians which in my opinion is far worse than anything said or done by redscliff.  Oh, but they are the highly educated elite and therefore allowed, right?

How many crooks, oops politicians have utilized this symbol to hide their lies and cheating of the general public. I don't hear you speaking out against thiem out, trying to shut them up.

Obama stands in front of it regularly lying to us. I feel certain he belives it hides his lies.

The Office of the President once held respect as our nations capitol, not any longer.
It has been defiled by too many bad Presidents. It needs decontaminated.
It needs foot prints removed from the desk.

Flag burning is legal and so is freedom of speech at least until Obama becomes a full fledged dictator.

So, now back to the political question of the thread subject.

Do we want a wannbe politician apparently with strings attached ?

or a man who, is not a politician and is already a

county commissioner without strings attached ?

Let's not forget his accomplishments as County Commissioner.

There appears to be more harmony and team work in the court house which establishes good morale and benefits the people greatly. There are no more back doors undermining Elk County by text messaging as was happening a year ago.

I can not attribute all this to County Commissioner Ritz but to his and County Commissioner Hebbs actions.

Please you folks in District 1, please give some thought to a County Commissioner with no strings versus a candidate with possibly many strings attached.


The difference between some posters on here and the Cub Scouts.... Adult Supervision!

Quote from: Joesue23 on October 06, 2014, 08:49:50 AM
I don't honk very many people are going to any attention to what you, Ross or hillbilly say . What have any of you 3 do e to help or benefit Elk County. If you have heard of the 3 Stooges, well you are the 3 idiots.

Quote from: ROSS on October 06, 2014, 08:22:42 PM
...But you never answered mine.
What kind of a name is JoeSue"
Is that transexual?
Or is it transvite?
Really what does that represent?
I wish you would answer, so I am not confused. Thank in advance.

Quote from: frawin on October 07, 2014, 08:20:24 AM
Why would anyone care what you think, you are totally unamerican, given the negative comments you have made about the American Flag, which is a symbol of this great Nation. It is used to honor all of the Men And Women that have given their lives to protect freedom around the world.

Really, people?  This election may well spell a small disaster for a county that is fading into obscurity, and all some of you can do is throw rocks at each other.  I would think looking at issues, candidate experience & agendas might be healthier & more productive.

It's not the name of the group (i.e. Elk Konnected or the Kiwanas) But rather the policies supported by folks and the histories of those policies that really matter.  Ultimately, if the electorate are uninformed or 'low information' people, the policies, capabilities & agendas of any haphazardly elected official are extremely important.

Just because a candidate's significant other made threatening gestures toward me in a public venue I am still going to make my voting choice on the experience of, stated objectives of and/or track record of the candidate.  Their choice of a lifemate is only an indication of their decision making ability and therefore only one part of my assessment of their suitability for the position they seek.

Let's stick to issues and facts, if we can.  Doing so is much more helpful and mature.  Inaccurate information like this is not very useful...

Quote from: Joesue23 on August 24, 2014, 12:14:38 PM
Doug is not a landowner...

A check of public records, would show that Ritz is, in fact, a land owner... in two counties, including Elk.  Diligence would dictate better research before casting a negative light on someone just to try & score 'poster' points on this forum.  The gotcha game gains nothing and says volumes about the player(s).

Can we at least try to exhibit some self discipline as matters of county management can have real impact on lots of people.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Now, how about some thoughts on the original flavor of this thread.  I, for one, agree with much of what Gadsden said in the original post on this thread.

Quote from: Gadsden1775 on August 08, 2014, 03:41:33 PM
We have heard several of the oldtimers calling the newcomers to our county "OUTSIDERS". Those "outsiders" work and pay taxes. Those "outsiders" VOTE! Those "outsiders" want a good life for themselves and their families. Those "outsiders" came to Elk County for the same reason we live here and for the same reason that OUR ancestors were "OUTSIDERS" so many decades ago.

There is a hypocrisy among people in this county that cannot be overlooked. The same people who call newcomers OUTSIDERS will welcome (with open arms) someone who hasn't lived in the county for 25 years yet still believe that someone is an outsider because they weren't born or raised here. Think about it: just how many years did it take YOUR family to not be an OUTSIDER when they moved here?

Voting is not a pageant. You shouldn't vote for a person because you knew their mother; their grandfather. You shouldn't vote for a person because "Oh, I knew them in high school" or "He/She was cute and waved at me once." Look at the ISSUES and concern your thoughts there! Look at who they surround themselves with and what influence those "friends" may have on their decisions and voting. Look at how "konnected" they are. Look at what someones' morals tell you about what they will do to your county.

When you CARE about your county/community, your actions speak for themselves. You don't have to pound your chest and pat your back about all that you volunteer for and do. Rural firefighters put their lives on the line to save houses, property and LIVES. They don't get paid for it. Most don't even get thanks for it. I believe that putting your life on the line for your neighbors trumps just about any other "volunteering" one can do...

(Emphasis added)
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I have received several messages from people wanting to know who I am and why I am trying to ruin this county. My name is of no importance. I am a taxpayer and I have lived here for several years. I am still considered an outsider because people don't agree with everything I say and I don't belong to the tight little social circles. Nothing in my initial post on this forum can even remotely be tied to someone trying to ruin this county so I'm not sure where that idea has come from. If trying to get people to think before they act is considered trying to ruin this county, then your ideas and my ideas of "ruining" are completely different.

I have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Commissioner Ritz twice. Both times he was down to earth and just about the nicest government official one could meet. I've had the displeasure of meeting and trying to speak with a few of the others who have been county commissioners here as well. Two of those people acted as though I should have bowed down and kissed their feet and that I really wasn't worthy of their precious time. I've been in places where Ms. Kaminska has been and she didn't seem to be at all interested in discussing any ideas that she has for improving this county. I'm not much for a "wait and see" attitude when it comes to my taxes and my family. I prefer to know exactly why I'm voting for someone. With Doug Ritz, I do know. He has lowered taxes. He has ended the decades long tax breaks that certain businesses have had. The courthouse has become a happier place to work and the wasteful spending of our tax dollars has been greatly diminished.

I don't know about you and your family but Doug Ritz is the right choice for me and my family. Look at the issues at hand. Mr. Ritz has helped this county step forward and now we are facing two steps back. I for one don't want to go back to the way things were before. Fight for what's right!



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