
Started by Nancy, June 09, 2014, 02:52:08 PM

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Thank you Ritz and Kaminski for caring enough about Elk County to run for Commissioner. It is always nice for people to have a choice.    Nancy


congratulations to Shari and thanks Doug for serving these last years.


Yes, Mr. Ritz thank you very much for serving.
It is a terrible shame and a terrible thing for Elk Couty to lose you.
I hope you come back at the next election,
My bet is people will line up to vote for you by then.
Sincerely, I mean that.


Quote from: ROSS on August 06, 2014, 08:35:02 PM
Yes, Mr. Ritz thank you very much for serving.
It is a terrible shame and a terrible thing for Elk Couty to lose you.
I hope you come back at the next election,
My bet is people will line up to vote for you by then.
Sincerely, I mean that.

See nancy I can be very positive. LOL

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