Bellamy's Pledge of Allegiance . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, June 24, 2014, 06:07:54 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 01, 2014, 11:57:50 AM
So, what does that make the 4-H pledge and the Girl and Boy Scout pledges? You must think Eagle Scouts are part of the Hitler Youth movement! >:(
I think he is Hitler reincarnated, Hitler didn't  like the American Flag either.


Hitler copied Lincoln's central government scheme that we live under today.  Hitler had no desire for States, nationalized it all. 

By the way, the U S government has mandated the production and sale of ethanol in gasoline.  Wrap yourself in the U S flag on that one to deny liberty to Americans - or haven't you've already supported that mandate?  That smells of Nazism and so you really don't want to connect me to Hitler or to your favored government-corporate partnerships.

You want us to recite your socialist Pledge of Allegiance while you think of more ways to steal our liberties.


Fortunately enough for the haters, our Constitution guarantees everyone the right to believe as they see fit.  That's the great thing about this country...You can be just as obtuse as you choose to be, within the spectrum of the law, and not one person can force you to be otherwise.  The Constitution guarantees everyone the ability to life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness.  That doesn't mean that believing like that will bring happiness, in the least.  But hey - The haters can do as they like.  LOVE having just the same rights!!!! lolol  I believe I'll go pour myself a cold one, gaze on my flag flying proudly outside my front window, kick back and listen to the firecrackers explode up and down my block.  This is going to be one kick ass 4th!!!!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D



Fortunately for your kind, socialism or ignorance has not been banned in America. 

Contrary to your kind of thinking, God gave us these rights - life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are not something we earned or were given from the Constitution or the Federals.

You seem to be attracted to the government to see what you can get.  Keep gazing at the flag and take another drink, maybe Obama and the Republicans will figure out another way to violate our liberty for you. 



Quote from: Joesue23 on June 24, 2014, 08:40:44 AM
How did Elk County end up with so many nut cases like this Ross and Redcliff. There must be some loco weed getting in your water system.

Aren't you just a real sweet heart, your first and only post since registering on 6/10/14 and you diss people you know nothing about. Who is actually on that loco weed!

That is something you should be real proud of --- NOT !

No your post is very shameful and disrespectful in my opinion.

But if you are referring to me as a nut case for being a conservative rather than one of you progressive liberals that believe someone else should run your lives and tax the hell out of you, well all I can say is thank you.

But since all you appear to do is be rude, offensive and ignorant, I must assume you are ignorant of the terms polite, sociable and not knowledgeable of your own actions on your very first post and therefore I forgive your lack of any kind of educated judgment in your post.

Below are you stats as of 7/5/2014 to back up what I have just posted.
Where in heavens name is Candy, Kansas ? ? ?
I have googled Candy, Kansas and used other search engines and can not find it anywhere ! Is Candy, Kansas your first lie n the forum? Help me out here, I don't wish o be confused ! Where is Candy, Kansas ? ? ?

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Last Active:
June 24, 2014, 09:40:44 am

Quote from: Diane Amberg on June 24, 2014, 10:39:35 AM
Hello! There may be... ;D ;D ;D ;D  Don't give up on us just yet. Most of us are very ordinary nice people, not all of whom live there, but all have some tie or another to Elk County.

Now Joesue23 if  you choose to believe there is anything normal about Diane think again.
She has admitted to having spy's in Elk County, Kansas !
Why does anyone need spy's living in Elk County, Kansas ?
Is that a sign of a normal person? ?

Diane claims to know everything about what goes on is Elk County on a daily basis, I live here and I don't make such a horrendous claim,
Whereas she lives way up therein
Delaware !

Please, explain to me what is normal about her?

Please explain normal as applied to the Human Race ?

What makes you normal ?

Is Candy, Kansas a fictitious place  ?

If so does that make you a fictitious person?

Just asking for clarity ! Now that's normal.

I am a 10 year Vietnam vet, I was there so you could enjoy Freedom of Speech and enjoy Independence Day yesterday.

And yes, I understand that Freedom of Speech does not require truth and honesty and I also understand that and independence neither one requires any decency on your part.

So carry on and enjoy bad mouthing people. I have a strange feeling you will do just that because of your very first post. Have a good day while you are at it.

Quote from: larryJ on June 25, 2014, 10:30:31 AM
So what does the pledge or the flag mean to anybody?

To me...........being a veteran it represents what I gave up two years of my life for (good thing?) represents what people like my father-in-law sacrificed many years of his life and put that life in danger in the South Pacific to protect the freedoms given to us by the Constitution of the country that the flag represents.  It means maybe different things to different people.

Funny, but, there is no regulation that says you have to say the Pledge of Allegiance or even salute the American flag when it passes you in a parade.  You have that right as an American citizen.

Me?  I will salute that flag when it passes me by and I will recite the Pledge of Allegiance when prompted.  I am not just doing it because it is the thing to do.  I am honoring those who died for this country and this is the way I can do it.

So, Red, if you choose not to recite the Pledge, that is your prerogative.  I am truly ashamed as an American that you don't.


You gave up two years of your life did you Larry?  I did not give up any part of my life; I served ten years in the military and did eight tours of Vietnam. I too respect the flag and the pledge of allegiance along with the Lord 's Prayer and many other things. I respect Red's right to be himself and apparently you do not! So because of the Lord 's Prayer I shall forgive your trespasses against Red.

You make remarks about the regulations concerning the flag and the Pledge of Allegiance and yet you diss Red for doing exactly what wrong?

You are ashamed of Red for breaking what rule of society? Now, that really is shameful in my opinion.

You state, "I will salute that flag when it passes me by and I will recite the Pledge of Allegiance when prompted." And that sounds to me like the only time. By that I mean when it is required on command by someone else. Just as, I did while I was in the military. When prompted, when ordered. I bet you don't salute every flag you pass, at every school, at most every court house. I bet you only salute when commanded to, isn't that right? Great military training.

We are brained washed from the on set to fall in line with society or face the consequences of society bad mouthing and attempting to look down on us.

Real true entrepreneurs don't fall into that category of servitude. Most entrepreneurs have been noted to have been troubled youth and take risks. Yet they are respected, why? Mostly because of money they have earned.

You also state, "I am honoring those who died for this country and this is the way I can do it." Which is a politicians statement from years ago ad is now engrained in society and of and by itself means nothing. How many fallen soldiers families have you helped out financially directly out of your wallet? How many of the fallen soldiers funerals have you attended?

It's all of society's superficial, feel good statement coined, by some politician making a speech.

You people call yourselves normal because you follow imagined rules of society to the letter, while dissing others that disagree with such attitudes. It's just Societies way of bullying,

All that happens, unless of course, a person has tons of money, and then the person is forgiven out of respect for money. Nothing else !

Just look at how shallow society really is and follow the lord's prayer and forgive them their trespasses.

Ya'all go on enjoyin dissing what you don't understand.

You have that right!


Good morning, Ross, Wow! where to start?

Giving up two years of my life......I was drafted for a two year hitch in 1966.  I spent a year overseas.  As a result of this "service" to my country, although I can say now that I was proud to serve, those two years personally were terrible.  I missed the birth of my first child, the one I only recently reunited with.  I came home to an unstable marital relationship and within weeks was divorced or in the process of divorce.  I suffered financially for a few years because of yeah, I look at it as I gave up two years of my life.

As for your service, I applaud you on your many tours of Nam.  I seem to remember among us draftees in the sixties that anyone who wanted to go back to Vietnam after their original tour was, shall we say, crazy.  But more power to them if that is how they want to live their life.

I never said that I disrespected Red for his stance on the Pledge only that as an American, it, to me, is shameful.  Red as well as all of us, has the right to do and believe anyway he wants.

Military mentioned, my father-in-law 2008, Dave Craig a neighbor down the street, the date escapes right now, buried with military honors...Sal Molina down the street, a two-time Purple Heart veteran from WWII and a really good friend.  There have been several.....too many friends gone now.

Saluting the flag......No, I don't salute every flag I see.  I would be saluting all day long around here.  But I salute the flag as it passes in a parade, I salute the flag when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, I salute the flag when I enter the doors of the American Legion Post #291 Newport Beach, California.  Sometimes when I see I flag somewhere I have the urge to salute it, sometimes, because I think of those I just mentioned who served the country that flag represents.

How many soldiers have I helped..........I work with the American Legion post and its Wounded Warriors Program.  Besides the actual physical work that I do I also support and donate and solicit donations to this project.  Our post even has a sock drive in which pairs of socks are donated and shipped to our soldiers overseas. 

I also applaud that you "respect Red's right to be himself."  So do I.  And I respect your right to be and say whatever you want to be and say.  I certainly also believe that I have those same rights and don't deserve to be called to task for stating my opinion as I, and Red, and now you have done.

All of this has reminded me why I made the earlier decision when I became a member of the Forum to stay the hell away from the Politics thread and so be it..........


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Good evening Larry,

Where should I start  --- to apologize to you --- that's where !

Larry my apologies, I sincerely mean that for offending you. It's mostly what was said and continues to be said by others that bothers me. I enlisted the same year you were drafted. I served from February '66 to  June '76.

I appreciate you attitude and find your actions are highly commendable in the following quote. Thank you for your response.
Quote from: larryJ on July 05, 2014, 10:53:08 AM
Good morning, Ross, Wow! where to start?

I work with the American Legion post and its Wounded Warriors Program.  Besides the actual physical work that I do I also support and donate and solicit donations to this project.  Our post even has a sock drive in which pairs of socks are donated and shipped to our soldiers overseas. 


I'm sorry to hear you had such a hard time from your time given to the cause.

I spent 10 years because, I was going to make it a career, but the leadership had disintegrated so much in the 1970's, that I could no longer have faith in them. I was fortunate enough to get very special schools and on the job training while I was in the service and still today, I appreciate that fact. I learned leadership was much more that taking a course and much more than having a title. And because of that, men that were assigned to me, worked with me rather than for me, which was extremely productive.

I did not feel as I gave up any period of Time in my life, because I received a  pay check and room and board and an education superior to the public school system. I never have thought the military or my country owes me anything. I am grateful to both.

I try to be as polite as I can on this forum and sometimes it is very difficult. Because of remarks like the following :

Quote from: Joesue23 on June 24, 2014, 08:40:44 AM
How did Elk County end up with so many nut cases like this Ross and Redcliff. There must be some loco weed getting in your water system.

Quote from: frawin on July 01, 2014, 12:01:49 PM
I think he is Hitler reincarnated, Hitler didn't  like the American Flag either.

Quote from: Catwoman on July 02, 2014, 06:41:32 PM
Fortunately enough for the haters,

Supposedly educated people in the three above posts that resort to bullying tactics, when they are disagreed with because they lack the ability to respond decently.  And at least two of them have admitted to teaching America's children. Doesn't that make you wonder how much of that attitude was passed on in the class room, unintentionally?

It is a continuous thing here from these people.

Sure, I make mistakes and I try to admit to them and I try to correct them.

I made a big goof about Mr. Ritz, being on the County Commissioners Board when the wind farm negotiations were going on. I was called on it and I failed to respond. I talked to Mr. Ritz and he set me straight. He told me, he was not on the County Commissioners Board at that time. Anyway, I got worried about and busy with my wife's health and dealing with doctors and I inadvertantly let it slip my mind.

I apparently, misunderstood what someone maye else had told me. But, I did like Nr. Ritz's idea that he would have negotiated for free electricity, for everyone in Elk County over accepting nearly a million dollars. I do believe it would have been much more valuable and much more useful to the individuals living in Elk County.

I hope the people that live in his diastict realize that Mr. Ritz was and is a major factor in the property tax breaks they have been recieving. And I hope they realize if they don't vote in August to keep Mr. Ritz in office that they may very well loose that property tax break. And it is especially needed, at this time if you live in the West Elk School District. Because, I have seen every indication by attending the School Board Meetings that the School Board will most likely have to raise our property taxes for the new roof and all the new air conditioners. That probably means 4 mil every year for at least two years and possibly for four years. Something to be prepared for !

Loose Ritz and I wager we loose our County Property Tax Break!                       Loose Ritz and I wager we loose our County Property Tax Break                                      Loose Ritz and I wager we loose our County Property Tax Break!     Loose Ritz and I wager we loose our County Property Tax Break! 



It's shameful to me that we're into the "pledge" and especially it being forced upon us at a young age in government schools where it all began just a few years ago.  How that Pledge gets military recognition, I don't know, except we've all been indoctrinated with this government stuff/nationalism instead of standing for patriotism and personal liberty.

Obama and the Republicans view the Pledge in the same way - all of them being the Sons of Lincoln.


It does not take much to research the origin of the Pledge of Allegiance.  A Socialist Baptist created the Pledge for school children to teach them how he wanted America to be.

His vision for America is what we have today.

A friend of mine, a retired U S military veteran and current VFW member, says it this way:

So for any pledgers in America, don't ever complain to me about the president, or the federal government we have now.  If you say that pledge you've got exactly what you are pledging


Whose side you on?


Quote from: Joesue23 on June 24, 2014, 08:40:44 AM
How did Elk County end up with so many nut cases like this Ross and Redcliff. There must be some loco weed getting in your water system.

Whose got the loco weed, I mean just look at your handle --- Joesue23 what is that.
Is it Joe or Sue?
Is it an indication of bisexuality?
Or is it an indication of a transvite?
You shouldn't be so negative in your posts.
Perhaps call your self Mr or Ms negativity or just call yourself, nasty person! Sic. LOL

Tit for tat! ROFLMAO !

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