Another take on events

Started by Mom70x7, July 14, 2014, 03:19:36 PM

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Diane Amberg

Well, it seems I have a pile of molted black feathers on my key board. I have learned some interesting things from listening to the rants.Certain people do not acknowledge the close family and friend connections I still have with Elk County.  (Like many out there, that connection goes back a very long time, well over a hundred years.) We do talk and I'm told what is going on, both good and bad. I have also learned that certain folks refuse to accept majority rule. When you are in the minority and lose an election by a good margin, that should tell one something. There will always be a loser. Don't you believe in Democracy?
As far as Cat's comments, she is right. Ugly words and attitudes did not exist on this forum until a certain few showed up. Now look what you are left with as the majority have gone. I only came back onto several threads to see how the election turned out. Sadly, I'm not surprised at the losers attitudes. Now you can really show 'em can't ya? Ross is even threatening to move away. Wow, that's productive isn't it?
  So you have some problems. Show me an area that doesn't have problems of one kind or another. We had to deal with court ordered school busing for 40 years. Ya wanna talk about problems?   Our kids got shifted worse than yours do now and traveled an hour for no good reason at all. School taxes increased and have never gone down, but we had to make the best of it. Kids who lived only a block from their local school were bussed an hour away!
Don't care for the President? Get in line. War talk got ya down? Join the club.  Stop immersing yourselves in the bad side of life for hours and hours a day. It's not good for your health.
Your parents and grand parents had even harder lives. Appreciate what you have. Live within your means. Money is not the answer to everything. Stop being so jealous. God will be sure you get what you are to have.  Smile more and grump less. We all die in the end but people like me will have had a much happier life on the way
I will repeat what I said about poor Christian attitude.I still mean it. Perhaps you can poll everyone who voted and shun and boycott all the ones that didn't vote your way.
Pick on me? So what? I can have "attitude" just like any of you. I just had to learn that being incredibly rude is OK out there now so I'll do it too whenever it suits me and I better not hear one peep from you. Put your adult panties on and stop whining. I DON"T CARE. You are now on ignore, so stick it in your nest an hatch it.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM
Well, it seems I have a pile of molted black feathers on my key board. I have learned some interesting things from listening to the rants.Certain people do not acknowledge the close family and friend connections I still have with Elk County.  (Like many out there, that connection goes back a very long time, well over a hundred years.)

I the B.S. shared from it is not recognized because he said, she said is simply gossip without saying who or she is. If you are to cowardly to add meat to the potatoes, you get what you deserve. And I said that politely trying to explain that your B.S. from Delaware is still B. S.

Your denial of  your Konnections to Elk Konnected and the Bull they have had you post is a prime example. Get over your self and speak clearly and honestly in your political posts and you might be taken seriously.
Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM
We do talk and I'm told what is going on, both good and bad.

As mentioned above no meat with the potatoes just B.S.
Please clarify who we is or are you ashamed of your we's?
Perhaps you are ashamed of your Elk Konnected Konnection?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM

I have also learned that certain folks refuse to accept majority rule. When you are in the minority and lose an election by a good margin, that should tell one something. There will always be a loser. Don't you believe in Democracy?

Just where did you learn that and what the hell are you talking about?
Please clarify who and what you are referring to.
Try real hard to using your diplomas to communicate effectively.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM

As far as Cat's comments, she is right. Ugly words and attitudes did not exist on this forum until a certain few showed up.

Perhaps Cat is right for once, on that account, perhaps it was that way before Elk Konnected Followers came on here being abusive and threatening and doing all that name calling. But that still does not give her or you the right or privilege to try to censor others that post on this forum by trying to put them down or drag them down to your level. So why don't you submit your written apology and see if any one accepts it?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM

Now look what you are left with as the majority have gone.

Just what does this weird statement mean? What majority? Please clarify!
I thought you were educated!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM

I only came back onto several threads to see how the election turned out. Sadly, I'm not surprised at the losers attitudes. Now you can really show 'em can't ya? Ross is even threatening to move away. Wow, that's productive isn't it?

Ross has never made a threat on this forum. If you think I have made a threat, I think you need to further your education, because it is lacking. Show me a threat I have made, do a quote of it if you have the kowledge to do so.

As a loser you really don't understand the losers attitude because the show isn't over until the fat lady sings.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM
  So you have some problems. Show me an area that doesn't have problems of one kind or another. We had to deal with court ordered school busing for 40 years. Ya wanna talk about problems?   Our kids got shifted worse than yours do now and traveled an hour for no good reason at all. School taxes increased and have never gone down, but we had to make the best of it. Kids who lived only a block from their local school were bussed an hour away!
Don't care for the President? Get in line. War talk got ya down? Join the club.  Stop immersing yourselves in the bad side of life for hours and hours a day. It's not good for your health.

You seem to be locked in the past! And since the subject of this thread has changed, none of this has to do with the present subject now does it?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM
Your parents and grand parents had even harder lives.

Again you are locked in the past.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM

Appreciate what you have. Live within your means.

I personally do on both of your points. However apparently you do not appreciate what you have in Delaware or you would not be putting people down over a thousand miles from where you live.

Quote from: Diane Amberg link=topic=16225.msg221547#msg221547 dateb][/b]=1407777321]
Money is not the answer to everything.

I have said that all along. But apparently your friends and Followers of Elk Konnected do not agree. Just go back and look at the Elk Konnected thread and read all their ridiculous ideas for spending the County Taxpayer's money.

I have asked repeatedly for an explanation how Elk Konnected defines Quality of Life and neither you or the followers can provide a decent answer. Go figure! Therefore, I feel it is safe to assume, it is to get their grubbies on taxpayer money based on there actions.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM

Stop being so jealous.

Good lord woman what are you talking about?
It has been my experience that only the jealous use a statement like that!
What is there to be jealous of? You poor, poor lady!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM

God will be sure you get what you are to have. 

I'm certain he will give you what you deserve.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM

Smile more and grump less. We all die in the end but people like me will have had a much happier life on the way

You should follow your own advice! All the bitching you do on here about Elk County business which is over a thousand miles away from Delaware is just unexplainable. What is happy about that?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM

I will repeat what I said about poor Christian attitude.I still mean it.

You are a great example Diane, thank you.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM
Perhaps you can poll everyone who voted and shun and boycott all the ones that didn't vote your way.

Perhaps it is no business of someone from Delaware.
You still fail to understand anything in Elk County, sorry about that.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 11, 2014, 11:15:21 AM

Pick on me? So what? I can have "attitude" just like any of you. I just had to learn that being incredibly rude is OK out there now so I'll do it too whenever it suits me and I better not hear one peep from you. Put your adult panties on and stop whining. I DON"T CARE. You are now on ignore, so stick it in your nest an hatch it.

I am not picking on you, because there is nothing to gain in doing so. I am simply responding to your post.
Trying to be polite and kind with you has failed me terribly, because you will not accept polite and kind. And I am not the first to realize that. Just being honest, really being honest with you Diane.

You did not learn to be rude and nasty on this forum, as I understand it from my contact in Delaware, you have been that way for a long time with anyone that disagrees with you.


May the Lord bless you and keep you and help you with your attitude.
And may you have a great day.
Don't forget this is on ignore and you won.'t be reading it!
I'm so sorry for you!


       And again, those who say they will ignore........ do not. Why? Because they can't just voice an opinion, they must attack anyone they disagree with, with " ugly words and attitudes".

       For a week or so, no personal attacks happened. A particular member was puzzled that no one was responding to their topic, Duh, no one gives a rat's patoot. So, what comes next ? A full assault in the topic that was never to be entered again, ignored.

       Problem is, they can not refrain from written confrontation. They live and breathe it.

      Try just stating what you think, and if anybody likes what you write, you won't have to quote and quibble about it. If they don't like what you write, you'll hear what radio calls " dead air".

      " Anybody out there".


Once again some wise words from the old bull moose. There are 3 members on this forum ,that when I read they have put others on ignore, I don't know weather to laugh or puke----but I damn sure think they are fib'n.


 ;D ;D ;D  Diane, you know how to ruffle those feathers, don'tcha...lolol  ::)  Hope your week is a good one!


Quote from: jarhead on August 11, 2014, 08:52:02 PM
Once again some wise words from the old bull moose. There are 3 members on this forum ,that when I read they have put others on ignore, I don't know weather to laugh or puke----but I damn sure think they are fib'n.

Hey jarhead you know they say ignorance is bliss, right>
Diplomas do hide it either.

I can't take much more of it, my ribs hurt from laughing to much.

They continue to keep ignoring every time they come back to bitc. Hillarious !


Quote from: Catwoman on August 11, 2014, 09:06:19 PM
;D ;D ;D  Diane, you know how to ruffle those feathers, don'tcha...lolol  ::) 

     And thank you for proving my point.  ::)

Diane Amberg

Thanks Cat. So far so good. I'm sure Ross and those other junk yard dogs have had plenty to say.They are on ignore, so they can misquote and slander me all they want.I won't see it,and some others won't either. Ingnore is a very good button to push.


"Ross and the other junk yard dogs" ? Hmmmm ! From the one who bitches about name calling. She will never get it. I'm gonna put her on ignore---wink--wink---poke--poke.


Oh yea, I see where a Hare Krishna passed away. I might of saw "him" play his tambourine at the International Market Place in Honolulu in 1969. I remember him because I had a friend named Harry too.  :P

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