Another take on events

Started by Mom70x7, July 14, 2014, 03:19:36 PM

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Quote from: Catwoman on August 09, 2014, 07:45:41 PM
The moderator of the Politics section would need to do that service.  I agree...This is the Elk County Forum, not "The Ross Blog".  However, as we would be emphatically and resoundingly reminded, ad nauseum, there is that freedom of speech thing that Ross has...Whether or not that freedom is used in good taste or abused is up to the reader.  When that freedom of his impinges upon the ability of others to feel welcome on a thread that they, themselves, started...I believe he has crossed the line into abuse.  And yes...I have that same freedom of speech thing.  So, let the multitudinous postings from Ross begin.  I have no doubt that my daring to speak my mind, in defense of mom, will spawn diatribe deluxe.  Sorry for that, folks.   ::)

You are so right, you have no control, except bullying and bad mouthing.
Where is your good taste by degrading the Constitution of the United States, specifically the First Admendent.
Good job of trying.

Apparently you don't comprehend what you have posted and lack good taste. LOL
It sure is a good thing you don't own this forum, thank God, Amen!

Thank you for the raving review! Perhaps it will make the history books and make you famous.
Good luck with that. I know you love me.

Welcome to reality!

It's snarky when they disagree with you,
its clever wit!
But how do you disagree with reality?


Quote from: ROSS on August 09, 2014, 07:38:57 PM

A cop causes the death of an infant in New York by jerking the mother violently because he is a cop and causes the baby to fall to the pavement killing the baby. Gentle --- not! Is it illegal?

I have to write a corredtion on this remark.
When I first read it I was very upset by the story.
But after researching it i have found it was a hoax.
Please pardon my error.


Quote from: Catwoman on August 09, 2014, 07:45:41 PM
The moderator of the Politics section would need to do that service.  I agree...This is the Elk County Forum, not "The Ross Blog".  However, as we would be emphatically and resoundingly reminded, ad nauseum, there is that freedom of speech thing that Ross has...Whether or not that freedom is used in good taste or abused is up to the reader.  When that freedom of his impinges upon the ability of others to feel welcome on a thread that they, themselves, started...I believe he has crossed the line into abuse.  And yes...I have that same freedom of speech thing.  So, let the multitudinous postings from Ross begin.  I have no doubt that my daring to speak my mind, in defense of mom, will spawn diatribe deluxe.  Sorry for that, folks.   ::)

Looks like you ought to post more instead of coming around only when you think you have some sort of opportunity to take a shot a Ross.  You're known to side with the socialist scheming of Elk Konnected. 

If you liberals had your way, you'd socialize this forum and it doesn't look like you'll ever make that happen either.



Quote from: redcliffsw on August 10, 2014, 07:35:59 AM
Looks like you ought to post more instead of coming around only when you think you have some sort of opportunity to take a shot a Ross.  You're known to side with the socialist scheming of Elk Konnected. 

If you liberals had your way, you'd socialize this forum and it doesn't look like you'll ever make that happen either.


I wonder is catwoman still teaching children?
Does she perhaps teach her concepts of bullying ad socialism and social attempts at public control to our children?

Just asking!


Lets be a little kinder and let the money flow out of the US  of A

Diane Amberg

Mom, at least you tried. Thanks Cat for your post too. Certain people will never stand for an opposing view about anything. They won't accept the election results either, so I read. It must be nice to be so perfect and think the majority are fools and even be so forward and rude as to tell them so. Whew. Sounds like they are a bit short on Chrisitan attitude too. Now back to the ignore button. Sheesh!


 ;D Awwww, Diane...You wouldn't begrudge the peanut gallery the opportunity to attempt to bully their way to dominance, would you?  After all, those individuals with real anti-social tendencies believe that the rules apply to everyone else BUT them.  They don't have any problems...It's the REST of the world that has a problem, especially when there are opposing views present (try going down a list of narcissistic indicators and you will be able to check off almost all of them in quick succession).  Luckily, the 'ignore' option works.  Quite well.  Evidently there was a comment made about the fact that I only post when it's time to slam Ross.  Hmmmmmmmm.  Methinks that whomever wrote that doesn't read me very regularly or they'd realize that I've posted plenty in other places, as well.  Must be nice to be soooo self-riteousness that you don't hesitate to spew verbal diarrhea at whomever is unlucky enough to be your target at the time.  This time, it just happens to be me, evidently.  Let someone else be unwise enough to post what they actually think, let it not jive with the bullies' opinions and they will become the newest target.  It won't take long.  ::)

The Raven

Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 10, 2014, 02:01:06 PM
Certain people will never stand for an opposing view about anything. It must be nice to be so perfect and think the majority are fools and even be so forward and rude as to tell them so. Whew. Sounds like they are a bit short on Chrisitan attitude too. Now back to the ignore button. Sheesh!
Short on Christian attitude? That's very Christian of you to judge. I didn't realize you were so perfect, not that you've said you are outright, but it comes across very strongly in your posts. You have a God-like complex. The first sentence I have quoted from you is interesting. The same can be said for you and your crew. You all certainly don't want ANYONE to oppose your views. And as for not accepting election results, YOU don't LIVE in Elk County or District 1. You don't know the pressures of life in Elk County. We haven't quite ever accepted Barack Obama winning his re-election either. That's OUR prerogative.

Quote from: Catwoman on August 10, 2014, 03:18:34 PM
You wouldn't begrudge the peanut gallery the opportunity to attempt to bully their way to dominance, would you? Must be nice to be soooo self-riteousness that you don't hesitate to spew verbal diarrhea at whomever is unlucky enough to be your target at the time. Let someone else be unwise enough to post what they actually think, let it not jive with the bullies' opinions and they will become the newest target.  It won't take long.  ::)
Bully their way to dominance? Seriously? Self-RIGHTEOUS? Really? Catwoman, your post says what you think about EVERYONE with the one sentence: "Let someone else be unwise enough to post what they actually think, let it not jive with the bullies' opinions and they will become the newest target." So, when Ross starting posting what he thinks years ago and his posts didn't JIVE with the bullies' opinions, HE became THEIR newest target. Right? It is ok for you and your bullies, er, buddies to bully people and bitch about their opinions as long as their opinions have nothing to do with you or don't disagree with yours. That's what I've noticed after reading a few of your posts.

How is it someone from the east coast and someone from Wichita think they can dictate what we here in Elk County, Kansas put up with? Unless you live here, you have no say in any election dealing with this county. Your unwarranted arguments on who we should vote for in our county are invalid.


Raven, I did indeed live there for over a decade.  I not only paid taxes but also donated to a lot of causes that were being pursued at that time.  A large part of my life was there and a great many of my friends still reside there.  I left behind a large part of my heart there, to be blunt.  You are late to this party...And, as such, are not aware of the history surrounding the comments that I made.  Believe me when I say that this Forum used to have an entirely different tone.  A great many former members have fallen away, due to the constant barrage from certain individuals that have risen to prominence.  Your ignorance of that history is why I will not give you any other response than the one I have listed.  If you are one of Ross' devotees, then so be it.  I do not happen to subscribe to his nonsense and never will.


By the way...Do the math.  Diane and I both pre-date Ross on this Forum.  As far as what Ross has had to say "for years"...Yes, unfortunately, everyone has been made quite aware of his various and sundry opinions.  Ad nauseum.  Ad infinitum.  Good to know where you stand...

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