Another take on events

Started by Mom70x7, July 14, 2014, 03:19:36 PM

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When, I read that his highness the Pope says but fails to provide and action himself, there really is some wrong thinking going on.

When I read that people should be kind to illegal immigrants I think there is some seriously illogical thinking going on.

And I simply want to provide real world information about the situation.

They call the illegal aliens children --- that in no way clears them of breaking the laws of our coutry.
There are thousands and thousands of them and I have not seen but a very few pictures of what a child truely is.

Who wll tell these cjildren to be kind, they are demanding all sorts of freebies! How gracious of them to demand or to take by force. They had no idea they were attacking a Border Patrol person, just think you could be next or your grandchild could be next. What then? This is not speciffically aimed at any one person.

Javier Vega was innocently fishing with his family in Willacy County, Texas when two individuals approached them in a robbery attempt. The suspects opened fire on the Vega family after they noticed Vega's gun holstered on his hip. The 30-year old Vega, who was off-duty from his job as a Border Patrol Agent, and his father proceeded to fire back. Vega was shot in the chest and later died.

And our Government wants to disarm us,
while illegal's are armed?


I am a die hard against wrong doing epecially
when it's for all the wrong reasons.
I say buy all of them one way tickets to Washington DC and save lots of money.
Give each one a note saying Dear Daddy Obama I am here to stay.

A Governor's Dilemma:
Illegal Immigrants Divert Resources From
State's Own Citizens

(Look at all those illegal children from 8 to 40+. my note)

Commentary By
Gov. Mary Fallin

On June 13, the first bus of illegal immigrant minors, aged 12-17, arrived at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The state of Oklahoma was given no formal notice, and no chance to object.

After weeks of bad publicity, public outrage and political pressure, the Obama administration announced this week that the facility will close by Friday, Aug. 8.

That's good news for the people of Oklahoma and the men and women of Fort Sill, who will once again have the full use of their military base for the purpose it was designed for: housing and training soldiers.

What the facility's closure does not mean is an end to the ongoing border crisis, or an end to a broken immigration system that encourages men, women and children to break our laws.

Oklahomans are not equipped to solve problems in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

The Fort Sill facility may be closed, but there is no guarantee it will not reopen in the future. In fact, the federal government extended their lease into January of next year, preserving the option to once again house illegal immigrants there.

Perhaps even more important is what happens to the children who leave Fort Sill, and the message that we are sending to the rest of the world.

Children housed at Fort Sill and facilities like it have been placed in communities across Oklahoma and across the country with "sponsors." These sponsors may or may not be family members, and they may or may not be illegal immigrants themselves. Federal officials tell us the sponsors have instructions to bring these children to a future court date for possible deportation. The wait for a court hearing is over a year in Oklahoma. Only about half of these children show up when their court date arrives.

What happens to the rest? They simply disappear. They are absorbed into our public school systems, which are already at capacity and struggling to find the funding and resources required to give our Oklahoma children the education they need and deserve.

Eventually, these children become undocumented adults. Many work; some do not. Some end up in our hospitals or using other state resources where Oklahomans foot the bill.

These children are not bad people. They have been sent by their parents or other adults to make a long and dangerous journey to the United States because they have been lead to believe that our country will provide for them.

It is a dream stoked by President Obama, who continues to push amnesty and open borders whenever and wherever he can, by any means at his disposal.

I too want to help these children, and I certainly think they should be treated humanely and with dignity for the short time they stay in the U.S. I want them to live better lives. But, as governor, I have been entrusted with another responsibility: to help children right here in Oklahoma.

One in four Oklahoma children struggle with hunger. One in four will drop out of high school before graduating.

There are poor children in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Guymon and McAlester. They need our attention and our help. There are children who will grow up being abused, being lead into drugs, who struggle with poverty, or who will be recruited by violent gangs right here in our home state.

It is wrong for the president to ask Oklahomans to divert their attention and limited resources away from our own children, just as it is wrong for him to ask our military to play host to a large daycare facility for undocumented minors. Oklahomans are not equipped to solve problems in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, just as we are not equipped to end conflicts or suffering in the Ukraine or Libya.

Oklahomans must get back to the business of helping our own children: providing them with a world class education; protecting them from abuse; and ensuring they are healthy and happy and have a bright future ahead of them.

My note the following were side bars to the article:

Oklahomans are not equipped to solve problems in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

President Obama continues to push amnesty and open borders whenever and wherever he can.

Please remember this is a Governor and she has to be very careful and politically correct in what she says.
If all these so called children were sent to Washington, D.C by each of the states that have them you can bet there would be plane after plane loaded with illegal aliens being deported. That's my opinion and I am staying with it. Those politicians would not want the expense in Washington, DC you can bet o that or they would all be up there right now.

It's simple their people or our people?
It's simple do we only enforce laws that we want to enforce or do we enforce all of them?
Which is it?


It would be much cheaper for VA to buy all of them tickets to Washington, DC!
What do you think those people in DC might do then?
Oh and please notice as the article moves on they are refered to as minors - not children.
Think what would something like this do to Elk County and the several School Districts in Elk County?
What size classes would the teachers then have?
What would this do to your property taxes?
How would this affect your childs education?
Just some things to think about?

Feds, state to VA schools: Law says educate undocumented children

By Kathryn Watson  /   August 6, 2014  /

state are reminding local school districts that
they have to educate illegal immigrant students
who have come over the border like they would
any legal citizens, something that will likely cost
millions of dollars.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — With less than a month until school starts in September, Virginia taxpayers will be footing the bill for some of the thousands of undocumented school-age children who have come here in recent months.

The Virginia Department of Education is echoing the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Education in saying that schools "may not deny a free public education to undocumented school-age children who reside within their jurisdiction because they do not hold valid United States citizenship or a student visa."

Back to school just got more expensive in Virginia, Katie Watson explains.

Last month, the VDOE sent memos to school superintendents reiterating the Supreme Court ruling in Plyler v. Doe, which said children have equal access to basic education, regardless of citizenship status.

And on Tuesday morning, the VDOE clarified in another email to school superintendents that undocumented minors, if unaccompanied and unsupervised, should be treated as homeless students and thus, granted an education without requiring proof of residing in the district.

"While a case-by-case review of each child's circumstances upon enrolling in a Virginia public school is necessary, many of these unaccompanied children will be deemed homeless under applicable state and federal law," reads an email to school superintendents from VDOE's Juanita McHale on behalf of VDOE Superintendent Steven Staples. "School divisions must immediately enroll homeless students, even if those students are unable to produce the records required for enrollment."

Those emails were sparked by an inquiry from one school division in southwest Virginia, according to Charles Pyle, director of communications for the VDOE. Pyle said he wasn't sure which school division asked for clarification.

While some children may enroll in Virginia's school systems unaccompanied, many others will enroll after being united with relatives.

From Jan. 1 to July 7, the federal government has placed 2,234 undocumented minors with a sponsor — generally, a relative — in Virginia.

The state spends about $10,500 per pupil, and illegal immigrant students are no exception.

Last week on a radio program, a listener asked Gov. Terry McAuliffe how he planned to address the immigration issue in terms of jobs and schools. But the governor didn't directly answer the question, dubbing it a federal issue and saying, Virginia "doesn't have a problem."



Sorry, folks. I won't be posting on this thread again. I had simply wanted a place with a more gentle, kinder view of the world.

I feel the thread has returned to the bullying and in-your-face posting found throughout the forum, not at all ready for "another take on events."


I am sorry to see this occur on yet another thread...So many of the former members have dropped off for exactly the same reason. 


There is a Politic threat on the Form and I do not understand why Ross thinks every new thread that is started needs to have his views on it. The 24 items he has on here needs to be moved to the correct topic summary.


Apparently you prefer fantasy over reality.
My apologies for the rude awakening to the real world.
How many illegal adolescents wll you adopt and provide all that gentler life?
How about all those christians that islamist extremist wish to murder and decapitate.
Real world stuff!
Just like the bombs dropped to Iraq today.
Or the civilians used as human shields in Gaza.

Everything should be kind and gentle but it is not.

We can't just make light of unlawful acts can we?

And that is not my fault, it is reality wake up!.

A cop causes the death of an infant in New York by jerking the mother violently because he is a cop and causes the baby to fall to the pavement killing the baby. Gentle --- not! Is it illegal?

Drug dealers selling drugs to children, if it's your grandchild, is that gentle. Or illegal.

Ilegal is illegal and when you make exceptions, you allow for corruption and more illegal.

If you want gentle choose dolls and doll houses.

Carry on.


Quote from: Jane on August 09, 2014, 07:27:08 PM
There is a Politic threat on the Form and I do not understand why Ross thinks every new thread that is started needs to have his views on it. The 24 items he has on here needs to be moved to the correct topic summary.

The moderator of the Politics section would need to do that service.  I agree...This is the Elk County Forum, not "The Ross Blog".  However, as we would be emphatically and resoundingly reminded, ad nauseum, there is that freedom of speech thing that Ross has...Whether or not that freedom is used in good taste or abused is up to the reader.  When that freedom of his impinges upon the ability of others to feel welcome on a thread that they, themselves, started...I believe he has crossed the line into abuse.  And yes...I have that same freedom of speech thing.  So, let the multitudinous postings from Ross begin.  I have no doubt that my daring to speak my mind, in defense of mom, will spawn diatribe deluxe.  Sorry for that, folks.   ::)


Quote from: Jane on August 09, 2014, 07:27:08 PM
There is a Politic threat on the Form and I do not understand why Ross thinks every new thread that is started needs to have his views on it.

Wy are your views on here?

Do you have sensorship abilities?
If so erase my posts!

This is a very political issue and this is the Political Topic Section isn't it?!

Exactly what is the political threat you mention?

I have made not one threat on this forum anywhere! Produce it if you can!

Quote from: Jane on August 09, 2014, 07:27:08 PM
The 24 items he has on here needs to be moved to the correct topic summary.

They are in the correct topic summary. This is the Political Topic Section.

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