Another take on events

Started by Mom70x7, July 14, 2014, 03:19:36 PM

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I say be kind to them and
give all of them a one way ticket to
Washington, D.C.
With a note saying
Dear Daddy Obama we are home!

Independent Film, News and Media
August 1
Illegal Aliens Make Commercial Demanding "Free" Health Care (Video)" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen


Again - another opinion:


Quote from: Mom70x7 on August 03, 2014, 07:54:51 PM
Again - another opinion:

Most dogs are friendly. understanding and able to comprehend.

However, we as human's frequently do not comprehend what is really happening!

Fer instance comprehending that King Obama is exploiting so called children that are from 14 to 40 years of age to get more votes from the hispanics.

We don't comprehend the movement of illegal aliens to various states who are carrying diseases such as Tuberculosis and worse.

We avoid calling them criminals fo violating our laws and do nothing, but let an American citizen make a small error and it is jail time or worse..

Go figure.


There is a lot more to the situation than people know.
The main stream media won't cover it.
Is it right to encourage people to violate our laws and they end up dead because of it?

EXCLUSIVE: 'A lot of people die out here' and 'all this on Obama's hands': Shocking images show corpses of illegal immigrants left to die after border crossings
•Rancher shares grotesque photos with MailOnline, saying Obama bears the blame for a rising death toll among illegal immigrants
•Volunteer patrol network in south Texas has found 259 bodies in one county alone, maybe 20 percent of the actual body count
•Border Patrol source concedes the agency has no idea how many are perishing between the border and official government checkpoints
•Filmmaker says he warned Congress in 2007 that children were becoming drug cartels' newest pawns on the border


The dead bodies of illegal immigrants are turning up in south Texas as Central Americans pour across the U.S.-Mexico border, and a veterinarian who ranches cattle 70 miles from ground zero has the photos to prove it.

Dr. Mike 'Doc' Vickers of Brooks County, Texas showed some of the grisly images to MailOnline, all of them far too grotesque to publish unedited.

One picture shows a corpse propped up against a tree near his ranch in Brooks County, his eyes missing and dried blood cascading down his shirtless body.

'This guy, obviously, had to lay down up against that tree, and that's where he died,' Vickers says in interview footage provided exclusively to MailOnline by documentary filmmaker Chris Burgard.

Falcons native to the Rio Grande river valley 'plucked his eyes out before he was dead,' the animal doctor concludes. 'He bled out through his eyes, which tells me that he was probably in a coma but they were eatin' on him before his heart stopped beating.'

Burgard is working on a sequel to his 2007 documentary, 'Border,' which made a splash on the film-festival circuit years before illegal immigration swelled to what President Barack Obama now concedes is a 'humanitarian crisis.'

When he filmed 'Border' in 2005, he said, 'we had to go out and find illegal traffic.'

'This time it found us.'

He screened his film on Capitol Hill back then, telling members of Congress that children were becoming pawns in Mexican drug cartels' smuggling operations into the U.S. homeland.

'I am not surprised to find immigrants dying 70 miles north of the border,' Burgard told MailOnline, but 'I am surprised that nine years later it is still a secret to most of the American people.'

'The Federal Government has long known about this,' he said, ticking off Texas and Arizona counties where human remains are continually turning up.

'Local officials who deal with collecting the bodies are so overwhelmed financially that the cost of coroner inquests on each case is dramatically affecting their budgets.'

Vickers, 64, told MailOnline on Wednesday that since 2012 his organization, the Texas Border Volunteers, has counted 259 dead bodies in his native Brooks County alone, including those of children.

'And we're probably only finding 20 per cent of them. A lot of people die out here.'

'We find a hell of a lot of women,' he said. 'Three of the last ones who have died on my ranch have been women. We found a dead 12-year-old boy on my neighbor's property.'

Some have the good fortune to find Vickers and his crew.

'We've rescued some small children, quite a few,' Vickers recalled. 'One boy, 11 years old, was left behind 8 or 9 miles off the highway. He had no idea where he was.' The border volunteers gave him water and arranged for U.S. Border Patrol agents to pick him up.

'I've seen families out in my front yard under a tree,' he said, 'with little bitty toddlers with them.'

The group of about 300 amateur patrolmen go out in teams of up to 40 armed men at a time for 4- to 5-day patrols, reporting to Border Patrol agents and Texas Rangers on where the immigrant traffic is heaviest.

In nine years of scouring south Texas, no shots have been fired.

The closest U.S. Border Patrol station, at Falfurrias, Texas, is about 4-1/2 miles from Vickers' 1,000-acre ranch.

An official in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency confirmed that in the month of June more than 4,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended at or near that checkpoint.

About 82 per cent of them were so-called 'OTM' border crossers – 'Other Than Mexican.'

More than 400 were children.

The federal government doesn't keep statistics on how many dead immigrants' bodies are recovered, the DHS official told MailOnline.

Women and children: The Texas Border Volunteers group regularly rescues border crossers who walk to the point of dehydrated exhaustion, and some turn up on their doorsteps
Women and children: The Texas Border Volunteers group regularly rescues border crossers who walk to the point of dehydrated exhaustion, and some turn up on their doorsteps

He conceded to MailOnline that 'we don't know how many people are dying without reaching us, just like we don't know how many people are making it past the checkpoint without being detected.'

Most come from Central America and pay human traffickers known as 'coyotes' between $5,000 and $8,000 each to be smuggled into the United States.

Many don't make it alive.

'The fact is, they're all homicides,' Vickers said. 'These people pay coyotes who are affiliated with drug cartels big money to be brought here and dropped off at the checkpoint. And they go through our private property to avoid detection.'

'And the coyotes, a lot of times, by the time they get to the checkpoint, or even north of the checkpoint, run off and leave them. And you know, they'll point at a light up north, one of those radio towers, and say, "Just keep walking toward that tower. Houston's 20 minutes away".'

Houston is a 280-mile drive from Falfurrias.

'They've already duped them of their money,' he explained. 'And then some days later they're still walking around in circles up here with no water. And you know, a lot of them die.'

'A lot of coyotes don't leave them, but they put them on a fast pace. We're talking 3 to 4 miles per hour, through all this deep sand and all this brush, and real, real treacherous terrain. And if they can't keep up, they'll beat on them a little bit and tell them, "We're just going to leave you here to die." And they do.'

Vickers, a small-time cattle rancher who spends most of his days as a veterinarian caring for his neighbors' livestock, will play a significant role in Burgard's next movie.

In the filmmaker's footage, Vickers shows a photo he took of a gang-tattooed drug runner who was dehydrated when the Texas Border Volunteers stumbled onto him, near the point of death from heat exhaustion.

'We actually saved this guy's life,' he said.

'After we got the "pistolero" treated, we went another 300 yards and found this guy,' he says, pointing to a picture of a badly decomposed corpse. 'He wasn't so lucky.'

Burgard also saw an Urdu-to-English dictionary that Vickers picked up near his ranch, dropped by 'a coyote leading a group of Middle Easterners into our country.'

And Chinese immigrants, paying up to $50,000 each to be smuggled into Ecuador and then into the United States, are now numerous enough that the federal government has added Mandarin translations to signs at emergency stations dotting the Texas border region.

But it's those 'OTM' aliens, especially the hundreds of unaccompanied minors crossing every day along the length of the U.S.-Mexico border, who have turned illegal immigration into relentless front-page news.

The flow is 'four times what it was in 2011. A four-fold increase,' says Vickers.

He agrees with Republicans in Congress who point fingers of blame at President Obama, who declared in 2012 that the federal government would no longer pursue illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children before 2007.

He also championed a bill called the DREAM Act – failed legislation that aimed to offer those immigrants permanent residency if they graduated from high school.

'When Obama started talking about the DREAM Act, and this and that about the DREAMers, I mean it was like, overnight we started seeing hordes of these teenagers coming in from Central America,' Vickers told MailOnline. 'I've got pictures of them.'

'I mean, big groups – 20, 30, 40 at a time. We were encountering them and getting Border Patrol to pick them up. And right off the bat they'd tell us, "Hey, we're going to be able to go free. Mr. Obama is going to let us stay. He said we could come.'

'He started talking about the DREAM Act and all of that stuff in 2012,' the veterinarian said, 'and here they come.'

Burgard showed MailOnline a brief interview with an illegal immigrant, an 18-ish young man from Tequila, Mexico who said he had paid a coyote $5,700 for safe passage to the U.S.

Asked if Obama is communicating to people south of the border 'that it is possible to find work in the United States,' he chewed his gum and replied, 'Uh-huh.'

Burgard also claimed transnational drug traffickers 'are taking big time advantage' of Obama's 2012 mini-amnesty. 'They have been planning for this for the last two years.'

The deluge of unaccompanied minors, he said, have occupied so much of the federal government's resources near the U.S.-Mexico border – allowing for only sparse apprehension of gun and narcotics smugglers.

'Before the tidal wave of women and children hit the border,' he told MailOnline, 'cartels say they were getting about 50 per cent of their personnel across. Since Border Patrol has been hit with this wave of human shields, cartels are now claiming to get up to 90 per cent of their people across.'

Burgard also showed MailOnline exclusive interview footage with a 27-year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol who left his job because of the changing conditions on the ground.

'I retired early because I was told I had to release a group of criminals because they may be DREAM Act people,' the agent says, his face shielded because he feared reprisals.

'I just could not see releasing these people who were convicted of crimes back into American society. I voiced my opinion. I was told basically to just shut up and do what I was told.'

Two members of the Texas congressional delegation, both Republicans, reacted with anger when MailOnline showed them a set of five photos of dead border-crossers.

'How many precious lives must be needlessly lost, women raped, girls forced into sex trafficking or people trapped into the drug trade before the Obama administration stops luring them here with continued grants of amnesty, legal status, work permits, and benefits?' asked Rep. Louie Gohmert.

'Democrats don't care that Obama's rhetoric is getting people killed,' Rep. Steve Stockman added.

'They come here specifically because they believe Obama will give them amnesty. Democrats are willing to let illegals risk their lives just so Democrats can have a wedge issue to agitate their liberal base before an election.'

Rep. Rubén Hinojosa, the Democrat who represents Brooks County, told MailOnline that illegal immigrant deaths in Brooks County are 'a stain on the American way.'

'I say this because so many lives could have been saved if we had a Comprehensive Immigration Bill in place,' he added.

Hinojosa didn't say how passing legislation favored by the White House would save lives, but insisted that 'better immigration laws for our country' would 'hopefully prevent migrant deaths.'

He said relatives of the dead have visited his office. 'I have heard their painful stories of not knowing what happened to their loved ones, and my heart aches for them.'

'My office has worked with Brooks County officials on trying to find federal funding to help them identify and bury the dead.'

Vickers said no local or county government in his part of Texas has received any federal reimbursement for those costs. And he's not impressed with how his congressman is responding.

Hinojosa 'wants open borders,' he said. 'He tells his constituents that "I'm going to do whatever my president tells me to do." Not what his constituents want him to do.'

For the mild-mannered vet, the buck stops in the Oval Office.

'All this blood we see out here is on Obama's hands.'


There is nothing cold hearted about US citizens wanting to return illegal immigrants to their home country's because it would more than likely stop the deaths of people attemptig to do the same thing.

If you have the stomach for the truth watch this video.

Real Life in Texas
70 miles north
of the Border.

Published on Aug 1, 2014

While the tidal wave of women and children surrendering to Border Patrol has captured America's attention, this is what life is like for regular Americans who have to deal with the greater majority of traffic that is not being apprehended.

Video Link



Hamas is attacking... Israel is defending.... Russia is invading....
The Middle East is smoldering... Boko Haram is massacring.... ISIS is marching...
Iran and N Korea are threatening.... American cities are crumbling...
Our southern border is dissolving.... Our debt is skyrocketing... Americans are
hurting.... Our enemies are laughing.... Obuma is fundraising...

...Please take it easy on our POS President Obuma, it is his first REAL job!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


For those that believe in and trust our present government!
Our government does exploit children and young people
and it does create unrest. Please Read the following:

US reportedly dispatched
Latin Americans to foment
Cuba political change

WASHINGTON –  An Obama administration program secretly dispatched young Latin Americans to Cuba using the cover of health and civic programs to provoke political change, a clandestine operation that put those foreigners in danger even after a U.S. contractor was hauled away to a Cuban jail.

Beginning as early as October 2009, a project overseen by the U.S. Agency for International Development sent Venezuelan, Costa Rican and Peruvian young people to Cuba in hopes of ginning up rebellion. The travelers worked undercover, often posing as tourists, and traveled around the island scouting for people they could turn into political activists.

In one case, the workers formed an HIV-prevention workshop that memos called "the perfect excuse" for the program's political goals -- a gambit that could undermine America's efforts to improve health globally.

But their efforts were fraught with incompetence and risk, an Associated Press investigation found: Cuban authorities questioned who was bankrolling the travelers. The young workers nearly blew their mission to "identify potential social-change actors." One said he got a paltry, 30-minute seminar on how to evade Cuban intelligence, and there appeared to be no safety net for the inexperienced workers if they were caught.

"Although there is never total certainty, trust that the authorities will not try to harm you physically, only frighten you," read a memo obtained by the AP. "Remember that the Cuban government prefers to avoid negative media reports abroad, so a beaten foreigner is not convenient for them."

In all, nearly a dozen Latin Americans served in the program in Cuba, for pay as low as $5.41 an hour.

The AP found USAID and its contractor, Creative Associates International, continued the program even as U.S. officials privately told their government contractors to consider suspending travel to Cuba after the arrest of contractor Alan Gross, who remains imprisoned after smuggling in sensitive technology.

"We value your safety," one senior USAID official said in an email. "The guidance applies to ALL travelers to the island, not just American citizens," another official said.

The revelations of the USAID program come as the White House faces questions about the once-secret "Cuban Twitter" project, known as ZunZuneo. That program, launched by USAID in 2009 and uncovered by the AP in April, established a primitive social media network under the noses of Cuban officials. USAID's inspector general is investigating that program, which ended in September, 2012.

Officials said USAID launched "discreet" programs like ZunZuneo to increase the flow of information in a country that heavily restricts it. But the AP's earlier investigation found ZunZuneo was political in nature and drew in subscribers unaware that the service was paid for by the U.S. government.

"USAID and the Obama administration are committed to supporting the Cuban people's desire to freely determine their own future," the agency said in response to written questions from the AP. "USAID works with independent youth groups in Cuba on community service projects, public health, the arts and other opportunities to engage publicly, consistent with democracy programs worldwide."

In a statement late Sunday, USAID said the HIV workshop had a dual purpose: It "enabled support for Cuban civil society while providing a secondary benefit of addressing the desire Cubans expressed for information and training about HIV prevention."

Creative Associates declined to comment, referring questions to USAID.

Both ZunZuneo and the travelers program were part of a larger, multimillion-dollar effort by USAID to effect change in politically volatile countries, government data show. But the programs reviewed by the AP didn't appear to achieve their goals and operated under an agency known more for its international-aid work than stealthy operations. The CIA recently pledged to stop using vaccine programs to gather intelligence, such as one in Pakistan that targeted Osama bin Laden.

The travelers program was launched when newly inaugurated President Barack Obama's administration was talking about a "new beginning" with Cuba after decades of mistrust, raising questions about whether the White House had a coherent policy toward the island nation.

Drawing on documents and interviews worldwide, the AP found the travelers program went to extensive lengths to hide the workers' activities. They were to communicate in code: "I have a headache" meant they suspected they were being monitored by Cuban authorities; "Your sister is ill" was an order to cut their trip short.

"We worked it so that the government here didn't know we were traveling to Cuba and helping these groups," said Yajaira Andrade, a former administrator with a Venezuelan organization. "Because that was when (President Hugo) Chavez was in power, and if he had known about us -- that some Venezuelans were working to stir rebellion -- we would have been thrown in jail."

To evade Cuban authorities, travelers installed innocent-looking content on their laptops to mask sensitive information they were carrying. They also used encrypted memory sticks to hide their files and sent obviously encrypted emails using a system that might have drawn suspicion.

It is illegal in Cuba to work with foreign democracy-building programs. Nevertheless, one contract was signed days after Gross' detention.

"They arrested a contractor from another agency. That could be dangerous," one Skype message between two project workers would later read. "Thank God he's not one of ours."

Documents show Creative Associates approved the use of the travelers' relatives to carry cash to the Cuban contacts. But the family members weren't to be told that the funds were from the U.S. government.

Hector Baranda, who was a college student in Cuba when he was befriended by a group of traveling Venezuelans, said he was surprised to hear from the AP they were working for the U.S. government and had profiled him.

"How would you feel if you offered your sincere friendship and received this kind of news?" Baranda asked.

The travelers' project was paid for under the same pot of federal money that paid for the ZunZuneo program. But USAID has yet to provide the AP with a complete copy of the Cuban contracts under a Freedom of Information Act request filed more than three months ago.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was in office during the program and is a likely Democratic presidential candidate in 2016, said in her new book "Hard Choices" that she was pleased "to see change slowly creeping into the country."

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