Bellamy's Pledge of Allegiance . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, June 24, 2014, 06:07:54 AM

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The Pledge of Allegiance -
'Under God' Explained By Red Skelton

A church official says the clergyman credited with helping to push Congress to insert the phrase "under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance has died in Alexandria, Pa. The Rev. George M. Docherty was 97.

Nancy Taylor, historian for the Huntingdon Presbyterian Church, says Docherty died on Thanksgiving at his home in Alexandria, with his wife, Sue, by his side.

Docherty delivered a sermon saying the pledge should acknowledge God in 1952 at Washington's New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, just blocks from the White House.

On Feb. 7, 1954, he delivered it again after learning that President Dwight Eisenhower would be at the church.

Congress inserted the words a few months later.

Renowned painter Jon McNaughton talks about his latest painting
"One Nation Under God"
and the message this amazing painting portrays.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Warph, it was Abraham Lincoln who was the first president to call these united States a nation.  We're a union of states, not a nation.   

Do you like operating under the thinking of the Abraham Lincoln regime or do you prefer real Americanism?  If you're with Lincoln, then you really shouldn't complain too much about the Bush Obama presidency.

The Pledge of Allegiance is socialist and was introduced thru the government's schools to indoctrinate the students.  It has. 

The State Boards of Education are the invention of the Federals after the Civil War.  Go figure. 


Quote from: larryJ on June 25, 2014, 10:30:31 AM
Probably a good call, Diane, but I will venture into this one.

A flag is a symbol of a country.  Every country (that I know of) has one.  A flag can be a symbol of a large corporation and many have them.  Social organizations can have their own flags as well.  So flags are a way of signifying something.  As to the Pledge of Allegiance, reciting it merely means that one is pledging allegiance to a flag which in this case represents the United States of America.  Pledging to the Republic......yada yada yada.

What it really means at the end of the day is what does the flag mean to anyone person.  To some it means nothing more than that is just a flag that has been around a long time and everybody knows it.  To others it represents the freedoms described by our Constitution.  To a veteran it represents the country and the people he stood for.  To my wife it means a remembrance of her father who fought in World War II and was buried with military honors.....the flag folded and given to her.........and sits in its place of honor on a shelf at the end of a hallway.......resting in a triangular wooden case.....triangle because that was the way the soldiers folded it at the funeral.

So what does the pledge or the flag mean to anybody?

To me...........being a veteran it represents what I gave up two years of my life for (good thing?) represents what people like my father-in-law sacrificed many years of his life and put that life in danger in the South Pacific to protect the freedoms given to us by the Constitution of the country that the flag represents.  It means maybe different things to different people.

Funny, but, there is no regulation that says you have to say the Pledge of Allegiance or even salute the American flag when it passes you in a parade.  You have that right as an American citizen.

Me?  I will salute that flag when it passes me by and I will recite the Pledge of Allegiance when prompted.  I am not just doing it because it is the thing to do.  I am honoring those who died for this country and this is the way I can do it.

So, Red, if you choose not to recite the Pledge, that is your prerogative.  I am truly ashamed as an American that you don't.


You have quite an extended wild idea about the Pledge and a link to the flag.  Don't know why you're linking it to the military or veterans.  During the time of the Pledge, this country has gone downhill and the Pledge has only helped dumb-down America to introduce more socialism and now we're in the 14th year of the Bush Obama Presidency. 

Isn't it time that we learn to be ashamed of socialism instead of being ashamed of someone who does not recite the socialist Pledge of Allegiance?


Quote from: Catwoman on June 25, 2014, 04:28:42 PM
:police:  I say the Pledge in honor of my country...In honor of every single person who has lost their ability to ever say it out loud again because they spilled their blood to keep this country free...In honor of every living man and woman who has given up part of their life to serve this country, whether it be in the military or in civil service...And to keep reminded that I owe allegiance to the country that has mothered my family, kept us safe and allowed us the greatest amount of freedom known on this God's earth.  I might be a middle-aged to older woman (depending on the day) but I wouldn't hesitate to pick up a gun and help defend my country if it were attacked.  My country is worthy of my loyalty.

Catwoman you're as liberal and socialistic as ever.  We have our liberty and freedom and it was not the Federals of the USA who allowed our freedom.  The Constitution secures our liberty - at least until another law is passed and another freedom is lost. 

You don't have to wait until the time comes for you to pick up a gun if the country is attacked, right now you can defend the Constitution against socialism and liberalism here in this country without a gun, if you ever choose to do so. 

As it is now, if I had school-age kids, I'd never allow them to attend your classes in your government school.


Quote from: frawin on June 25, 2014, 04:34:05 PM
Well said Catwoman as usual. You have to consider the twisted mentality by the original poster of this. Topic.

Frawin, I wonder how many there were in the old Soviet Union who were labeled kooks or said to have a twisted mentality and then sent to Siberia?     

There's all kinds of people in the States who never recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  Suggest that you go back and read the article that I posted.  You might learn some truths about America that your government schooling didn't want you to know.  It happens all the time.

By the way, please keep in mind that many American patriots never recited the pledge and apparently you have.



"You have quite an extended wild idea about the Pledge and a link to the flag.  Don't know why you're linking it to the military or veterans."

A wild idea?  Perhaps because you don't say the Pledge of Allegiance, you don't hear the words.  "I pledge allegiance to the flag......" means just that.  As for the military, all who have been in the military have fond memories of standing in a formation, rain or shine, early in the morning to salute the flag as it is being raised.  And standing in a formation in the evening as it is lowered, day in and day out.  Those who have been to or seen a military funeral know that the flag is folded and given to the relative of the deceased.  So if you pledge allegiance to the flag and that flag is honored and respected by the military, there is your link.

As for my last post on this subject, I said that as an American I am ashamed that you don't (recite the Pledge).  I would like to amend that and say........That as an American citizen, not socialist, not liberal, not anything, but an American citizen, I am ashamed that you don't (recite the Pledge.) 

If it should become necessary to defend this country, it will make no difference if you are socialist or liberal.  If someone crosses our borders with the intent of conquering us, they are not going to care if you are socialist or liberal. 


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...



Ditto, Larry.  There is too much disrespect in this country today.


Quote from: larryJ on June 30, 2014, 09:21:58 AM
"You have quite an extended wild idea about the Pledge and a link to the flag.  Don't know why you're linking it to the military or veterans."

A wild idea?  Perhaps because you don't say the Pledge of Allegiance, you don't hear the words.  "I pledge allegiance to the flag......" means just that.  As for the military, all who have been in the military have fond memories of standing in a formation, rain or shine, early in the morning to salute the flag as it is being raised.  And standing in a formation in the evening as it is lowered, day in and day out.  Those who have been to or seen a military funeral know that the flag is folded and given to the relative of the deceased.  So if you pledge allegiance to the flag and that flag is honored and respected by the military, there is your link.

As for my last post on this subject, I said that as an American I am ashamed that you don't (recite the Pledge).  I would like to amend that and say........That as an American citizen, not socialist, not liberal, not anything, but an American citizen, I am ashamed that you don't (recite the Pledge.) 

If it should become necessary to defend this country, it will make no difference if you are socialist or liberal.  If someone crosses our borders with the intent of conquering us, they are not going to care if you are socialist or liberal. 


There are military men who will not recite the Pledge.

So do you think that the Pledge of Allegiance is meant to be a check to see who is reciting it or not?  Like whether they are Patriotic or not?  However since the founders and those Americans to about the 1940's did not recite the thing, should their Patriotism be questioned too.     

You do not seem to mind that socialism and liberals are making huge gains in America. 
It's no wonder you're a Pledger.

The Pledge of Allegiance is socialist and nationalist, not patriotic.

Diane Amberg

So, what does that make the 4-H pledge and the Girl and Boy Scout pledges? You must think Eagle Scouts are part of the Hitler Youth movement! >:(

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