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Started by daisy, June 01, 2014, 05:30:34 PM

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Quote from: Catwoman on June 09, 2014, 06:29:39 PM
Actually...The State average is the "average" to balance everything else against.  There is no 'performance above the center'.  <sigh>  Keep on with the keeping on, Ross.  :P

That thinking is just moronic.

I suppose if the scoring was on a scale of 0 to 100 there would be no   'performance above the center'.

Is that how you operated as a teacher?

The ACT scale has a scale of 0 to 36.  With 0 being the worst and 36 being the best.
Just because everyone only scores at 20 or 22 does not make that the best possible score.
36 is the best possible score no matter how you try to disguise or twist the chart to make yourself feel good about average.

Poor is poor no matter how many school districts or states score low.

The educational standards across the country have been falling for the last two decades or better.

Do you tell a child that gets a C that their is no room for improvement.

Give me a break!


I am beyond impressed that you knew how to google how high the scale for the test goes.  I was merely pointing out that the measurement of the graph was against the average OF THE STATE.  I give up.  Ross, you bludgeon the common sense out of the most stalwart individual.  If you ever do indeed manage to learn how to correctly interpret the data that you attempt to claim as the backup for your myriad opinions, it will help immensely.  I have put you on my ignore list and will not be wasting any more time on this.  I had forgotten the most important saying...Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it merely wastes your time and irritates the pig.  Now...Since you are hardwired to have to have the last word...Post away.  I won't see them.  :P   


Quote from: Catwoman on June 09, 2014, 07:48:03 PM
I am beyond impressed that you knew how to google how high the scale for the test goes.

Brilliant, did you not look at the chart I posted? The score was right there!
How amazing of you not to notice! Must be all that higher education!

Quote from: Catwoman on June 09, 2014, 07:48:03 PM
  I was merely pointing out that the measurement of the graph was against the average OF THE STATE.

You mean you were simply pointing out what you think things should be, without knowing, don't you?

Quote from: Catwoman on June 09, 2014, 07:48:03 PM
I give up.  Ross, you bludgeon the common sense out of the most stalwart individual.  If you ever do indeed manage to learn how to correctly interpret the data that you attempt to claim as the backup for your myriad opinions, it will help immensely.

You mean, you can not deal with the true facts and therefore attempt to put me down?
You fail, sorry. And your interpretation is flawed. I did not interpret the information, I accepted it at face value.

Quote from: Catwoman on June 09, 2014, 07:48:03 PM
I have put you on my ignore list and will not be wasting any more time on this.  I had forgotten the most important saying...Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it merely wastes your time and irritates the pig.  Now...Since you are hardwired to have to have the last word...Post away.  I won't see them.  :P

Oh, you put me on your ignore list many, many months ago. And look, you failed, again.

Well, Miss Piggy your squealing is not singing. Try reading on about the ACT scores.
And remember the State Average Score is the Average Score of all Schools in a particular State.
It is not what you want it to be, it is what it is.

And please take a seat beside Diane on the ignore list and my blessings to you!

Continuing on with the ACT Scores, just so you know the facts!

You said:
Quote from: Catwoman on June 09, 2014, 06:29:39 PM
Actually...The State average is the "average" to balance everything else against.  There is no 'performance above the center'.  <sigh>  Keep on with the keeping on, Ross.  :P

ACT Scoring
How ACT Test Scoring Works

Before your child takes the ACT, it's a good idea for him or her to be familiar with how the ACT test scoring works. Here are the basics of what your child needs to know.

Scoring for the Multiple-Choice Sections (English, Math, Reading, and Science)
•Students earn 1 point for each correct answer and neither lose nor gain points for each omitted or incorrect answer.
•A student's raw score for a section is calculated by determining the number of questions answered correctly in that section. Example: If a student answered 60 questions correctly in the English section, his English raw score would be 60.
A student's raw score for a section is converted to a scaled score, which ranges between a 1 and a 36, with 36 being the highest possible score. Students receive a scaled score for each of the four multiple-choice test sections (English, Math, Reading, and Science).
•A student's composite ACT score is the average of the student's scaled scores for the four multiple-choice test sections. Example: If a student scored a 24 English, 28 Math, 26 Reading, and 23 Science, his composite ACT score would be (24 + 28 + 26 + 23)/4 = 25.25, which is rounded down to a 25.



What Do My Scores Mean?

Your scores are between 1 (the lowest score you can receive) and 32 (the highest score you can receive).
PLAN takes the number of questions you got right on each test and translates it into a number between 1 and 32.

Just like grades, your scores tell you how well you did on each test.



Teacher do you care to continue with there is no  'performance above the center', crap which is 22 ?

And guess what, I don't sing and I can't carry a tune in a bucket. So, please save your breath trying to teach this pig to sing.

I did provide the links so you can check for yourself, honest injun!
Now you really must be amazed at the depth of my abilities to utilize the internet!
Perhaps you should try it?
It's been fun, it's been real and it's been real fun!

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