Welcome to the Let's Bash West Elk Schools

Started by daisy, June 01, 2014, 05:30:34 PM

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I am so tired of Ross bashing West Elk Schools.  My children attend West Elk, and I am aware of the superb education they are getting.  It saddens me how he is constantly slamming the educational system, as if it were sub-par.  The graduating class has earned over 700,000 dollars in scholarship money, the scholar's bowl team placed second in state competition, the math team has dominated the league for years, the FCCLA teacher was the 2013 recipient of  Kansas Association  for Career and Technical Teacher of the Year,  and the other caring educators that challenge students daily to set goals and achieve them. 

I don't care how you feel about the bond issue, that is your right.  But to constantly attack the educational system at West Elk and the lack of West Elk being a Blue Ribbon school is tiresome.  There are many wonderful schools that have not received that type of recognition.   I am proud of the educational system that is West Elk.


Quote from: daisy on June 01, 2014, 05:30:34 PM
I am so tired of Ross bashing West Elk Schools.  My children attend West Elk, and I am aware of the superb education they are getting.  It saddens me how he is constantly slamming the educational system, as if it were sub-par.

So you want to bash me, that's okay, go for it!

What bashing? Is telling the truth bashing? If so I plead guilty?

The State Government and The Federal Government have all said that educational standards have dropped considerably over the last twenty years?

Do you deny that there is room for improvement?

And now the National Government and Corporate America want to take over our schools via Common Core. And who is paying attention?

Isn't it time to wake up, America!

Quote from: daisy on June 01, 2014, 05:30:34 PM
The graduating class has earned over 700,000 dollars in scholarship money, the scholar's bowl team placed second in state competition, the math team has dominated the league for years, the FCCLA teacher was the 2013 recipient of  Kansas Association  for Career and Technical Teacher of the Year,  and the other caring educators that challenge students daily to set goals and achieve them. 

Scholarship monies happen in all schools and yes, there is always a few kids that get them. There are schools that get a heck of a lot more money in Scholarships. That really changes nothing. You are only discussing a few of the kids! What about all the rest? Don't they count?

Quote from: daisy on June 01, 2014, 05:30:34 PM
I don't care how you feel about the bond issue, that is your right.  But to constantly attack the educational system at West Elk and the lack of West Elk being a Blue Ribbon school is tiresome.  There are many wonderful schools that have not received that type of recogniution.   I am proud of the educational system that is West Elk.

Fine, you are entitled to be just as proud as you want.
However, do you deny that there is room for improvement?

If you have a problem with what I have posted and provide links for on the other threads, perhaps you could do some search and studying of what educators are saying across the US of A.

Read a little on the Dumbing down of America.
It is not just West Elk, but West Elk is what I support with my taxes.
If you had attended School Board Meetings you might have picked up on some attitude amongst the people that work there?

Just take a look at the following chart. The ACT Scores go as high as 36.0 and please
Notice the drop from 2011 to 2012 and again to 2013. You just can't say I made this up, now can you?

ACT Scores For West Elk

What is your take on Common Core?
Do you know where Common Originated?
Do you know who is responsible for the curriculum for Common Core?

Its Okay bash me for wanting better for the kids, instead of looking for improvement for all of the children.
As long as a few excel forget the rest is that the idea.


Quote from: daisy on June 01, 2014, 05:30:34 PM
I am so tired of Ross bashing West Elk Schools.  My children attend West Elk, and I am aware of the superb education they are getting.  It saddens me how he is constantly slamming the educational system, as if it were sub-par.  The graduating class has earned over 700,000 dollars in scholarship money, the scholar's bowl team placed second in state competition, the math team has dominated the league for years, the FCCLA teacher was the 2013 recipient of  Kansas Association  for Career and Technical Teacher of the Year,  and the other caring educators that challenge students daily to set goals and achieve them. 

I don't care how you feel about the bond issue, that is your right.  But to constantly attack the educational system at West Elk and the lack of West Elk being a Blue Ribbon school is tiresome.  There are many wonderful schools that have not received that type of recognition.   I am proud of the educational system that is West Elk.

The point really is not that West Elk is bad but the leadership sucks.  West Elk is an awesome school for those very reasons you point out.  And imagine that... they did it without $4,000,000.00 of "improvements".  Now don't go say, "And just think what they could do if..."  Not going to fly.  They still don't need $4,000,000.00.  They seem to be doing just fine. 

Integrity is doing what is right when no one else is watching.




It appears that Ross's point about only a few students doing well is misguided.  By my count, 27 of West Elk's 33 graduating seniors received some type of scholarship or grant.  So  6 of them didn't.  I say kudos to the 81% who did.


I've read Daisy's post several times - I don't see it as bashing Ross. Sorry.

I do see her as not liking the type of posts Ross has contributed to the forum; I understood her to say she doesn't like the constant negativity about West Elk by Ross.

I agree.

I think the West Elk school system is excellent, and superior to others in the area. Are all the teachers perfect? No. Do they make mistakes? Yes. As a whole, though, they are terrific and wonderful and dedicated and will work to teach the students they have.


I guess there is just no room for improvement at West Elk.

It is a perfect School and should be listed as a Blue Ribbon School and should be herald across the nation.

You rock West Elk no need for improvement, no room for Educational growth.

Just room for more sports.

The perfect school should not need new construction either.

Sorry for putting you folks out.

Now perhaps now you can sleep better at night.

Thank you for your indulgence, it has been a real pleasure conversing with you folks.


good info Dan. Congratulations to all the graduating classes in the area.

Diane Amberg

Are all the seniors going on to further education?

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