News Items From Old Files, 1911 (Twenty Years ago column)

Started by genealogynut, November 30, 2006, 01:37:02 PM

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Howard Courant
April 20, 1911


From the Howard Courant Citizen, April 17, 1891, Thompson & Son, publishers;

Last Monday afternoon, the 13th, about four in the afternoon this neighborhood was visited by the heaviest storm of hail and rain ever experienced since the earliest times.  For over an hour the rain descended in torrents and for at least 45 minutes the rain was accompanied by hail.  Wabash Ave. ran like a river, the water rising so high it run in the store doors, completely flooding and covering the side walks.  Some window glass was destroyed though the hail stones were not very large.  The face of the country was literally covered with hail till it looked white as snow.  The streams north of town were out of their banks in less than an hour and Snake creek was a mile wide.  Wooden sidewalks were washed away, and the water in the O.K. Stables (the old skating rink) was two or three feet deep.  The water rushed down through Dr. Costello's yard and on south in a river four or five feet deep.  After the storm was over and the waters lowered, the hail stones were frequently to be found in banks two and three feet deep.  The water in the stream was so chilled that fish were rendered stiff and helpless and men and boys captured them in large numbers.  In draws and ravines along the streams where drifts and trash collected, hail stones were found days after the storm.  Much damage was done along Paw Paw Rock creek and Snake Creek, but the storm was local, and the damage was not widespread.........Mrs. S. J. Haines, Mrs. Johnnny Hughes and Mrs. Haines little daughter were down by the river, fishing when the storm of last Monday took place and were out in all the rain and hail.  They were severely pelted by the hail and almost drowned by the rain.  The storm subsided about the time they reached town.........Thompson & Hubbell's new furniture store is open to the public, north of Burchfield's store..........A lot of railraod track was washed out north of town by last Monday's flood and the trains were not running Tuesday........A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stewart the 14th........Rev. Stafford was bit by a dog while walking down the street, last Tuesday.  The dog is not mad, but Rev. Stafford is.............Dr. Willard is building an office on the corner of his lots west of the bank building.  It is blue limestone and will make a model office suite.  (Now Dr. Hayes office).....A three year old son of George Steele of Grenola was run over and killed by a locomotive......


How appropriate!  A report of a long ago severe storm while we are watching the current one.


Howard Courant
November 23, 1911

From the Howard Courant, Nov. 27, 1891, Thompson & Son, publishers;  Elder John T. Bays, preacher in the Campbellite church, who was announced dead, is very much alive, and many Elk County friends are glad...........Joe Masey of Colorado, is visiting his old-time friend, Noyes Barber.......W.D. Parker of Ottawa, was here last week visitng his old-time friends. All were glad to see him.......Miss Ann Eby has resigned her position in the Howard National Bank and gone to her old home at Marion, Ind.  She has been oppressed with a nervous disorder for some months and her many Howard friends are sorry indeed that she is compelled to give up her work here........Val Momma is now to be found permanently with Jackson & Roth grocers........Dr. Watkins Medicine Co. is holding forth at the Opera House.......Ambrose Yancey, Sr. of south of Grenola advertises his big ranch for sale.........U. D. Burchfield was in Kansas City the last of last week on business......Miss Amy Richolson of Elk Falls was in town this week visiting her brother, J. A. Richolson....Miss Gertie Doud of Eureka is visiting in Howard this week, the guest of Miss Gertie Momma.......A marriage license was issued on the 11th inst to W. H. Sherwin, 35, and Miss Nellie Miller, 18, both of Longton.....Henry Campbell and Miss Josie Hutchinson, both of Union Center, were married the 10th, by Rev. J. T. Hays.......Chas. Rush of Cheney, Ills, was married to Kate Coile, Sept 29.......

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