'Donald Sterling is a Racist' . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, May 13, 2014, 07:52:46 AM

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Minorities and less preferred people always do better when there are open markets instead of regulated markets.
-Walter Williams



this article is just more proof of how much of a joke this author is.  He completely omits the fact that Sterling was the defendant in one of the biggest racial discriminatory housing cases in the nation's history.  That one fact alone completely destroys Williams' entire argument.  How convenient that it was left out.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


So what if Williams omitted Sterling's discrimination?  That doesn't prove a thing except that you're on the side of government to steal individual liberty in America.

The only real crime of "discrimination" is the government taking the peoples' money and/or property and giving it to their people for the government's own tyrannical reasons.  There are those who worship the things that government does and the schools and universities teach indoctrinate their students with that doctrine.  By the way, that's the foundation of yer good ole Republican party.     

After the civil war in 1865 the northerners separated the whites and blacks in the South just like they already had 'em in the north.  Then in the 1960's they created forced intergration to be enforced by the government.  You could be called a racist (or negative) if you don't go along with the tyrants or government practices.   

Now as for Sterling - I don't know anything about Sterling's past discrimination.  Probably it was a violation of HUD rules.  HUD is an unconstitutional part of government.  They're administrative tyrants created by Congress and it's for them and their kind that we are losing our liberty in this country.   

You seem to lean pretty heavily towards the historical and modern Republican party.  Tyrants.  Is that about right for you?



Either you didn't read the article you posted, or you didn't understand it.  The author tried to draw a line between public racism and private racism.  He said Sterling had never before shown any racism in public.  Then he made arguments based on that idea.  The entire premise of his argument is false, because he omitted those facts I spoke about in my previous post.  So which is it, did you not read it, or did you not understand it?

Then you say that the northerners forced segregation on the south, and that the north was already segregated.  Thats a blatantly false statement.  The north was integrated prior to the civil war, blacks and whites shared many public facilities.  After the civil war, SOUTHERN STATES enacted their own Jim crow laws, and those were upheld by the supreme court in plessy v. ferguson as a legal application of state sovereignty.  Not until the 60's in Brown v. board of education was segregation struck down.

Next you talk about Sterling's housing discrimination being a violation of HUD rules.  It is.  Hud's rules are based on laws passed by congress, Hud enforces federal laws.  Housing discrimination is a violation of FEDERAL law.  They have a right to regulate interstate commerce, and to protect the rights of individual citizens under the 14th amendment.  Such discrimination is also a violation of California state law, and the California state constitution.

As for my party leanings, you used to call me a liberal democrat.  In your crazy, mad world, I somehow did a 180 in a few short years of being absent on these forums.  It doesn't matter what I answer, you have your opinion.  I'm pretty sure you're an anarchist, and you won't be happy until the federal government is abolished, so we can join the only other country without a central government (Somalia) in its misery.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


I read it and I understand - and I understand that you are a liberal who has been influenced by the early Republican stronghold on this country and its re-constructed Democrat party.

As for your favorite 14th Amendment, that's a Republican thing too.

Anmar, you're locked into the indoctrination that you've received from your government education.  Good luck to you to ever see the American truths by freeing yourself from the grip of Republicanism.


Do you even know what the 14th amendment says?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


It ought to be repealed, however Obama and the Republicans will never support that.  They're too much like-minded.


You think the protection of individual liberties afforded by the 14th amendment should be repealed?  We're talking Due Process and equal protection....

You're crazier than I thought.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


You, like most Republicans, prefer a more powerful Federal government to rule the States (and the world).

Real liberty is the liberty of the Constitution before the 14th Amendment was forced upon Americans.  Tyrants prefer the 14th Amendment.

The Confederate military was the last American military to fight for the Constitution. 



You're crazy.  The 14th amendment limits federal powers....
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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