West Elk district holding mail election for $4 million bond

Started by Mom70x7, May 21, 2014, 05:05:22 PM

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West Elk USD - 282 Bond Issue

Voting YES
3 (37.5%)
Voting NO
5 (62.5%)

Total Members Voted: 8

Voting closed: June 07, 2014, 09:02:10 AM

Diane Amberg

When he has asked me questions, some very personal and rather rude and  sometimes are actually disguised accusations, I answer the same way every time and never until I'm sure I know what I'm talking about. He just disregards my answers as if I'm invisible, and sometimes plays not-so -cute games suggesting that Liz is writing as me. What kind of looney tune suggests that? That cost him his credibility as far as I'm concerned...not that it matters.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 23, 2014, 04:42:45 PM
When he has asked me questions, some very personal and rather rude and  sometimes are actually disguised accusations, I answer the same way every time and never until I'm sure I know what I'm talking about. He just disregards my answers as if I'm invisible, and sometimes plays not-so -cute games suggesting that Liz is writing as me. What kind of looney tune suggests that? That cost him his credibility as far as I'm concerned...not that it matters.

So stop answering him then.  On this area of the forum, you have to put on your big girl panties and deal with it.  Ross is going to post what ever Ross is going to post.  Nothing has changed that I can see, so what???  Maybe Ross isn't trying to find the answers so much that he is trying to make people read, think and decide for themselves? 
Integrity is doing what is right when no one else is watching.


It is extremely difficult to remain aloof when someone is on the opposite side of an issue. There are several folks who support this issue that are among those whom I consider friends and whom I respect deeply. I always enjoy a discussion about issues and try to ignore, (though not always successfully), those who get a little too personal. If you can make me think about an issue, rave on. I'm listening. Ross is a little rough around the edges, but spot on about the school bond issue. And if those of you who support the school bond issue want to put in their opinion about this issue, I am listening. I have not voted yet, haven't gotten a ballot yet so there is time.  :-* :-*


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 23, 2014, 04:05:01 PM
I find it interesting that on one hand Ross wants to be considered knowledgeable of everything Elk County, but then tells folks not to believe a word he says.

Oh lookey look, the figment of my imagination has returned as a psychiatrist.
But, that shrink still lacks comprehensive skills, way up there in Delaware. Such a shame.

First figment, I have never said, I wanted to be "considered knowledgeable of everything in Elk County." Get a grip woman.

I do not tell folks not to believe a word I say, what I have said is, I don't expect them to believe a word I say, but that they might consider discussing it with their friends and families. Nothing more.

Here is a person that comprehends what I am saying and have been saying all along.

Quote from: nykkylsdymes on May 23, 2014, 02:57:57 PM
Stay at it Ross, keep the people informed and let them decide.  There are two sides to every story and most times the real story never gets aired.

Thank you nykkylsdymes I appreciate your input!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 23, 2014, 04:05:01 PM
  Is he a pathological liar? That makes his "information" and opinions very unreliable. Does he really not know any better?

No figment, I am not a pathological liar, thanks for getting that out.
But figment you really do try real hard with statements like, "That makes his "information" and opinions very unreliable." Your attempt at discrediting me has just been shot to all to hell, once again.   I have never demanded anyone do anything. I must have a hole in my tin foil hat, LOL

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 23, 2014, 04:05:01 PM
People have answered many of his questions over and over and he just disregards them. What's that all about?. 

Oh, no they haven't figment, they have only responded, but without proper answers.
Besides, today we are discussing a different subject --- the West Elk School Board  bond issue. Catch up please.

Which brings to mind figment, I know of at least two Board Members that are Elk Konnected and since you are Konnected perhaps you can answer a question!
How many other Board Members are Elk Konnected? With all you knowledge of Elk County way up there in Delaware and your Konnections in Elk County this should be very to answer.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 23, 2014, 04:05:01 PM
Personally, I taught for a number of years in a detached portable and it was fine, so I don't know what the problem is there, aside from storm fears.

Very weird, something positive from the figment of my imagination.
Couriosity killed the cat, but I ain't no cat.
So Diane, how many year did you actually teach and what Grades?
So lets hear your answers, if answers are so forth coming, as you declare.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on May 23, 2014, 07:16:30 PM
Ross is a little rough around the edges, but spot on about the school bond issue.

Sixdogsmom thank you!
You are very Generous! 
I think, I am very rough around the edges.
And I fail at political correctness.
Also I won't tell people what they want to hear versus the truth.
I still have a lot of sailor in me too!

Oh one other fault I was never known as a suck up or an ass kisser.

It's a no brainer! Why waste taxpayer dollars because, as the Board President said, " My kids will grow up and graduate with out ever knowing the pleasure of playing in a new gymnasium."

If he wants to provide a new gymnasium for his children, I encourage him to do so on his own property and with his own money. That way they won't feel deprived and daddy gets all the glory.


I live in rural Grenola and yes I am very CONNECTED to the county as a whole.  Diane is not a figment of your warped imagination, she is a concerned person as are a lot of people.


Quote from: Nancy on May 23, 2014, 09:35:20 PM
I live in rural Grenola and yes I am very CONNECTED to the county as a whole.

I did not ask if you are connected, I asked if you are Konnected, big difference.
By the way I happen to think Grenola is a terrific little community.

Quote from: Nancy on May 23, 2014, 09:35:20 PM
Diane is not a figment of your warped imagination, she is a concerned person as are a lot of people.

There is nothing warped about my imagination except for your perception, so enjoy it all you want.
Diane of Delaware said she would never return or respond to my communications some time back and then did come back rather rudely and consequently I called her a figment of my imagination. Those that have been posting on here for sometime know what it is all about. And to clear the air even further, I happen to like Diane and her input. Life is great, don't you see?

That was a great attempt at admonishing me.

But none of that has anything to do with wasting taxpayers money does it?


I guess we are playing hopscotch from thread to thread again.
Is this an attempt to confuse matters? Just asking.
Anyway I moved my response to a tough question over here from http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.msg219684.html#msg219684  for the purpose of cohesion.

Quote from: Nancy on May 23, 2014, 07:17:30 AM
Ross, why are you so negative? The school board members are not all from Howard. The Moline and Severy grade schools were both closed. Yes it is sad to see any school closed but it does not mean it is all about Howard.

I don't recollect ever saying that the School Board Members are from Howard. Because I know they are not.

Why am I so negative, fair question?

Because someone has set up a no win situation that has already cost the taxpayers tens of thousands of wasted dollars on architects and $500,000.00 dollars on portable class rooms and now wants to waste $4,000,000.00 on replacing the portable class rooms with brick and mortar, with the main purpose of building a grade school gymnasium.

All that waste and they are including money from the state that has not yet materialized!

They are doing all this while there sets a perfectly good School Building in Moline with a Gymnasium and brick and mortar class rooms. That building should never have been closed. The school board for some reason unknown to us chose to close it even the vote on the last ballot showed that 75% of the voters said no. That is a very loud and positive "NO".

If you have read my post I do believe I have explained clearly how it is all  about Howard.
Just take a trip back to http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,16097.new.html#new to find the remarks.

Thank you for asking about my negativity. You see a negative can be a very positive thing. It is all a perception. I find your attitude very negative and I don't mean that in an ugly sense. I simply mean that you won't open your eyes to the fact that an unnecessary debt for the taxpayers is a very bad thing.

You also appear to have negative out look that a new bigger building will do something for education.  Buildings do not educate, sorry about that!

None of this negative or positive talk accomplishes anything. Talk about what is needed and what is affordable with the least debt, would be much more constructive, don't you think?

I will be moving a copy of this back to the other thread.

Thanks for your time communicating your opinion and challenging my negativity.

Isn't a giant debt for the taxpayer a negative?


An economist says:  Just as every action is motivated by an underlying incentive (really who is behind this foolishness), every decision has a related consequence.  (We the taxpayers with wallets will pay the consequences.)

Be SMART, be SENSIBLE, be FRUGAL, re-open the Moline Grade School and save millions and problems solved.

Reopening the Moline Grade School will gain the School Districts much more, more class rooms, a gymnasium, an auditorium and more restrooms for the children and a play ground. And far less crowding that employees are complaining about.

Be SMART, Be SENSIBLE, Be FRUGAL,   Just say," NO "

Diane Amberg

Thank you Nancy.I appreciate the positive comment. I do care.
Ross, I have answered your question about how long I taught and what grades so many times it's ridiculous to expect me to answer it again! What difference does it make anyway? My years of teaching won't help people decide about your bond issue.
I don't know how anyone can decide on your bond issues as long as several small towns are encouraged to have a win or lose attitude.
I would expect that the families who have children in any school would like the school to be large enough and nice looking enough to be workable and pleasant, and well fitted out enough to be effective. I do understand about the costs. Our referendums often fail here too, but for difference reasons.  BUT..nice looking to the eye doesn't have to be Taj Mahal expensive. We just proved that with our new Newark Charter High School. I just wish I could have helped you  long distance.
If the bond issues keeps on failing, then what? Is there a plan B? Will the schools eventually be closed in favor of little classes in church basements, if the population keeps declining as Ross says? Are roof leaks acceptable just because the student population is small? Reopening a mothballed school is not a cheap matter either. I'm sure there are also state regulations to consider. How old is the Moline school? How long has it been closed? Roof condition? any asbestos? heating and/or cooling? wiring age and condition? water leaks around windows or through walls? mold issues? vandalism? Has it been used for storage or anything else?
   By the way, I do not talk to Ross any more except for educational issues, on which I am certainly qualified to have an opinion.
What qualifies Ross to be an expert on space allocation and "wasted " space in a school?  As far as wasted tax dollars...it depends on who one asks and how they are connected to a school. Is school spending an investment or a drain on taxpayers? It depends on where one is in their life cycle.
Schools should never be a financial bottomless pit, but need to be able to prepare students for their future, whether it is continued education or a skilled occupation. That is more expensive than it used to be.

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